Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 695: The forced battle of zero lights

Seeing Brian here really made Drunk Wind feel a little surprised.

Didn’t it mean that communication was interrupted after entering the lobby?

Isn't this Brian, but the disguise of the faceless under Yogg-Saron?

At the moment when he saw Brian and Zul, Drunken Wind had many thoughts in his heart.

But trying to judge whether this is Brian is actually very simple.

"See Su Baopu!"

Sitting on the ground in a drunk wind, seeing the plain white halo spread out, covering Brian and Zul in it-Zul seemed to be a little uncomfortable with this halo, and Brian had no reaction.

It seems that these two guys are real. If they were the disguise of the minions of the ancient gods, they would surely show their true shape under Su Baopu.

Drunk wind finally let out a sigh.

"Why are you here? Where are the other three people?"

"The three of them were controlled by Yogg-Saron and went underground along a sloping corridor—it looks like Yogg-Saron’s seal room is there!" Brian said directly, “Yug-Saron has something for the Guardian Special control methods, including Khadgar who inherited part of Tyr's power, were all controlled by Yogg-Saron!"

Drunk Feng frowned upon hearing Brian say this.

"Then do you know, where is Yogg-Saron now?"

"I don't know about this." Brian shook his head, "but I know that along the way, I haven't encountered any obstacles--except for a few sluggish steel giants. It seems that Yogg-Saron has brought all the power to it. In the seal room."

"Damn it!" Drunk Wind held his head, "In this case, I am afraid that Yogg-Saron's unblocking has reached the final moment!"

"I think so too!" Brian nodded. "When I came back, I passed through a few halls. The halls were very empty. After regaining consciousness, I contacted Loya. She said that you are here. When I came near the exit, I wanted to go to the archives to see if there was any useful information, but I didn't expect to get three iron bumps at the gate of the archives."

Zuifeng nodded, and it suddenly became clear.

No wonder these three guys from the Iron Council left where they were, and they turned out to be following Brian!

"Let's do it." Zuifeng thought for a while before he made a decision directly, "Brian, you take Samuro to leave here first, he fell drunk because of his courage; Zul, you and I act together—— By the way, give me the communicator, Luo Ya said she only has this pair, and I will return it to you after coming out!"

Both Brian and Zul nodded.

After taking out the communicator, Brian helped Samuro out of the front hall door after explaining clearly how to use it.

At the same time, Drunk Wind took Zul, Muradin, Jaina, and Brocks into the depths of Ulduar.

"Zul, I think you seem to be a little uncomfortable just now, what's the matter?"

The empty Ulduar, as he moved forward, Drunk Wind remembered the abnormal condition of Zul, so he asked.

"It's nothing." Zul shook his head. "It's just a personal reason. The Shadow Vortex is restless, not a big deal."

Since Zul didn't want to say it clearly, Zuifeng could only nod his head to signal that he understood.

In fact, this started with the power Zul gained in Draenor.

In Anzu’s tomb, Zul received the power of shadow, arcane, and holy light, but unfortunately, he could not completely transform these three powers-the power gained from the outside world and the power gained from his own practice were completely different One thing.

Three distinct powers formed three vortices in Zul’s body, maintaining a delicate balance, so although Zul could use these three powers, he did not dare to destroy the balance between these three vortices. Every time a shadow spell is released, a holy light spell and an arcane spell must be released below, otherwise the vortex will lose balance.

In Ulduar, when entering the front hall, Zul, like the other four, was immediately affected by Yogg-Saron's spiritual barrier and lost consciousness.

But when Zul lost consciousness, the shadow vortex in his body continued to expand...

Originally, both Brian and Zul couldn’t wake up, but Zul’s shadow vortex swallowed part of Yogg-Saron’s power (the part of Yogg-Saron’s spiritual barrier that affected Zul, which is also the power of Shadows ), which made Zul sober, and then woke up Brian.

It is a pity that when the two of them woke up, the other three people (or one person and two dragons) had been controlled to leave. No matter how they probed, they could only judge that they went underground based on some traces.

If it was facing a drunk wind, Zul might have spoken frankly about this, but with Jaina and Muradin, Zul had a lot of things he couldn't say clearly, after all, this involved his own weakness.

After all, the Alliance and the Horde are hostile.

Drunk Wind probably guessed what Zul meant, so after asking Zul, he didn't mention it again and started thinking alone.

In Zuifeng's view, this was a battle that had to be fought with zero lights.

The term "zero light" is a professional term for WOW.

In WOW’s Ulduar dungeon, the normal dungeon process is that the players first rescued the guardians, and then finally faced Yogg-Saron. According to the player’s acceptance when facing Yogg-Saron The number of Guardians’ help is different, and the final battle is divided into zero lights, one light, two lights, three lights and four lights.

Every time there is help from a guardian, there is one more "light".

And Zero Deng just didn't accept the help of the guardian and faced Yogg-Saron directly.

If time permits, Drunk Wind does not mind a four-lamp battle. With the help of the four guardians of Freya, Mimiron, Thorim and Hodir, he will face Yogg-Saron—— After all, this is the safest way.

But now, it seems that he has to face Yogg-Saron with zero light.

Not only because of the urgency of time, but also because Yogg-Saron brought all the guardians to his side, and did not give Drunk Wind a chance to wake up one by one!

After all, this is not a Yogg-Saron can’t fool the players to rescue the Guardians one by one.

No matter what, zero lights are zero lights!

Drunk wind gritted his teeth.

There is no impossible battle, only Yogg-Saron!

The foot man can push down, what am I afraid of.

Then, when passing by the archives, Zuifeng found that at this moment, the door of the archives was open.

And if Drunk Wind remembers correctly, Algalon came from here.

"Speed ​​up!" Zuifeng directly took out a few low-altitude suspended flying vehicles in a dish from the package, "Stand on the somersault cloud, follow me!"

Ahead, zero light Yogg Saron!


The next chapter, the true strength of Zuifeng!

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