Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 640: Thorim's dark history

Mograine lived up to expectations.

In Hyde's trial, no one was able to break through the barrier of Mograine, and even Mograine never attacked and won all the games.

In this way, after countless years, the Haidnir regained a male leader.

Still an alien male leader...

But it doesn't matter anymore, Mograine's task now is to see Thorim.

Guardian Thorim.

Unlike the dwarves, the later awakened humans have very little knowledge and memory of the guardians-even Tyr, who sheltered humans and even gave them his life, left nothing but "legends"-humans Because of their character, they will not be too close to the Creator.

And unlike dwarves, humans are not keen on archaeology, they don't care about their yesterday, in their eyes. Tomorrow is more important-so the human knowledge about Titans and Guardians comes from the dwarves...

Mograine sees Thorim this time, the task is very heavy.

More than just a routine, Mograine also needs to wake up the guardian's fighting spirit-at least for the little Mograine who hasn't met, and maybe Vakilila.

Although he became the nominal leader of Brunhilda Village, after Mograine won the Hyde Trial, he still did not see the mother and son of Valkyrie. The mysterious witch Lolila directly found Mograine. , And asked Mograine to fulfill his promise.

"Remember what you promised me-otherwise you might never see your little son."

Although Mograine dislikes being threatened by others, this transaction must be fulfilled. After all, Lolila has given him a lot of help during Mograine's training.

Moreover, without awakening Hodir's fighting spirit, the Heidenil people will not end the war with the ice giant, let alone help Mograine to clean up the group of Val'kyr who worked for the Lich King.

Meeting the guardian is a very sacred ritual-probably because the guardian loves this kind of ritual? Odin from the Hall of Valor also particularly likes the tune of "you PK out a great, be a brother".

But Thorim is obviously very different from Odin.

Although there is no fast bathing, Mograine has gone through countless "elders' blessings". These blessings are so cumbersome, troublesome and inexplicable that Mograine even had an uncomfortable emotion in his heart.

After all, he is not from Heidenil, and he doesn't have the kind of admiration for Torim—yes, Titan Creations often has the same affection and admiration for Titan.

Under the influence of a peculiar rune array, Mograine successfully ascended to high altitude-on a steep mountain, here is the palace of Thorim.

Originally, this part was made by the storm dragon of the Heidenil, but Mograine did not have the storm dragon, so he could only spend more time, perform more rituals, and get himself up.


Mograine has not studied archeology, and does not know the professional name of this star dome-style decoration, but apart from anything else, the place where Tolim lived is absolutely magnificent.

But there is no one in there.

Mograine once thought he was in the wrong place...

Then, in the deepest part of the palace, Mograine saw a giant sitting on a huge throne with his back to him.

"Let's go, get out of here-I have said countless times that Sif is the only one..."

"Ahem -"

Thinking of what Lolila had told herself about Torim’s dark history, Mograine coughed awkwardly, indicating that she was actually a man...

Thorim obviously did not expect that the winner of Hyde's trial this time would be a man. He turned around in surprise, and then looked at Mograine.

"You, you are not my creation!"

"I am not." Mograine shook his head. "I am a human being-I don't know if I am a so-called creation, but I still have respect for you."

"Human?" Torim's eyes were filled with confusion. "What kind of race is human? You don't look like the descendants of trolls, but they don't look like me or my brothers' creations... if you If there is anything that makes me feel familiar, it may be that your breath resembles an old friend of mine, Tyre."

"Tyr? Tyr, the **** of fairness and justice? The Silver Hand?" Mograine finally opened his eyes when he heard Tyr's name. "You know Tyr?"

"I know." There was an unspeakable melancholy in Torim's tone. "My bravest brother--maybe only he is the closest to his master. In his body, I saw the old master Aggramar's Resolute, among us guardians, only Tyr is the strongest and bravest."

While talking, Torim held Mograinito in his hand to his front.

"So, my old brother Zul, how is he?"

"Zul is gone-in the ancient records, Zul fought the dark forces and died together at the last moment. In Tirisfal Glades, we can still see the Silver Hand."

"The dark forces? Is it the dark forces?!" Torim's face was full of sadness and disbelief when Mograine said so, "Are you sure the record is like this? Then do you know Azadas?"

"Azadas?" Mograine thought for a while, "I haven't heard of this name-I personally don't know much about the past, so..."

"You don't need to know." Torim was suddenly excited, "I think I already know what happened."


Mograine didn't understand what Torim knew.

"My battle with Hodir was a terrible mistake, and Tyre's words were correct-there is even more terrible darkness watching us."

"After my wife Sif died, all traces showed that Hodir killed her. At the time, I was so dazzled by the anger, so I desperately asked Hodir to take revenge."

"Tyre persuaded me to calm down, saying that he had discovered a deeper darkness. There were other reasons for all this-but I couldn't listen. Although I didn't find Hodir, I still vented my anger on Hodir. The creation of the frost giant."

"Even, I used my own weapon, Stormhammer Clomir-and King Amblin, the leader of the son of Hodir, took my attack with his life in order to protect his people."

"I, hammered down an innocent, noble king."

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