Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 708: Don't come to a memory kill

Shadow is a very magical energy.

In the cognition of most people, this is a kind of negative energy, a kind of energy that will bring various bad effects.

Such as various negative emotions.

Such as various negative effects.

The shadow is different from the holy light. The holy light is easy to gather. After the beam is formed, it is extremely penetrating and has a powerful purifying ability-the shadow is on the contrary. The pure shadow energy will continue to escape and corrode its contact. To everything.

The reason the shadow condensed spell like the Shadow Bolt is the sign of the warlock rather than the skill of the Dark Shepherd is mainly because the pure shadow is difficult to turn into a sharp arrow-the shadow arrow of the warlock is fel energy Helping.

(This is also why Zul can only use shadow waves such as useless skills, unless you are a shadow user at the level of the ancient god, otherwise you must use other energy to "shape" the shadow.)

The power of this shadow bullet from Yogg-Saron has completely exceeded the limit of the shadow spell itself. Under Yogg-Saron’s full compression, the shadows are gathered to the extreme, which makes the shadow bullets not easily scattered. open.

In this case, Drunken Wind could only see that the ground between himself and Yogg-Saron had been plowed into a deep gully.

Wherever the Shadow Bullet went, the landslide flew!

Drunk wind does not evade.

Now is not the time to evade. After Yogg-Saron fired this shadow bullet, he seemed to be a lot weaker, and he began to rotate his body, trying to hide his biggest mouth under the ground.

Once Yogg-Saron finishes this work, Drunk Wind is really helpless and can only be slowly consumed to death.

What, you said to learn from Brocks and run to the ground to attack?

It would be better to resist this shadow bullet!

Therefore, Drunken Wind can only take advantage of the present to give Yogg-Saron a fatal attack!

The Shadow Bullet began to compress further during the flight.

And Zuifeng continues to charge forward, constantly looking for the best angle of attack.

The Shadow Bullet will be exposed soon.

Suddenly, Drunk Wind took his body shape, and then took a step to the side, seeing that he was about to pass the Shadow Bullet.

Just kidding, I’m not stupid—not being able to move back doesn’t mean that I can’t move sideways. This hall is still empty, as long as I avoid this shadow bullet, there is a smooth road ahead!

But Yogg-Saron's thoughts about Drunk Wind seemed to have been anticipated.

After the extreme compression, the Shadow Bullet suddenly expanded.

The huge shadow energy has been transformed from an extremely destructive shadow bullet into a solid shadow wall with its own force field!

The step that Drunk Wind took was enough to open more shadow bullets, but facing a shadow wall with a width and height of more than 10 meters, one step was ultimately incapable.


For Drunken Wind, 10 meters is never a long distance-even with the help of Pandaren's racial talents, Drunken Wind can jump 10 meters forward with one leap.

But between this kind of electric flint, 10 meters becomes infinitely long.

If Drunk Wind chooses to retreat, and then dodge, he can easily climb over this wall of shadows.

But in the same way, if Drunk Wind chooses to retreat, it also means that he will miss this opportunity to attack, and Yogg-Saron will be able to hide his vitals.

But facing the thick wall of shadow, Drunk Wind really had no bottom.

At this moment, Zuifeng really hopes that he can come to an episode of memory killing-although at this critical juncture, if you really distract the memory, the result will definitely be hit on the wall and then pushed out...

How to do?

Suddenly, the drunken wind and thoughts turn.

Seeing this wall of shadow pass through Yogg-Saron's own tentacles unimpededly, Drunk Wind suddenly gained enlightenment.

Take a gamble!

At this moment, Zuifeng unlocked the seal of a dagger.

"Elemental clone!"

The advancing drunken wind is unabated, one is divided into four.

Yogg Saron laughed.

"Pandaman, you don't think that relying on those cowardly elements can pass through my defenses, do you? I am the **** of death, and those element lords were just my servants!"

Zuifeng didn't respond to Yogg-Saron's complaints, and even wanted to laugh.

Yes, the elements did succumb to the darkness of the ancient gods, but what I want to use this time is not the power of the elements!

This time, the elemental clone of Drunken Wind is very different from usual.

Normally, the elemental clones of Drunk Wind are flames, squalls, lightning, and the earth, which are red, green, blue, and yellow.

And this time, the four clones of Zuifeng are all gray.

It's like...A shadow is over!

Contrary to Yogg-Saron's expectation, the four clones passed through this shadow wall without hindrance-they really passed through!

Yogg-Saron's laughter stopped abruptly.

How could this be?

The next moment, Yogg-Saron found an "old friend" he hadn't seen for many years.


That's right, it was the ancient **** Saratas who had no corpse.

After getting Saratas, for the sake of caution, Drunk Wind, with the help of Velen, sealed the dagger relatively.

This dagger was also borrowed by Faor for research, and then the archbishop studied it for a year, but there was little gain.

Fearing the influence of the will of the ancient gods, after taking the dagger back, Zuifeng always took the dagger with him--considering that no treasure room seemed to be safe, Zuifeng felt that this was the safest choice.

And now, this choice has become a surprise.

Just now, Drunk Wind discovered that this shadow wall would not block Yogg-Saron's own tentacles, and he decided to take a gamble.

So, with a move of his heart, Zuifeng directly unlocked the seal of Saratas, and then let Saratas' will infect him.

In order to speed up the infestation effect, Zuifeng even uses elemental clones.

Drunk Wind's bet was won, and the wall of shadows transformed in a hurry could not stop shadow creatures, and under the infestation of Saratas, Drunk Wind's elemental clone was now a real shadow creature.

After passing through the Wall of Shadow, Zuifeng lifted his clone. The next moment, the four element clones became a At this time, Zuifeng had no time to take care of Saratas.

The dagger was thrown on the ground, and Zuifeng held Fengjian again.

Seeing that Yogg-Saron's biggest mouth hadn't closed yet, Zuifeng threw out the wind sword in his left hand.

The momentum is like lightning.

The sharp sword pierced directly through Yogg-Saron's largest mouth.

"Ah ah ah ah ah~" x1000

There was a tingling scalp howling ghosts.

The creeping tentacles and waving tentacles all stopped.

Hit hard, hit the soul!

Stepping on those soft tentacles, Drunk Feng staggered holding the wind sword, step by step, but very firmly, walked in front of Yogg-Saron.

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