Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 707: Drunk Wind's Life and Death Assault

In the darkness, Drunk Wind used his far-than-ordinary reflection to avoid Yogg-Saron's sneak attack while thinking about how to deal with this **** ancient god.

C'Thun cares about his Ahn'Qiraj, so he is the easiest to deal with.

But Yogg-Saron cares about Azeroth.

The only thing that can inspire Drunk Wind is the attack of Brocks.

Drunk Wind doesn't know where Brocks attacked Yogg-Saron, but Drunk Wind knows that Brocks' attacks are very effective.

Because after that attack, Yogg-Saron had to lift the control of the Guardian.

If Drunk Wind can attack that point, there is still a chance!

But Drunk Wind had just seen very clearly that Brox jumped into the hole dug by Yogg-Saron's tentacles and went underground to attack.

After Yogg-Saron was attacked, he squeezed most of his body onto the ground.

In this way, Drunken Wind couldn't figure out whether the place where Yogg-Saron was attacked by Brocks was underground or above ground.

This is a dilemma.

Especially after Yogg-Saron used the power of shadow to darken the entire hall.

You can understand that in order to improve his attack power, Yogg-Saron had to hug the key outside, and in order to cover up this key, he created a shadow.

But on the contrary, you can also understand that Yogg-Saron is in the suspicion formation, attracting Drunk Wind to attack his life, and then taking this opportunity to kill Drunk Wind.

Fictional reality!

Drunk Wind didn't dare to act rashly, but the ancient gods were masters of psychology.

Of course, Drunk Wind was not given for nothing-he deliberately drank the mana tea, showing a weak look, actually seducing Yogg-Saron.

Come try to control me mentally!

As long as Yogg-Saron did not hold back and used mind control on Drunk Wind, Drunk Wind would be able to find Yogg-Saron's key points easily.

But Yogg-Saron held back.

The failure of mind control of Brocks made this cunning ancient **** unwilling to take risks again. Since he is absolutely dominant in the scene, why bother to take risks?

In case the drunk wind gets rid of its control, is it not beautiful for yourself?

Yogg-Saron didn't take the bait no matter how he acted, and Drunk Wind finally felt that he couldn't hold it anymore.

I can’t do it anymore, I’ll do it for a while. If Yogg-Saron’s mind controls himself, he might not have the energy to get rid of it, so it’s self-defeating!

Just when Drunk Wind wanted to change his approach, he suddenly had an idea.

He seems to have some good things that can affect Yogg-Saron!

The ancient gods have many enemies-for example, N'Zoth is the mortal enemy of Yogg-Saron.

In Nomi's hands, Drunken Wind confiscated several Dragon Summonings-just kidding, this kind of dangerous item must not be in the hands of the bear child, otherwise something will definitely happen!

(At the same time, Anduin and Franks in Stormwind sneezed in unison—"Nomi must be talking about me. He found out that I took his sword...")

At this time, Zuifeng took out the Dragon's Call.

Undoubtedly, even if he felt the attraction of the Dragon's Summoning, Deathwing would not be able to show up in Ulduar again-after all, the big chin was just crazy, not stupid yet.

But don’t forget, the source of this dragon’s summons is the Battle of Grim Batol!

At the time of that battle, Deathwing had not yet started its own flesh-and-seed plan.

In other words, although Dragon Summon has been processed by Nefarian, it is still possible to carry the breath of N'Zoth!

Drunk Wind intends to take a gamble.

What Drunk Wind is betting is that Yogg-Saron will be jealous because of this dragon's call, revealing flaws!

After Drunken Wind pulled out the Dragon's Summon, Yogg-Saron's expression changed drastically (? Maybe, no one can confirm this).

"En'Zoth? Is this your trick?"

"No, no, no trace of you on this mortal's body. You can't allow your chess pieces to be so presumptuous."

"But this weapon is definitely your creation, I know you too well!"

"Could it be that all the previous ones are just your suspicious formations?"

"Come out, N'Zoth, don't hide. This is not a war ten thousand years ago. It is meaningless to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight!"

Yogg-Saron seemed a little jealous and a little confused. His thousand mouths finally stopped making all kinds of disturbing noises, but kept making guesses about this matter.

Drunk Wind didn't have time to deal with these things. He clenched the Dragon's Summoning, a part of his true energy rose up, and rushed towards Yogg-Saron.

Because he was scrupulous about the call of the dragon in his hand, Drunk Feng did not dare to raise his true energy too much, and the Xianglong could not use it in the sky. At this time, he could only use the magic power, wearing the golden bell, and fighting. The body is not bad, and he rushes hard.

Although Dragon's Summon is made by the tail of Deathwing, it is a mass product after all, and it is far inferior to the wind sword in terms of strength and power.

Therefore, in the face of Yogg-Saron's tentacles, many of the summons of the word dragon cannot completely cut off those tentacles.

In this forcibly charge, Drunk Wind was hit by countless tentacles.

Staggering, stumbling.

Although every step was difficult, Drunk Wind showed an almost numb state-as if his mind was controlled by N'Zoth.

Yogg-Saron finally panicked.

Yogg-Saron is in a very poor state now. If Drunk Wind is really instigated by N'Zoth, then this sword is probably a real killer move.

In that case, once Yogg-Saron is stabbed by this sword, I am afraid that his various schemes will make wedding clothes for others.

Maybe N'Zoth can take over everything!

Under this circumstance, Yogg-Saron finally revealed his biggest mouth.

This is Yogg-Saron’s strongest point and his weakest point!

With his mouth opened, it was as if the substantive shadows gathered madly, forming a "shadow cannonball", ready to go.

It's now!

Zuifeng finally found the flaw he was looking for.

Because, in Yoggsaron's biggest mouth, there is a wooded battle axe!

As the enchanter of this battle axe Drunk Wind also found Yogg-Saron's weakness.

You are waiting!

Zuifeng directly dropped the Dragon's Summon, joking, the quality of this thing is simply not qualified.

After Drunken Wind clenched the Double Wind Sword again, Yogg-Saron also realized that he had been fooled.

With the arrow on the string, Yogg-Saron directly fired the shadow cannonball and went straight to the drunk wind.

At the same time, Yogg-Saron's mouth finally closed, and his entire body began to sink.

Drunk Wind no longer wanted to dodge, because even if he avoided the cannonball, Yogg-Saron had hidden his weakness.

I won't have the next chance.

Holding the Fengjian tightly, Zuifeng faced the Shadow Cannonball and moved forward.

This is a life and death assault!

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