Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 696: The offal should be rolled away

Here, Zuifeng would like to thank Lorewalker's special product Somersault Cloud for his strong support. Without the help of Somersault Cloud, the huge Ulduar would break his leg.

Along the trail of the road, Drunk Wind chased all the way to Ulduar's sloping corridor.

In this old oblique corridor, Zuifeng encountered the first interception.

Interception from the Faceless.

Without the help of the ancient gods to translate, the words of the faceless would not be understood-as a creation derived from the flesh and blood of the ancient gods, the faceless can itself be regarded as part of the ancient gods.

Did not include part of the brain.

Therefore, the four of Zuifeng didn't understand this general Vezaques.

But this is not important.

Thinking about it with his knees, he must have said something like "You can't pass here."

For WOW players, General Vezax is a BOSS, but in the view of the current Drunk Wind, a single General of the Faceless is no longer a big threat.

"It's you who should get out of the way, choppy!" Drunk Feng curled his lips. "You four clean up the chopped fish around, give me this big guy!"

Then, facing General Vezaks, Zuifeng directly drew a pair of wind swords, crossed the swords, and bullied himself up.

It's been a long time since Drunk Wind really did anything with someone - the last time he made his full shot at the Sky Wall, in order to defeat Al'Akir.

Even though Al'akir was fighting at home, Zuifeng cleverly used the wisdom of the four winds to defeat Al'akir and completed the enchantment of his own wind sword.

This time, at a moment when Yogg-Saron could absorb Algalon's power at any time, Zuifeng shot himself again.

Zhen Qi rises, element clone.

Drunk Wind unreservedly divided into four, directly surrounding General Vezax in the middle.

Interestingly, the wind sword is also divided into eight, and each avatar of Drunken Wind has a pair of wind swords.

It just seemed that the element clone of Drunken Wind didn't use weapons, and all the eight wind swords were carried on his back.

General Vezax faced the four Drunk Winds with no expression on his face (probably because the Faceless One had no expressions), he waved a pair of huge claws and squeezed Drunk Wind's flame clone fiercely.

The most fragile and unstable flame clone.

The avatar, burning with flames all over, faced the attack of the huge claws without retreating, but directly shrank its head and rolled forward. Not only did it avoid the attack of General Vezaks, it also took the opportunity to lean against Veza. By the side of General Kers's leg.

The heat of the Flame Doppelgänger scorched General Vezax’s thighs. He was eager to drive away this burning gadget. However, compared with the huge General Vezaks, the Flame Doppelganger was too flexible. Although a pair of big claws looked terrifying, they couldn't even stick to the corners of the flames clone.

The drunken flame avatar was like a clever fireball, rolling around beside General Vezax, but there was no way for General Zachs.

At the same time, the Gale and Lightning clones have each put a set of angry thunders on the back of General Vezax, but the aberration of Faceless One is somewhat similar to elemental creatures, regardless of physical attack or elemental attack, it can The control over them is limited.

General Vezax used his thick carapace to ignore the fury.

After a short fight, Zuifeng had a lot of enlightenment.

It seems that the faceless men under Yogg-Saron have incorporated a lot of worm-man factors. It seems that the betrayal of Azjol-Nerub caused Yogg-Saron to cut off his technological route to “make worm-man” and turn to Incorporate carapace knowledge into the creation of the Faceless.

These faceless men headed by General Vezax are not tentacle monsters in the usual sense, but a group of tentacle monsters in a carapace.

Very annoying.

But for Drunken Wind, faceless people with carapace are much easier to deal with than those without carapace!

Don't forget, the purpose of Shado-Pan was born.

As a former Shado-Pan elite who had been handed over with the mantid for several years, Drunk Wind knew very well how he should face these guys whose weaknesses were wrapped in a carapace.

The avatar of Earth, who was also in charge of containment just now, moved.


An earth-yellow earth clone rolled directly at the feet of General Vezaques. When General Faceless raised his leg, when he was about to step on it, the drunk earth clone suddenly stood up with a carp.

Go empty with one foot.

At this subtle moment when the old force was gone and the new force was not born, the Earth clone directly leaned against General Vezax's leg with his shoulder.

By the landslide!

The Earth clone filled with a large amount of true energy emitted a faint yellow light when it leaned against General Vezaques. Although it was full of true energy, it would not cause much damage, but it would make Vezak General Si lost his balance directly.

After staggering a few steps, General Vezax barely controlled himself.

Although the drunk earth clone used the power of the elements to give General Vezax a surprise blow, but due to the huge difference in body size between the two sides, this was not enough to make General Vezax crash to the ground.

However, staggering is enough.

Zuifeng instantly merged into one, releasing the element clone.

In a state of drunkenness, Drunk Feng leaped high, and a pair of wind swords slashed towards the chest of General Vezaques-General Vezaques' head was below his shoulders.

General Vezax, who had just recovered his balance, wanted to avoid it again. The sharp double wind sword cut two long wounds on General Vezax's chest.

"Go to hell, chopsticks!"

The dark gray unidentified liquid began to gush out, and General Vezaks wilted.

Taking advantage of your illness, it will kill drunk wind will naturally not feel soft!

After General Vezax was slumped, Drunk Wind simply reversed his swords, like a fighting thief, and began a close-to-hand fight with General the Faceless.

With a half-beat slow response, General Vezaques was quickly unable to withstand the drunken attack.

The experienced Drunken Wind never expects to be killed by a single blow. He just uses his sharp weapon to leave one wound after another on General Vezax, consuming his strength.

Not even a chance to fight back.

Finally, after Jaina, Zul, Muradin, and Brocks cleared the Faceless on Thursday, General Vezax finally couldn't stand.

" don't know what you are about to face..."

At the last moment of his life, Yogg-Saron seemed to have taken over the control of General Vezax. The faceless man uttered a vague whisper, and then finally fell to the ground.

Drunk wind took a breath.

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