Panda’s Self-cultivation

: Looking for the drunk wind

Of course, not being able to eat Bawang's meal is an excuse.

Nomi is simply unwilling to reveal his identity. Outside of Pandaria, he has been wearing the label of "The Drunken Wind" on his head, and he has come to a place where no one knows his identity. Learn about Dad’s past here.

How did Drunk Wind become a hero?

Fortunately, although the three of them didn't finish listening to Zhou's words, Lili probably had some understanding about Stormstout. The little girl only smiled again after taking Nomi for a while.

Then the three can only sleep in the wilderness again...

Fortunately, the snow-capped mountains have now fallen.

The Breath of the West Wind set off and continued to the south. Within two days of walking, the three of them arrived at the gate of Jinxiu Valley.

The guards of the Golden Lotus Sect guarded here in armor, which seemed a bit solemn from a distance.

But when they got closer, Nomi, Lili, and Valera heard their complaints and laughed.

"Hey, do we really have to stand guard here?"

"Who knows... The fog has cleared recently, and God knows what we will meet. It's always right to be careful."

"But be careful not to stand guard with this kind of big guy? I always feel that this mace came from the tomb of which mogu clan..."

"I think so, I guess it's Songtao's opinion about standing guard 80%!"

"Forget it, it's actually pretty good to stand guard, at least better than dredging in Qionghua Lake."

How should I put it, these two pandamen are a bit real, and they will show the bottom of the face project...

Of course, these guys didn't go too far. These few complaints were spoken in Pandaren language.

The gate of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms was built by Pandaren, but unfortunately, it was built under the whip of the Mogu tribe. The emperor of the Mogu tribe enslaved the Pandaren and built a large number of majestic buildings in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms.

However, after the Mogu Empire was overthrown, it was returned to the Pandaren.

Due to the rule of Thor, the history of the Pandaren was once interrupted, but after the Kang Uprising, the Pandaren inherited a part of the Mogu civilization and developed their own civilization on this basis.

For the pandamen, the Vale of Eternal Blossoms and the Dragon Spine were built under the enslavement of the mogu, but after overthrowing the rule of the mogu, the pandamen with pragmatism did not abandon them, but changed them. , Turning them into a part of their Pandaren empire.

The Nomi trio didn't encounter any obstacles when they entered the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, and the guards didn't even look at them, which made Valera feel a little strange—it shouldn't be like this!

Then, shortly after entering the door, they finally found the reason.

Nomi saw a familiar figure—the goblin.

"Hey, Pandaren, you can't do this! This is my detection machine, how could you destroy it so easily? I want to compensate!"

When are the goblins logged in Pandaria...

No wonder Valera, the high elf, has not surprised the guards of the Golden Lotus Cult. It turns out that now, the Pandaren have accepted the existence of foreign races!


Razer Blackbrew is an ambitious goblin—or, all goblins are ambitious.

Lazelle's dream is to truly realize everything from stone to gold.

It's a pity that Razzell's background largely restricted him.

The Black Brew family is a small alchemy family that serves the Hot Sand Group. As the youngest son, Razzell has to face the exploitation of his father on the one hand, and the vigilance of his brothers and sisters on the other.

Believe me, the family love of the goblin is really worthless.

Razzell is a genius who is proficient in alchemy, but in the absence of experiments, geniuses can't exert much strength. After all, alchemy materials are often not cheap.

At the age of 19, Razzle left Kezan and came to Gadgetzan.

Gadgetzan is a magical city, it is full of opportunities, but it is also full of challenges. Razzil has been in this goblin city for five years, but after all, he has not saved even a copper.

However, after Gazlowe became another goblin figure after Prince Hotsand, Razzel noticed the business opportunity and actively participated in the construction of Port of Mist.

It is a pity that Zuifeng adopted a joint contracting system when building Haze Harbor. Razzell was penniless and could only invest in technology. Moreover, because he was good at alchemy rather than engineering, Razzell could only rely on the deployment of pigments. Make money.

As a result, after three years of hard work, Razzle's gain was... an ogre kid.

That's right, ogre!

This ogre who can only eat but has great strength is Razzell's new starting point.

After recognizing the power of capital, Lazer is ready to work in other directions. It is too difficult to rely solely on purchasing materials. He intends to construct a complete assembly line for his experiments.

Riding an ogre to mine, the ogre is responsible for digging, smelting by itself, and returning to the laboratory for alchemy. If it fails, find a bully and sell it. If it succeeds, it will show off and then sell...

However, this does not prevent him from having a great affection for Pandaren.

Through observation, Razzell found that Zuifeng is almost a human-shaped self-propelled gold machine, as long as you follow the Pandaren, you are not wrong!

Originally Razzle was working in Booty Bay. There was no way. Feeding an ogre was never an easy job.

After the mist cleared, rumors arose among the sailors of the South China Sea for the first time.

"It is said that the fog to the south has disappeared."

"Yes, some people say that they saw panda fishermen..."

Panda Man!

Razzell was very excited. He dismantled his laboratory directly and turned it into a hua (xiang) device (ji). Then, with the help of the monsoon, he took his own ogre The partner "Er Gazi" came directly south.

In this way, the lucky Razzle became one of the first foreigners to reach the Valley of Eternal Blossoms.


The fourth update is complete, and there are currently 25 chapters short.

Guess, who is the prototype of Razzle?

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