Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 706: Yogg-Saron's weakness

The wind sword in Drunk Wind's hand pierced Yogg-Saron's mouth without hindrance.

To be precise, it pierced the cheek next to Yogg-Saron's mouth.

The mouth closed in agony, and he could no longer talk about it.

But when the drunk wind pierced this mouth, the powerful shadow shock also overturned the drunk wind directly. The Pandaren rolled all the way, being pushed far away by the huge shadow energy.

When Zuifeng stood up again, he found himself surrounded by a lot of tentacles again.

"Bah!" Drunk Feng spit on the ground, "Damn, you definitely have a leg with N'Zoth!"

Yogg-Saron didn't respond to Drunk Wind's provocation. While mobilizing the power of the shadow, he waved his tentacles again.

Zuifeng also held the Fengjian horizontally again, and the Xianglong was in the sky.

A ferocious, purely infuriating cloud serpent rushed towards Yogg-Saron, and along the way, the tentacles affected by the cloud serpent curled and scorched.

For the ancient gods, zhenqi is a very annoying energy. Since the main component of zhenqi is life elements, the ancient gods are very afraid of this energy.

Drunk Wind, the cloud serpent composed of true Qi, came to Yogg-Saron, then opened his big mouth and bit down fiercely.

In the eyes of others, this scene is like... a loach with fat...

At least it seems that Zuifeng and Yogg-Saron are evenly matched.

Since Yogg-Saron hasn't got rid of the seal, he can't move at all, facing the attack of Drunk Wind, he can only choose defense.

The overlapping tentacles stopped in front of Drunk Wind, trying to stop Drunk Wind.

The roaring True Qi Xianglong is as fast as lightning, moving forward!

A violent collision.

The True Qi Xianglong broke through the barriers and broke through countless tentacles.

But at the same time, under intense consumption, this cloud serpent became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared.

Finally, the drunken wind exhausted his qi.

In this pure energy competition, Zuifeng is at an absolute disadvantage.

After being bounced again, Zuifeng rolled all the way, and it took a long time to get up.

Forcibly poured a sip of mana tea, drunk wind felt his stomach upset.

Although mana tea can raise true energy, it also contains excessive amounts of Golden Lotus and Fool's Mushroom. These two herbs are slightly toxic when used together.

Before the first assault, Drunk Wind had already drunk Mana Tea once, and when he drank it again this time, Drunk Wind had already had signs of vomiting.

Fool's mushroom poisoned.

But you can't drink it.

Knowing that this would hurt the enemy one thousand and eight hundred, but Drunk Wind had no choice.

The energetic qi rose again, this time, Zuifeng did not rush to attack.

Even in the seal, Yogg-Saron was not able to solve it head-on, and Drunken Wind must find the weakness of this ancient god.

Only in response to Yogg-Saron’s weaknesses, Drunk Wind has a chance!

So, where is the key to this ancient god?

The tentacles had been tried, but it was useless, and it didn't hurt to break a hundred Yogg-Saron.

I also tried the mouth. Although it would close if it was pierced, Yogg Saron said there were hundreds of mouths. Before these mouths were pierced one by one, Drunk Wind would definitely be exhausted.

The rest... The remaining Yogg-Saron is left with an ellipsoidal body. Can he cut the entire Yogg-Saron in two?

If Drunk Wind can do this, he should change his name to Drunk Wind Sargeras.

Tricky, very tricky.

It's not that Drunk Wind has never tried to use the power of Azeroth, but unfortunately, the ancient gods themselves are used to corrupt the star soul, and the power of Azeroth cannot be used in Ulduar.

Even now that the shadows are getting more and more dense, Drunk Wind can't even do the elemental clone.

damn it!

For the drunk wind who is accustomed to getting ready to act, this forced assault on Ulduar has actually fallen into the rhythm of Yogg-Saron.

This kind of having to follow the opponent's rhythm is really uncomfortable!


Drunk Wind couldn't figure out Yogg-Saron's weakness for a while, so he dared not act rashly.

But Yogg Saron didn't pay so much attention to it!

Just after the drunk wind drank the mana tea, Yogg-Saron had already understood that now the pandaman was not far from the lamp.

How can that give the drunk wind a respite!

Although Yogg-Saron is also very uncomfortable now, and Brocks' attack has brought him serious damage, but Yogg-Saron said that he can hold it!

This time, Yogg Saron simply chose the safest method.

Shadow erosion!

The light in the hall dimmed and turned black.

In the dark sealed hall, although it is not impossible to reach out his fingers, Drunk Wind can only vaguely see things not far in front of him.

But for Yogg-Saron, the shadow energy is his own eyes, invisible to the drunken wind, but Yogg-Saron can feel everything in the hall more clearly!

In this case Yogg-Saron’s first choice was to try to launch a sneak attack on a few people except Drunk Wind, but Zul was experienced and was the first time the hall darkened. It brought everyone else together.

Zul’s power of shadow is only half-hearted, but it is more than enough to deal with this kind of sneak attack relying on darkness!

Seeing that the sneak attack failed, Yogg-Saron was not depressed, anyway, the battlefield is now separated. Since the group of people in the distance can't sneak attack, then clean up the drunken wind alone!

Tentacles broke through the ground and swept over.

Drunk Wind dealt with Yogg-Saron's sneak attack cautiously.

No matter where it was on the ground, a tentacle would suddenly burst out of the ground and then rolled towards him.

Zuifeng wanted to keep the golden bell cover and the magic dispersal power on, but now that his true energy was on the verge of exhaustion, all he could rely on was the quick reflex he exercised on Qingri Peak.

Thank you Daxueshan.

Relying on instinct, Drunk Wind evaded Yogg-Saron's sneak attack, but it was just avoiding it-Drunk Wind seemed to have completely lost the opportunity to fight back.

But is it really so?

Although the darkness gave Yogg-Saron almost perfect cover, under the darkness, Drunk Wind finally found a way.

A way to find Yogg-Saron's weakness that he has been looking for.


About adding more.

The author will make up all the updates that owe this month, and there is no problem at all.

But the visual inspection needs to start after the 17th, because the author is cleaning up the house and moving...

Moving is a very irritating thing, especially when it is raining-after the author has moved, he can start adding updates with peace of mind~ For mobile phone users, please visit m.. reading for a better reading experience.

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