Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 720: Pandaria's potential

In Razzel's view, Pandaria is a magical land full of opportunities.

Although Ergazi's overweight caused the aircraft to lose control, Lazelle's way of landing was a bit awkward (face to the ground), but this did not affect his favorability of Pandaria.

Look at the lush vegetation here!

In Azeroth, the area covered by plants directly shows the vitality of the land! Jinxiu Valley is a place full of vitality, where the fragrant grasses are delicious and the fallen leaves are colorful.

Razzel felt that he might be able to find some kind of life crystallization here, and inject new elements into his alchemy!

More importantly, as long as you can find the source of this vitality, it is equivalent to owning a golden mountain. You must know that the life crystals produced in Un'Goro Crater are almost priceless in Booty Bay!

(There is no way. The Rende Society entered this area when it pledged to develop Un'Goro. Under the supervision of the group of druids, the supply of Un'Goro's products was pitiful, and the price was naturally extremely terrible.)

With such thoughts in mind, Razzle pulled Ergazi out of the wreckage of the aircraft, and then excitedly found his detector, ready to do a big job.

As a result, when he had just activated the detector, two golden lotus guards appeared directly, facing Razzle with a rage and thunder.

The hapless goblin didn't even react, and fell directly into dizziness.

When Razzle regained consciousness, he found that his life detector had been disassembled into parts of the same place, and Ergazi was still in dizziness.

Under this circumstance, Razzle did not care about his little brother, but chose to make a claim for the first time.

"Why do you damage my detector? I ask you to double it, one hundred-no, I mean one thousand gold coins!"

Regarding Razzle's claim, the Golden Lotus guards were indifferent.

"Damn, are you all dumb? Why do you destroy the efforts of a goblin inventor!"

Razzell jumped anxiously. This detector was his only chance to come back. Now it has been dismantled into parts in the same place. This one is not good!

But no matter what Razzle called, these Golden Lotus guards seemed to have not seen them.

Compensation? nonexistent!

Just when Razzell rushed to the hopelessness of life and wanted to jump into Qionghua Lake, an angel finally rescued him-although this angel was a bit fat.

"Goblin? Right? This instrument belongs to you?"

Razzle looked back and saw a panda man with a distinctive dress.

This is a naturally curly guy, but it's a pity that the hair is not well taken care of. It has become a bird's nest on his head, with a monolithic goggles on his right eye, and his robe is oily, and it smells of arcane magic.

"Yes, this is mine!" Razzell nodded quickly, "Are you the boss here? Damn, you damaged my detector!"

"Damage?" The Pandaren showed a big smile, his teeth were unusually white, "No, I just checked it to make sure it is indeed a detector."

While talking, the Pandaren had already reassembled Razzle's detector quickly, and the speed made the goblin stunned on the spot.

"This... so fast!"

"Of course!" After the assembly was completed, the Pandaren's tone was full of ostentation, "I am Songtao, Songtao Jingxin, the greatest engineering master of Lorewalkers-have you heard of it?"

Razzle tried to wink his small eyes, thought for a long time, and then rarely answered honestly, "No."

Song Tao didn't come up in a breath.

"Didn't Drunk Wind mean that the goblins are all liars? Wouldn't it be good to let them lie to me?"

Poor Songtao, his unique aesthetic has caused him to become a stranger among the lorewalkers. He wanted to get a sense of accomplishment in the goblin, but he didn't expect to meet a real goblin...


In fact, after the fog of Pandaria dissipated, Zuifeng made a lot of exhortations to Shado-Pan, Lorewalkers and Golden Lotus.

Due to the existence of the oath, unless official units such as the Alliance and the Horde are sending ambassadors, it is difficult to send people directly to Pandaria, so Drunk Wind does not worry about them.

Zuifeng is most worried about those unofficial organizations.

For example... Venture Capital Company!

This group of famous goblins (well, there are wolves, kobolds and all the races you can imagine) are public enemies of Azeroth, as long as they can make money, they would not dare to do without these guys!

If they find the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, Zuifeng is very worried that they will start digging right there!

After all, Zuifeng knew what a magical land the Fairview Valley is!

Of course, under the guard of the Golden Lotus Sect, venture capital companies will not be able to turn over any big storms for a while, and sneaky excavations will definitely be quickly discovered and then stopped. They are still greedy for the rich oil and gas resources of the Un'Goro Crater. No need to take care of the vows!

But the Vale of Eternal Blossoms is too important. In case the venture capital company pollutes the magic spring water, the drunk wind will really cry.

In this case, Drunk Wind repeatedly told him to be careful of goblins before leaving.

"If you see the goblin—the little green-skinned dwarf—you don’t say anything, just take it down first, and then check their luggage carefully!"

It was for this reason that when Razzle started scanning around with his detector, the dedicated Golden Lotus guards launched an assault and took him directly.

Song Tao recently stationed at the seat of the Tao of Hearing and rushed there as soon as he got the news. As a result, he happened to see Razzell and his detector. When he saw the heart of hunting, Song Tao started directly. Disassemble the detector into parts.

Please understand the excitement of a tech madman after seeing the new tech tree, Song Tao swears, he really didn't mean it!

Of course, the cold Songtao wouldn’t explain this to the goblin. He just returned the assembled detector to the goblin’s hands, and then told Razzle that this was a military restricted zone. If he wanted to continue the detection, He had to arrest Razzle.

"Don't even think about digging, digging is absolutely forbidden here!"

Song Tao didn't lie. The place that Razzel explored was under the seat of the Taoism, and there was a treasure house of the Mogu Emperor!

The goblin muttered something angrily, but the situation was better than others, so he could only wake Er Gazi and choose to leave.

"Go, don't sleep here!"

"Ah, what?" Er Gazi was kicked on the face by Razzle, and suddenly woke up, "Head, is it the meal?"

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