Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 639: What is holy light


In front of the storm dragon swooping in full force, Mograine knew in his heart that he had no room for dodge at all!

Indeed, the lance Mograine in the hands of the storm knight of Heidenil dodges, but what about the dragon's breath?

Compared with the five-color dragon, the storm dragon is primitive, wild, and low in IQ, but this does not mean that they are easy to deal with!

The breath of such a low-IQ dragon is equally deadly.

"Eh heh, go to death, slave!"

What should I do if I can't flash?

Hard to resist myself!

Mograine was helpless, he avoided the spear of the lance, and was sprayed all over by the cold dragon's breath.

Without a shield, Mograine couldn't even resist a shield.

For an instant, Mograine seemed to be dressed in a cold and heavy frost armor, and every movement was extremely difficult.

Then before Mograine recovered, the Storm Dragon turned its head and swooped down again-killing you while you were sick!

Before Mograine could even adjust his posture, he was sprayed with frost again by the frost dragon.

Turn around again, another frost...

Although Mograine barely avoided the stab of the dragon spear every time, he had to use his almost shirtless body to hold the breath of the Frost Dragon.

Soon, the frost on Mograine's body formed a thick layer of ice cocoon.

Mograine couldn't hear the cheers of the female soldiers of Heidenil outside.

At this moment, Mograine could only hear his faint heartbeat-that might be the first and last sound he made.

Puff, puff...

Mograine could feel that his thinking seemed to be frozen.

In the extreme cold, Mograine almost lost consciousness.

Crouching on the ground, Mograine took a rare posture of repentance-after becoming a lord, Mograine hadn't repented for a long time, and the Ashbringer hadn't tortured his heart for a long, long time.

Holy Light—My Holy Light!

Why am I falling here?

Is there anything I did that violated the way of the Holy Light?

No, everything I insist on is for justice-I am loyal to the king, fight for the people, and avenge my comrades-in-arms. What I do does not violate the Holy Light!

I should not fall here!

Once, in the pride and paranoia of the Scarlet Crusade, the Dreadlord skillfully used their emotions to lead them on a path of no return.

If the Scarlet Crusaders had confessed and had tortured themselves, how could the Dreadlord confuse the pious Paladin?

By chance, Mograine finally completed his own inner examination again after many years.

As a result, losing the Holy Light and letting go of the Ashbringer, this is not just a ghost of Yogg-Saron, Mograine's own hesitation and pain, is it not one of the reasons?

Outside the ice cocoon, the female soldiers of Heidenir were still shouting excitedly.

The last slave to participate in the trial of Hyde also failed, and the storm knight of Hydernier who fought with Mograine held a high lance, majestic on the back of the storm dragon.

But the next moment, the dazzling light suddenly pierced the thick ice cocoon and pierced the sky.

She closed her eyes subconsciously, and when the Storm Rider of Heidenil opened her eyes again, she saw a person flying in the air.

That slave, he broke the ice cocoon formed by the dragon's breath of the storm dragon, opened six pairs of wings condensed by light, and flew into the air!

"I am, Alexandros Mograine-Paladin Alexandros Mograine!"

"I believe in the Holy Light, and the Holy Light gives me strength!"

"The holy light will never die!"

The angry Heidenil Storm Rider urged the Storm Dragon again, and the sharp lance and surging dragon breath greeted Mograine again.

This time, Mograine still did not dodge.

The holy light, as if substantive, soared into the sky, forming a thick shield in front of Mograine, which not only stopped the dragon’s breath, even the storm knight of Heidenil and the hapless frost dragon slammed into it. He stepped onto this holy light shield, and then fell straight down.

The heavy storm dragon fell to the ground and fell into a coma, and the Heidenir storm knight behind it also lost consciousness. All the Heidenir female warriors who watched the battle were silent, in the entire trial field of Hyde's Trial. , Only the bright holy light and the figure bathed in the holy light in midair.


The battle of Mograine attracted the attention of everyone in Brunhilda Village.

Hyde Trial, no man has ever made it to the third round, never!

Especially now the leader of Heidenil in Brynhilda Village, Ronataris.

For Ronata Lis, a slave broke into the third round of Hyde's trial, which is simply a shame, a huge shame!

But there is still a chance!

Although Ronataris is the leader, she also needs to participate in the Hyde Trial. Only if she wins can she be re-elected-in this case, Ronataris' method is very simple.

Do it Kill that humble slave!

It doesn't matter whether it is fair or not, the Heidenir people do not allow a man or a slave to win the trial of Hyde!

So not surprisingly, Mograine's next round of enemies is the boss of the current Hydnier, Storm Rider Ronataris!

Standing in Hyde's trial field again, Mograine no longer had any hesitation and confusion.

Mograine has pondered countless times what the Holy Light is.

Now he understands.

The holy light is not simple ability, not pure faith, but the holy light is faith, courage, strength, fairness, justice...

The Holy Light is the manifestation of these positive energies.

The universe is immortal, and the light is endless!

Therefore, when facing Lonataris, although Mograine still had no armor, although he only had a rough Mograine power, he was confident.

Power is not brute force!

Therefore, when Ronata Lis and her storm dragon "Ice Slag" swooped down, she was greeted by a familiar light barrier.

"Huh! Still want to stop me with this stuff? I'm not that idiot, I will be fooled by your blind eyes!"

Ronataris and Bingzhuzi did not slow down at all, but accelerated their dive, vowing to pick Mograine on the tip of their lance.

The next moment, with a dull impact, one person and one dragon fell to the ground awkwardly.

In front of Mograine's light barrier, as strong as the leader of Brunhilda Village, there is no way!

Although there are still many rounds of Hyde's trial, all the people of Hydenier now know who the next leader is.

This obscure slave is about to become the lord of Heidenil!

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