Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 713: Controversy in Baihu Temple

Drunk Wind is back!

This explosive news was like a gust of wind, which directly swept across Pandaria. When Drunk Wind set foot in the Shado-Pan Monastery, the Shado-Pan faction even ignited the beacon on the back of the beacon dragon.

For the Pandaren, the return of Drunk Wind means too much.

When Drunk Wind left, Jinyu elders predicted a new disaster. Now that Drunk Wind returns, Pandaria’s fog has also disappeared. For the Pandaren, this probably means a new era.

Of course, for different Pandaren, this "new era" has completely different meanings.

For example, in Mid-Levels, foodies began to discuss the Mid-Levels Food Festival ahead of schedule; in the Golden Lotus, the sky in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms is full of fireworks; in the Jade Forest, the Cloud Serpent Knights unanimously decided not to allow cans to participate in all races and competitions. Match...

Most importantly, the Monkey King sent three times as many patrol posts to his wine cellar.

(Drunk wind, how many monkey stuff did you steal the honobo?!)

At this time, these troubled Drunk Winds did not care too much. The Drunk Wind who had just returned home did not go to Mid-Levels to visit Yan first. Instead, he took Nomi, Lili and Valera to the Shado-Pan Monastery and found it. The leader of the Shado-Pan, Zhu Taran.

Meet old friends.

More than ten years have passed, the resolute drunkenness of the past seems to have become (lao), Zheng (bu), (zheng) and (jing), but the Maotou boy of the past has now become calm and capable.

There is no **** hug and crying, only two people sit on the ground (well, Drunk Wind is lying on the ground), Drunk Wind is drinking while drinking, Zhu Talan watched silently.

"Old Zhu, don't be so silent, aren't you happy to see me?"

Drinking alone is particularly boring, so Drunk Wind chose to divide into four.

"You are the first to drink with the element clone." Zhu Taran's words under the mask sounded a little dull, "Obviously you are the biggest in our Yanhua Trial, and you are the one who has the most comprehensive thinking about the problem. Why did you return? , Now it looks like you are so frivolous..."

"This is not frivolous." Hearing Zhu Taran's words, Drunk Feng shook his head, and the four became one. "This is also the joy of life-outside of Azeroth and Pandaria, I have experienced too much heaviness. , There is too much grief, so I cherish the moments of relaxation now."

"...Can't understand." Zhu Taran thought for a while, then shook his head again, "This time you come back, it seems that you have found the clue of the disaster?"

The topic returned to business, and Drunk Feng stopped drinking, so he threw away the flask and sat down.

"Yes, I found the context of the matter, so I chose to return-this time, we can no longer stand on the sidelines like it was 10,000 years ago."

While speaking, Zuifeng roughly told about his experience.

From ancient wars to orc wars, from ancient gods to the Burning Legion.

The more I wish Taran listened, the more frowning her brows became.

Finally, after Zuifeng finished speaking, the head of the Shado-Pan raised his head.

"What do you mean." Zhu Taran's eyes were staring at Drunk Wind. "You mean, this time the mist is about to dissipate forever. We must be in disaster?"

"Yes." Zuifeng nodded, "This disaster requires everyone in this world to face it together!"


Zhu Taran was silent again.

"I don't agree." After a long time, Taran Zhu finally said, "This matter should not affect Pandaria."

"I know you would say that." When Zhu Taran said this, Zuifeng didn't take it seriously. "The mist is a kind of refuge and an obstacle. Pandaren have been safe in Pandaria for too long. It's time to take it. Take a responsibility."

"The nature is different!" Zhu Taran shook his head firmly, "Ten thousand years ago, the night elves took the blame for the demon's invasion, and this time, the source of the disaster is definitely not in Pandaria!"

"If it was the Sha demon that caused serious consequences, the entire Shado-Pan faction would never back down even if it fought to the last person-but if we were to wipe our **** for those long ears, that would not be possible!"

"Like you said, the nature is different." Zuifeng still smiled, "This time is completely different from when it was ten thousand years ago. It is of little significance to argue with you here. I think we'd better go to Baihu Temple. Ring the gong and determine the future of the Pandaren under the witness of my master and the four gods."

The attitude of Drunk Wind's sudden avoidance made Zhu Taran feel inexplicably irritable, but he had to admit that this was the best way to solve the problem.

Thinking of this, Zhu Taran finally nodded and agreed with Zuifeng's opinion.

After Zhu Taran agreed, Zuifeng turned over again and fell into four.

"The monkey stuffed, I want to die, old Zhu, don’t you know, when there is no monkey stuffed, I’m just a salted fish!"

Regarding Zuifeng's appearance, Zhu Taran could only smile and shook his head.

Obviously a hero, why does it look like a salted fish?


Baihu Temple is located on the top of Kun-Lai Mountain, adjacent to Qingri Peak. It is the permanent residence of the White Tiger Xuenu, one of the four gods, and one of the residences of the Shado-Pan.

There is snow all year round here, and although there are always monks in training, it is still very deserted in general-but today, the Baihu Temple is lively.

Because it is spacious and bright, and the main hall is large enough, many conferences will be held here.

This time, the proposal for Zuifeng to join the oath will also be discussed here.

Regarding whether the Pandaren should participate in the It should have been decided in Jinxiu Valley-but due to the opinions of Zuifeng and Zhu Taran to the left, the four gods, Shaohao’s remnant soul, and the shadow trace The elders of the school, the Golden Lotus cult, and the Lorewalkers all gathered here.

This is a memory that determines Pandaria's future.

It is foreseeable that this will be a compulsory question for the entrance exam for lodging scholars in the future...

After Drunk Wind finished telling about his history in Azeroth and the famine he might face, the dispute broke out.

"I absolutely disagree!" Just after Drunk Wind’s narration, Taran Zhu stood up, "I will not agree with this kind of battle, and the warriors of the Shado-Pan will not suffer from the disaster caused by the greed of the night elves. Bleeding and sacrifice! We once warned Azshara and fulfilled our obligations as allies. Now, there is no need for us to give up the shelter of the fog because of the possible demons!"

"But things are not that simple." Zhou Zhuo, who always looks like a good old man, rarely expressed his opinion. "We got a lot of information about Titans from Thunder God Mountain and Emperor Treasury. This is completely in line with the experience of Drunken Wind. It coincides, the ancient war ten thousand years ago was only a fuse, the invasion of the devil was not accidental, but inevitable!"

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