Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 691: Inciting butterfly wings

? Just when Drunk Wind took Nomi, Valera and Lili, and was about to take the Breaking Wind to the Wandering Island, he received a message from the green dragon who dared to come from the Emerald Dream.


   The drunk wind was instantly dazed.




   After Loken died, Yogg-Saron wanted to devour and observe Algalon? !


   To this extremely explosive news, Drunk Wind did not react for a long time.


   I seem to have caused an amazing butterfly effect...


   But thinking about it, this is really not impossible.


   When unable to judge whether this matter is true or false, Zuifeng intends to sort out all the problems he faces from the beginning.


Now, Drunk Wind (or Azeroth) faces a total of five threats, Arthas, the Lich King, Cataclysm of Deathwing, N'Zoth hiding in the dark, and Yoggsa who may escape from prison. Long has the Burning Legion who has come back.


   If you prioritize, I am afraid that the most urgent one is Yogg-Saron.


   Deathwing is still in the Deep Rock Continent, I don't know when it will do it, N'Zoth is still hiding, and the Burning Legion will not appear for the time being. After all, the Lich King is the weakest one.


   Now that the current situation is confirmed, Zuifeng feels that he would rather believe it.


  Go to Ulduar first, let's talk about Yogg-Saron's suppression!


   After making up his mind, Zuifeng told Nomi that he must go to the Wandering Island, pay attention to the pearl of Pandaria, and then set off on the road to Ulduar.


   Go through the Temple of Wyrmrest, and target Ulduar!


   At the same time, after confirming the choice of Zuifeng, the green dragon quickly notified the Temple of Dragon Sleep.


   The siege of Imiheim was removed.


   There is no way. It is not easy to destroy Alsace. Now that Drunk Wind has confirmed that Yogg-Saron may escape from prison, then Alsace can take a moment!


   Except for the Scarlet Crusade and the Forsaken, the Alliance and Horde retreated temporarily, and then each began to march towards Ulduar.




   And in the depths of Ulduar, Yogg-Saron noticed everything.


   Assigned to Arthas Faceless is not only a helper, but also a warlord.


  Yug-Saron noticed Alsace's betrayal for the first time--but the Thousand Maw had nothing to do.


   After revealing Yogg-Saron's plan, Arthas turned around and eliminated the faceless people of Yogg-Saron faction around him.


   Don't look at the many faceless men that Yogg-Saron "supported" to Alsace, but the real faceless generals are all in Ulduar!


   So Arthas didn't spend too much effort in solving these faceless guards.


   Although Yogg-Saron was angry at Alsace's betrayal, at this moment, he didn't have the time to deal with Arthas.


   Because Algalon is coming soon.


Since Loken forged the disc of Norgannon and bound his life to Algalon’s call, it would not take long for the observer to come to Azeroth after Loken’s death , He will examine the world, and then determine whether it is necessary to activate the time reshaping device.


   According to Yogg-Saron’s plan, he added a lot of chaos to Loken’s forged Norgannon disc to lure and disturb Algalon.


  If Yogg-Saron's plan goes well, Algalon will soon be infested and assimilated by Yogg-Saron's consciousness, and then use his power to break the seal of Titan.


   Then, after Yogg-Saron broke the seal, he could completely swallow the power of the guardians controlled by him in the first place.


  If this step is really completed, I am afraid that no one in Azeroth can stop Yogg-Saron--or, if N'Zoth helps Drunk Wind, there is still a chance.


   Now that the plan has been fully designed, Yogg-Saron’s employment is unwilling to have extra problems. As long as the plan is realized, he will be unstoppable!


   However, just in case, Yogg-Saron decided to prepare some interesting "little gifts" for those who might appear unexpectedly.




   When Drunk Wind arrived in Northrend, the Alliance and Horde armies were already on standby.


   Seeing Drunk Wind jumping from the black dragon's back, the leaders of the Alliance and the Horde all surrounded him immediately.


   "Has anyone ever entered Ulduar?" Perceiving that the atmosphere is wrong, Drunk Wind spoke first, "Where is Malygos? Where is Alexstrasza?"


"Things are in trouble." Turalyon sighed. "Yug-Saron had been prepared. Brian, the Blue Dragon King, the Red Dragon King, Khadgar, and Zul were the first to sneak in, and then there was no news. ."


   "No news?" Zuifeng frowned, "What do you mean?"


"I prepared some communication equipment for Brian." Luoya's tone was full of worry, "but a few hours after they entered Ulduar, only the sound of electric current and the sound of arcane fluctuations were left in the communicator. ——Unless they took the initiative to abandon the communicator, otherwise, they...


   "Did they send any news back before that?" After Luo Ya said that, Drunk Feng's brows became tighter. "Introduce you where you are."


"Brian mentioned a lot." Luoya spoke quickly, and obviously she was very anxious now. "He said that at the beginning there were a lot of Titan machinery, very delicate siege engines-he also said that he would get me back One for research."


  Luoya's words made the drunk wind grin without a trace, there seems to be something!


"Brian said he found a way to sneak in, he found a way to manipulate those siege machines, and then killed a big guy-at that time Master Maricho said drove The technology is very good."


   Drunk Wind nodded, at least Brian passed the No. 1 BOSS.


"After that, Brian said that Master Malygos and Master Alexstrasza had captured Thorim's mount-a storm dragon. It seems that the storm dragon has been eroded by Yogg-Saron. After losing consciousness, it went mad, and was temporarily sealed in place by Khadgar."


   Well, Fenglin has passed.


"Oh, yes, Brian also said that he dismantled a huge robot, and that robot seemed to have some disorder in its control system. He inferred from this that Lord Mimiron was not controlled by Yogg-Saron, but was temporarily lost in confusion. That's it!"


  唔, the disassembler has passed, it's pretty awesome, five people brush 25 people!


   "Then Brian said he entered a lobby, and then the communication was interrupted!"


   They skipped the forge giant-wait, that's not the point!


  The point is, why is the communication interrupted after entering Ulduar's front room? !


   "Then have you sent someone in to see?"


"Master Ysera and I entered once, and we also saw some of the siege machines Brian mentioned." Onyxia sighed, "But the atmosphere inside made us very uncomfortable--it seemed that there was something Power is suppressing our power, and Yogg-Saron has found a way to target the guardian and the guardian dragon."


  :. :

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