Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 652: Kalecgos' mission

?The mountain range at the junction of Solacha Basin and Icecrown Glacier, the battle will not end for a while. Now, let's change our perspective.


   Kalecgos had a very unhappy life.


   Kalecgos became famous after he raided Azjol-Nerub last time as the "outstanding youth" of the dragon.


   That's right, the famous weak chicken...


   The situation that Kalecgos was unable to defeat his own Apparition at the beginning was not known by who had publicized it, so this unlucky blue dragon youth had an extremely painful nickname-Zhan Wuzhu.


   Even when Nefarian updated the Hearthstone card card that year, he also specially added a Kalecgos. The 6-fee 7-1 whiteboard made this card a famous collector card...


   (On the back of this card, there is a group of guys-change one with everyone.)


   But Kalecgos is no ordinary dragon after all.


  If other dragons suffered this kind of treatment, they might turn around and ran under Yogg-Saron's command and began to retaliate against society, but Kalecgos did not.


   Under tremendous pressure, Kalecgos began to work hard!


   Have you ever seen the Temple of Dragon Sleep at 4 AM?


  Kalegos has seen it!


   Since you have poor control over magic, practice more!


  Although Kalecgos is not a famous sect, nor is he a son of Malygos, he believes that he can become a great blue dragon!


   Then, the five scum of war aspiring to become a great blue dragon was sent to the Tomb of Galakrond in Dragonblight to see the graveyard because of disturbing the people...


   Why does it bother the people?


   No way, Kalecgos is different from ordinary blue dragons. He is not good at frost magic, but is good at fire magic.


   This place in Northrend is so cold. If Kalecgos wants to control his fireball, he needs to find a place suitable for casting spells. Only the Temple of Wyrmrest is suitable for him.


   So since Kalecgos has worked hard to become stronger, there has always been a neurosis in the Temple of Wyrmrest that releases fireballs "bang" and "bang" to exercise his magic control.


  The Temple of Dragon Sleep, as one of the main offices of the dragon, could not withstand the toss of him, so after receiving a large number of reports, Malygos could only transfer him to the tomb of Galakrond.


   If you can set the bones of Galakrond on fire, Malygos will recognize it too!


   Then, the dragon who fought the five scums became shivering in the cold wind of Dragonbone Wilderness.


  Don’t think that giant dragons are not afraid of the cold—even blue dragons don’t want to stay in the cold wind of the Dragon Bone Wilderness all the time.


   But the interesting thing is that because Kalecgos is good at fire magic, he often uses flames to warm himself up, unknowingly, in fact, his strength is still improving.


   Kalecgos doesn’t know why the Temple of Wyrmrest still needs to send someone to take care of Galakrond’s tomb. In his opinion, it’s just a lot of bones...




   The suggestion of guarding the tomb of Galakrond and Sindragosa was of course made by Drunk Wind.


Under the current position of Drunk Wind, if Arthas forced the Frost Dragon to be created, it would definitely not be tolerated, so he offered to ask the Dragon Legion to pay attention to the safety of all dragon corpses in Northrend, especially Galakrond and The safety of Sindragosa's body.


   After realizing that Arthas could do something like this, the dragons were quite angry-but since the Lich King was hidden underground, the dragons were beyond their reach, so they could only be careful for the time being.


The dragons didn’t know. Just when Mograine and Yokum took the sons of Heidenil and Hodir and began to transfer, the Lich King took refuge in Yogg-Saron, and then began to play the idea of ​​the dragon bones. .


Under the interference of Yogg-Saron, the few passerby dragons guarding Sindragosa’s Tomb were easily dealt with. Alsace, like in history, pulled up a terrifying frost dragon-Xin Dagosa.


   When Danas asked for help and Mograine was struggling to support it, a team of undead natural disasters had quietly crossed the valley and sent people to the tomb of Galakrond.


   Arthas saw the power of the dragon, so when he went to chase Mograine himself, he sent his most powerful men to the tomb of Galakrond to try to revive Galakrond.


   This is an extremely luxurious army, including Valkyrie Valkyrie Shivana, Lich Kel'Thuzad, Bone Lord Malogar, and most of the elite of the Undead Scourge except Arthas himself.


   Although this lineup looks a bit too luxurious, but think about the horror of Galakrond-that is the dragon that bit off Tyre's arm, so it's totally worth it!


To be honest, the dragons are now a bit arrogant. In their opinion, the most serious impact of Arthas’s possible profanity is not the real trouble, but the insult to the dragon, so whether it is the guardian of Sindragosa Whether it was the tomb or guarding the tomb of Galakrond, the Temple of Dragon Sleep did not send too many people.


   Otherwise, even with the help of Yogg-Saron, Arthas would not be able to easily raise Sindragothala into a frost dragon.


   When Kalecgos, who was still roasting himself, saw the mighty undead legion, this blue dragon looked dazed.


   This formation is a bit too much!


   So Kalecgos's first reaction was to withdraw first and ask for help from the Temple of Wyrmrest However, after seeing Shivana's actions, Kalecgos changed his mind.


Under Val'kyr’s sacrifice, Galakrond’s bones began to move. Although it was just an unconscious and irregular movement, Kalecgos had a hunch that if he didn’t step forward to stop it, I’m afraid this ancestor dragon really May be resurrected...


   If Galakrond is resurrected-then it will really be over.


   In this case, Kalecgos shot a big fireball directly into the sky. The huge fireball exploded in the sky, turning into a bright firework.


   Worried that one fireball would not be enough, Kalecgos raised his head and wanted another one, but suddenly felt that his throat seemed to be blocked.


   "Little Blue Dragon, stop struggling-the plan of the Lich King will not be destroyed. I suggest you save a bit of effort and honestly become a member of the undead natural disaster, okay?"


   Kel'Thuzad, who was wearing frost armor, looked bad.




Regarding Arthas and the ancient gods, Arthas killed a bunch of tentacle monsters in the war 3 battle, but it was not the ancient gods, let alone some clones, it was just some hapless faceless person——Yugsa Long's body is in Ulduar.


   As far as power is concerned, Arthas is not Yogg-Saron’s opponent at all, and the two sides are not at the same level. Yogg-Saron’s counterpart is Kil'jaeden...



  :. :

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