Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 712: Long time no see Kun Lai Mountain

In the morning, Pandaren Li Hai finished his meal early and drove his boat out of Zhuojin Village. Under the clear sky, he threw out his bait and started today’s fishing job—well, it was actually Shrimp fishing.

"I hope I can catch a few more mantis shrimps. The Shado-Pan will change the guard in two days. I can ask them to change some candles along the way. There are not many candles left in the village."

Zhuojin Village is the northernmost part of Pandaria, where the mighty Kun-Lai Mountains enter the sea, forming a small peninsula and some scattered islands. The retrospective ocean currents bring abundant fish resources and form Kun-Lai Mountain. The largest giant mantis shrimp fishery.

Pandaren who like food immediately settled down after discovering this place, and over time, they became a new village-Zhuojin Village.

As the Kun-Lai Mountain is steep and Zhuojin Village is backed by the cliff, hot air balloons are required to get in and out most of the time. Zhuojin Village is in a state of self-sufficiency, so over time, people come here Less, even the land spirits who drive yaks all the year round and walk on the large and small business roads in Kun-Lai Mountain rarely set foot here.

After all, this self-produced, self-sold, and occasionally barter economy is destined to have no commercial value here.

This makes Zhuojin Village even more like a paradise.

"Of course, it would be better if there weren't those **** lizardmen..." As if feeling something, Li Hai murmured and lifted the suspender in his hand. "Damn, this year's blue light crab seems to be a bit flooded, maybe I should tell the Shado-Pan to host a Blu-ray Crab Festival, invite some chefs over, and clean up these lawless guys!"

"As long as the chef of Mid-Levels takes the initiative, the Shado-Pan lads can eat the blue-ray crabs here to the endangered!"

In Li Hai's hand, there was a broken fishing line, and the smooth cut revealed the culprit-the blue crab.

The blue crab is a giant crab that is a specialty of Pandaria. It is delicious and fat. But for small villages like Zhuojin, the blue crab with a one-meter diameter and sharp claws is not a common ingredient.

After all, this is not a Shado-Pan Temple, nor are all pandamen monks. If you want ordinary fishermen to face such creatures, they are often incapable.

Whenever blue crabs reproduce in large numbers, the fishery of Zhuojin Village will suffer a serious blow, because the recipes of blue crabs and mantis shrimp basically overlap, there is not only competition between the two, but also fishing in blue crabs. And fishing brings a lot of trouble.

If you use fishing, the line will be pinched by the blue crab, and if you use fishing, the net cannot withstand the tearing of such guys.

Fortunately, there are Shado-Pan.

After Drunk Wind took the Shado-Pan into three battles, in Pandaria, the Pandaren have to face much less pressure to survive. In this case, the Shado-Pan monks can put more energy into it. To other things.

For example, tidy up the lizard people everywhere, or hold various festivals.

That’s right, the wine festival in Bin'an Village, the food festival in Mid-Levels, the Dragon Race in the Jade Forest, etc. are all organized by the Shado-Pan-anyway, idle is idle, and the monks always give it to themselves Find something to do?

So Li Hai thinks it seems that Zhuojin Village can hold the following crab festivals!

It is said that the monks of the Shado-Zang Monastery need to eat a lot of high-energy food when they are practicing. If the Crab Festival cannot be held, it can also be turned into a crab supply place for the Shado-Pan. When the monks take away the blue light Crab, I can relax myself.

While thinking aimlessly, Li Hai threw out the bait again.

The gentle sea breeze was blowing Li Hai's hair, making the panda fisherman feel extremely comfortable.

Although Li Hai had dropped the anchor, the boat was still drifting slowly with the sea breeze. Even so, the fishing rod in the fisherman's hand remained motionless.

This is a deep and deep fishing technique. Li Hai uses his body to offset the fluctuations caused by the boat and ensure the stability of fishing.

It is said that this technique involves the monk's meditation, but it has nothing to do with Li Hai, this is a trick he learned from Zuifeng.

More than ten years ago, when Zuifeng left Pandaria, he made the final repairs in Zhuojin Village. Before leaving, he made himself a mantis shrimp dumpling.

While fishing in the drunken wind, Li Hai discovered that he could maintain the stability of the fishing rod on the undulating boat. He was surprised and asked.

Drunk Wind doesn't hide his own personalities. He spent a little time explaining the key to this technique for Li Hai.

Since then, Li Hai has become the best fisherman in Zhuojin Village.

Even because of such a bug, the shrimp fishing contest in Zhuojin Village was suspended.

Li Hai did not teach this technique to others too much-not because he cherished his broom, but because the demand for mantis shrimp in Zhuojin Village is not so lot of fishing will bring ecology damage.

Having said that, if the number of blue-ray crabs hadn't been too much recently, Li Hai wouldn't take the effort at all.

On the border of Pandaria, Li Hai clearly noticed the changes in the fog over the past few years.

After Shaohao sacrificed himself, a thick fog enveloped Pandaria. Anyone who went to sea would be caught in the fog if they left too far-but don't worry, the will of the last emperor will always protect his son Min, if you want to, there will always be a wind to send these lost people back.

And those who are determined to leave, the fog will not stop them.

However, in recent years, Li Hai has discovered that the fog seems to be getting lighter and thinner.

This is very unusual.

I don't know why, Li Hai always feels that this calm doesn't seem to last long.


Before he knew it, Li Hai had been here for a whole day, and his bamboo basket was already full of plump mantis shrimp.

The setting sun dyed this sea area red, and the panda fisherman hummed a little song, but still packed up his fishing gear.

Then, the sky suddenly darkened.

"Something's wrong!" Li Hai frowned, "It should be a sunny day today, how come there are such big dark clouds?"

Li Hai raised his head and glanced while holding the hat.

What is this stuff? !

A giant beast that Li Hai had never seen appeared in the sky.

Scary scales, twisted double horns, wide wings, powerful tail, and a head like a lizardman.

Li Hai saw the black dragon for the first time.

At the same time, the fog of Pandaria finally disappeared.

In Li Hai's stunned eyes, a round figure jumped down from the back of the black dragon.

"Ahaha, Kun-Laishan, long time no see~"

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