Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 653: 5 scumbags

Under the influence of Drunk Wind, although the general direction of Kel'Thuzad's fate has not changed, the specific trajectory has changed a lot.

   has not died at least once, and resurrected by relying on the Sunwell...

   Of course, Kel'Thuzad was not trusted by the Lich King as much as he did in the past due to several times of ineffectiveness-but it is a pity that Arthas said that he had few soldiers, and he had to entrust Kel'Thuzad with a heavy responsibility.

   Kel'Thuzad was very upset about this.

   You must vent your unhappiness, but how do you expect a lich to vent?

   The blue dragon in front of him seems to be a good vent.

   Looking at the size, it is a young blue dragon. Kel'Thuzad believes that he can deal with a young blue dragon without any problems!

   Looking at Kel'Thuzad, Kalecgos was actually a little confused.

  I know my own situation, Kalecgos knows that although he is born with strong mana, his control of magic has been terribly poor-this kind of thing is deadly in battle!

   But the situation was urgent, and Kalecgos didn't even think about it.

   Since the control is not good, maximize the output throughout the process!

   So the battle between Kel'Thuzad and Kalecgos became interesting.

   Kel'Thuzad is very knowledgeable. He knows that blue dragons are all masters of arcane and frost, so although he seemed arrogant before starting his hands, Kel'Thuzad was actually very cautious.

   First come two enchantments-protection arcane, protection frost.

   It is reasonable to do this. Kel'Thuzad is already very safe, but from the first second of the battle, it directly exceeded Kel'Thuzad's expectations.

   Kel'Thuzad was testing with Frostbolt, but Kalecgos, who had made up his mind to maximize his output, was directly inflamed.

   Yan burst into the face!

   Kel'Thuzad had prepared a lot of changes and back-ups according to Kalecgos's possible response, but who would have thought that this blue dragon played the cards according to common sense...

  Who added the blue dragon to start the fire?

   Kel'Thuzad, who was caught off guard, was hit directly.

   The physical energy and the arcane energy were disordered, and Kel'Thuzad could no longer stay suspended in the air, and fell directly to the ground.

   Kalecgos blinked in disbelief-am I already so good? That powerful-looking lich was knocked down by me so easily? !

of course not……

  I can’t do anything to Kel'Thuzad once the flames explode-take ten thousand steps and say, even if Kel'Thuzad is really burned to death by the flames, his phylactery is still there, the resurrection will not do much.

   Kel'Thuzad who crawled out of the snowdrift was really angry.

  Don't think that the dead will lose face, Kel'Thuzad can't tolerate it, and he was so insulted by a young blue dragon!

   But before Kel'Thuzad attacked, Kalecgos became inflamed again.

   For Kalecgos, Pyroblast is really a good spell—except for the target to be launched, there is basically nothing to control, and the more mana is used, the greater the energy of Pyroblast.

  The huge fireball flew to Kel'Thuzad again, but this time Kel'Thuzad flashed out and avoided the flames.

   Saint Seiya cannot be defeated twice by the same move.

   Kalecgos doesn't matter-it's normal, after all, as long as you have precautions, flame explosion is not a problem.

   It’s okay, let’s change it.

   Take a breath of dragon.

   In a sense, Kalecgos used both ice and fire—regardless of his good at fire magic, but the blue dragon’s breath is always a mixture of frost and arcane.

   For this kind of blue dragon's breath, Kel'Thuzad said that it was drizzling, and there was a glimmer of light on his body, he directly ignored Kalecgos's breath, and by the way, with the cover of the dragon's breath, an ice gun came.

   The tactic was very successful. Kalecgos was blocked by his dragon's breath, and he did not find the ice gun for the first time. After he realized the problem, the ice gun was already in front of his face.

   At the moment of the moment, Kalecgos tried to dodge, avoiding the ice gun in front of him.


   The sharp ice spear ran across Kalecgos's face, leaving a long trace not far from the corner of his left eye.

  As a blue dragon, Kalecgos's scales are not too thick. This trace is deep and painful.

   But Kalecgos had no time to take care of the piercing pain.

   Kel'Thuzad took advantage of this short opportunity to directly wave his staff, summoning an arcane storm.

   Arcane Storm is one of the most favorite skills of wizards. As long as the summoning takes shape, there is no need to continuously cast spells. The wild arcane will automatically follow the target and then shred everything. No one can escape.

   Kalecgos was completely downwind...

   In the arcane storm, Kalecgos couldn't even keep his flight. He flapped his wings in vain, trying to maintain his balance and safety.

   Of course it is impossible.

   Kel'Thuzad thought slightly, intending to directly end the life of this blue dragon with ice fingers-a blue dragon who is good at fire magic. This will be a very interesting material.

   But before Kel'Thuzad started, Shivana suddenly spoke at Galakrond.

   "Kel'Thuzad, come and help-Val'kyr's power is not enough to bring this big guy back to life, his power and size are too big!"

   Hearing Shivana's Kel'Thuzad gave up the idea of ​​killing Kalecgos directly and turned to leave.

   Anyway, this big blue lizard can't escape the shackles of the arcane storm, so it's okay to make him suffer!


   Kel'Thuzad’s guess was correct, and Kalecgos found sadly that he could not escape the arcane storm.

   There are only two ways to get rid of this arcane storm-one is to comb the arcane energy and calm the storm; the other is to forcefully break out of the arcane storm with the strength of the body.

   But Kalecgos can't do both of these...

   As a blue dragon, not a black dragon or a red dragon, trying to break through an arcane storm with his body is tantamount to idiotic dreams. Second, as a weak chicken controlled by energy, Kalecgos can't calm the storm.

   Arcane storms haunt Kalecgos, no matter which direction he moves, arcane storms continue to cut his body.

   The scales fell off, and the flesh became bloody.

   Seeing Galakrond’s corpse under the control of Val'kyr and Kel'Thuzad, Kalecgos was really helpless...

   eh, wait a minute!

   Suddenly, Kalecgos seemed to have found a way to stop them.

  Since Arcane Storm would follow him, what would happen if he ran to Galakrond’s bones?

   Just do it!

   Kalecgos, who fell to the ground, used his last energy to forcibly support the bones of Galakrond.

   Then Kel'Thuzad found tragically that things seemed to be out of his control...

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