Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 692: Ulduar's Wasteland Journey

According to the cognition of Drunk Wind, Ulduar is divided into five parts: the attacking city, the front hall, the guardian area, the oblique corridor and the final stargazing room. The place where Long made his minions, after being infected with the Genesis Matrix, the cunning Yogg-Saron used Titan's creation ability to create his own subordinates by tampering with the core.

Therefore, for high-end combat power, these two areas should be relatively safe places.

The five of Brian easily broke through the entire attacking city, which is the best proof.

But after Brian entered the front hall, the style of painting changed suddenly.

Sudden communication interruption is very abnormal, which means that the five-man team, including the two dragon kings, has no time to send a message, so the team will be destroyed.

Even if Deathwing came, he couldn't do it.

Moreover, Zuifeng believed in Brian's professionalism, so it shouldn't have been accidentally caught.

In conjunction with Onyxia's statement, Ulduar may really have an inhibition of the guardian-or the guardian power left by the Titan.

In trouble.

After realizing this situation, Zuifeng shook his head helplessly.

It seems like bacteria have developed drug resistance. After being sealed by Titan for tens of thousands of years, these ancient gods seem to have a certain degree of resistance to Titan's methods...

This time Ulduar's land reclamation, it seems that all those who borrow the power of the Guardian must step aside.

After a brief discussion, Drunk Wind decided to take Jaina, Muradin, Brox, and Samuro into Ulduar.

Although Sylvanas repeatedly stated that she wanted to participate in the battle, Drunk Wind refused.

Sylvanas' fighting style is destined to be difficult to cause serious damage to Yogg-Saron, and due to Khadgar's disappearance, Sylvanas is easily impulsive and will be in trouble!

To be honest, Drunk Wind still misses Illidan and Kael'thas at this time-no matter how you look at it, they are more reliable than Muradin and Jaina...

It's not that Drunk Wind doesn't want to bring a large army, but when facing the ancient gods, if the large army is not firm enough, it can only play a negative role.

After all, not every ancient **** is as easy to talk as C'Thun.

Of course, this does not mean that other people can watch the show. At least the attacking city still needs a large force to clean up. Those left by the Titans are all good things-this is produced by Mimiron!


Walking in the attacking city, Zuifeng kept smacking his lips while looking around.

"It seems that our Blue Dragon King Malygos is not in a very good mood-look, most of these damaged machinery are frozen, and Dragon Breath doesn't need money?!"

Muradin said that he did not approve of the drunk wind.

"Who knows, maybe Khadgar did it, that mage is also very good at frost magic!"

"This is different." Zuifeng shook his head, "The gap between dragon's breath and magic is still very large. Although I am not a spellcaster, this difference can still be distinguished-right, Jaina?"

"Hmm...huh?!" Jaina obviously had some slips at this time. She had just met Arthas not long ago, and now she seems to be in a kind of chaos, and her reaction is slow. "Dragon's breath? Yes, these are. Dragon's breath."

"You can't look like this!" Drunk Feng helped his hat and raised an eyebrow at Jaina. "I think you need to figure out one thing now-our current task is better than cleaning up Alsace. It's too important."


"I know you know." Drunk Wind interrupted Jaina directly, "but you lack an intuitive understanding! Have you met the Faceless?"

"...I have seen it." Jaina seemed to realize what Drunk Wind was trying to say, and nodded hesitantly. "I've seen those tentacle monsters."

"Then you should know that if we can't stop Yogg-Saron, then on Azeroth, all lives will become tentacle monsters."

The words of Drunk Wind successfully made Jaina concentrate, but the problem was that everyone became a little nervous.

Even Brox clenched the battle axe in his hand subconsciously.

However, these five people have all seen the world. After a brief period of tension, the team quickly recovered its calm. At this time, everyone arrived at the gate of the front hall.

The clean-up troops behind had stopped, facing the majestic gate, only the five drunk wind chose to move on.


This is a magical gate.

After Drunk Wind passed through this door, he felt as if he had entered the water from the ground. It was filled with all kinds of strange energies, and the air became thicker.

As soon as he entered the door, Drunk Feng knew why Brian's communication was interrupted.

The magic sound is everywhere!

Yogg-Saron's whispers began to appear, and various languages ​​full of negative energy penetrated the drunken eardrum for the first time and reached the soul.

"Give up, life has more than just the elusiveness in front of you, but also the elusiveness that you can't see--"

"If life deceives you, don't be sad, don't be impatient, it will deceive you again soon..."

Because of his more mouth, Yogg-Saron's level of trash talk is much higher than that of C'Thun.

Thanks to Y'Shaarj's negative energy training, Drunk Wind returned to normal in an instant after a sudden loss of consciousness.

At the same time, Blox's eyes were restored to clarity-which surprised Drunk Feng a little.

Warriors are different from monks. They don't deliberately carry out spiritual training. They can only rely on their own will to resist this power.

Brocks' sobriety means that the orc's will can resist the ancient gods.

This is the real will of steel!

It is a pity that Zuifeng has no time to study and sigh.

Jaina, Muradin, and Samuro, who was driving fast, were all in a coma.

Zhang Kaiping the Ring of Zuifeng used the technique of removing blood stasis, so that the three of them were awake.

"How do you feel, is your consciousness still clear?"

After a while, the three nodded silently.

"Yug-Saron has made a lot of preparations to prevent people from being disturbed. The spiritual barrier here is a huge test - there should be many tests of this kind in the following journey. Except for Brocks, I am afraid that none of you can Pass the test of your own will."

The words of the drunk wind made the three of them a little ashamed. Before they saw any enemies, they fainted halfway, and they couldn't say anything!

"But it doesn't matter, I had expected this situation a long time ago!"

The next second, Zuifeng smiled brightly, and then took out a wine gourd.

"Iron Palm Secret Brew, Courage Wine!"

"Drink it, it is difficult for you to fall into negative emotions-the price is, you may be a little dizzy."

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