Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 697: Yogg-Saron's Ambition

Carapace gave the Faceless a chance to counterattack after a hard blow, but Drunk Wind knew this well and chose a style of constant consumption, without giving General Vezaques the slightest chance.

After resolving General Vezaks, Drunk Wind let out a sigh of relief.

Then the next moment, his spirit became tense again.

Not far in front, is a gate similar to Ahn'Qiraj-but unlike Ahn'Qiraj, the seal on the door has been destroyed.

There is no doubt that Yogg-Saron is inside this door.

Now, no one knows how far Yogg-Saron's plan has been.

If you push the door open, there is a Yogg-Saron who has absorbed Algalon's power and completed the escape process, I am afraid that all five people will die.

The other four people are also clearly aware of this, and there is no lightness in everyone's expressions.

In this case, no amount of relief is meaningless.

It can be said that the safety of the entire Azeroth has been borne by the five Drunk Winds. If this battle fails, the complete Yogg-Saron will reappear with his dark empire.

But now, no one can stop the complete body of an ancient **** and his countless faceless brothers.


In any case, the fighting will not stop, and the soldiers will not retreat.

After everyone's last trimming was completed, Drunk Wind swallowed the magic snack made by Jaina, then rubbed his hand on his thigh and pushed the door open.

The huge hall (or dungeon?) was full of guardians.

Mimiron, Freya, Hodir and Thorim gathered together.

And surrounded by the guardians is a huge translucent giant.

His body is tall-even a head taller than the guardian, he exudes a strong arcane aura, and there is a little starlight at the joints.


Astral Dome Algalon has descended as an observer.

Moreover, it is obvious that the observer's state is not good-four guardians controlled by Yogg-Saron are besieging Algalon.

Although Algalon created a barrier that worked well, in Jaina's eyes, the barrier was gradually infested by a force of unknown attributes, and Algalon might fail at any time.

"Shall we go up and help now?" Muradin raised the warhammer in his hand, and said eagerly, "Drunk Wind, who do you think we should help?"

"...That's not the point." Zuifeng shook his head, resisting his desire to complain, "Our goal is her!"

With that, Zuifeng pointed at a female Vrykul.

Muradin obviously didn't figure out the situation.

"She? A female Vrykul? How could our target be her?!"

"That's not a Vrykul, what you see is just a blindfold of the ancient god, that is the incarnation of Yogg-Saron!"

After Drunk Wind broke Yogg-Saron's identity, he finally stopped hiding.

This female Vrykul was like shattered glass, peeled and collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then turned into a burst of blue smoke, filling the entire hall.

At the same time, large tentacles emerged from the ground.

"I am a lucid dream!"

"The monster in your nightmare."

"The devil with a thousand faces!"

"Shake in my true form!"

"Surrender before the **** of death!"

Along with the tentacles appeared, there was a violent mental shock.

Drunk Wind was just a little dizzy, and Jaina, Muradin, Zul, and Brocks were all blurred for a moment.

Fortunately, after drinking courage wine, they quickly regained consciousness.

After a large number of tentacles drilled out of the ground, a huge head also squeezed out part of the ground. This ugly head was covered with mouths. Every mouth was telling something, and a buzzing whisper suddenly appeared. Everyone's ears, after passing through the eardrum, reach the soul.

"Give up your tricks, Yogg-Saron!" To Yogg-Saron's whisper, drunk wind had no fear, "You have reached the curtain call, and now, all tricks are doomed to fail!"

Yogg-Saron stopped whispering.

"Mortal, self-righteous mortal, you can't stop the greatest ancient god!"

"As my creation, what right do you have to stop me—"

Drunk Wind squeezed the Wind Sword tightly and was indifferent to Yogg-Saron's words.

But Jaina and Muradin's eyes widened in disbelief.

Obviously, the "you" referred to by Yogg-Saron refers to these native beings in Azeroth.

In a sense, Yogg Saron did not lie.

Because Yogg-Saron polluted the creation matrix and created a curse of flesh and blood, humans, dwarves, and dwarfs would be what they are now. This is indeed a creative relationship.

It can be said that human beings are based on the Vrykul made by the Titans, and they have become what they are now under the transformation of Yogg-Saron.

Why is Yogg-Saron the most terrifying of the ancient gods?

Because he has the deepest influence on Azeroth.

Although Y'Shaarj was tough, he died, and the remnants left behind could only make trouble in Pandaria.

Although N'Zoth was insidious, his excessive caution prevented him from causing too serious consequences. Although there were many things behind N'Zoth, there was no real "big thing"-of course, this was also because there was no The cause of the cataclysm.

As for C'Thun, this dead house ancient **** has a small and pitiful range of activities. In addition to playing bugs, he can only play sand. Titans are not willing to care about this guy...

As for Saratas? Dead people please shut up!

Only Yogg Saron.

This ancient **** is a truly terrifying the embodiment of strength and cunning.

Although the ancient gods are good at bewitching, Yogg-Saron is the best at it.

It took N'Zoth a lot of energy to make Neltharion degenerate into Deathwing-still taking advantage of the Burning Legion's invasion-but Yogg-Saron had already caused part of the Guardian to fall apart.

Even more frightening is that Yogg-Saron is still waiting, waiting for an opportunity.

A series of actions by mortals against Northrend gave Yogg-Saron this opportunity.

With Loken's death, the last condition of all Yoggsaron's plans was fulfilled-now, he only needs to take Algalon to break the seal.

And as long as Azeroth is swallowed, Yogg-Saron will be irresistible!

Once Yogg-Saron was the seed of the Void Lord, but what Yogg-Saron now desires is to devour Azeroth and become a more terrifying existence than the Void Lord.

In this respect, the Five Drunken Winds saved more than just the world...

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