Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 721: Strange alchemist

Ergazi with a blank face made Razzle even more angry, but considering that he would rely on this big man on his next journey, Razzle could only clean up his temper.

"If you want to eat, go to work! Damn, Pandaren, do you have any work you can do? Just take care of the food!"

As a "great alchemist", Razzell has always believed that it is impossible to work.

But since having Er Gazi, he had to make a certain compromise.

There is no way, you will be starved to death if you don't fight in the trade union-and it is more likely to be eaten by your own little brother!

Why would an ogre be willing to mix with the goblin?

Bigger than a fist, a hundred Razzells tied together might cause Ergazi a little trouble.

The ogre is obedient, not because Razzell can provide food!

Don't think that these big guys look stupid, they are just not used to using their brains. Really ogres are stupid guys. They have long used their lives to prove why ogres are called ogres!

After hearing Razzle's words, whether it was Song Tao, who was smiling, or the Nomi trio watching the excitement, everyone present was stunned.

Unexpectedly, there is another hardworking goblin here?

You know, Pandaria is the southernmost point of Azeroth. Because it is close to the South China Sea, after the mist has cleared, the first major members to arrive here are sailors from the South China Sea.

Or, pirates.

Songtao has seen many pirates, and Nomi has seen many goblins, but no one is willing to exchange his labor for reward.

After all, to the pirates, burning, killing, and looting is like a vacation (but afterwards they all tasted the iron fist of the Shado-Pan), and for the goblins, labor is shameful, and only using the advantage of capital to make money is supreme. Of glory.

Aware of everyone's surprise, Razzle shrugged.

"Don't look at me like that. I'm not a commercial goblin, I am an alchemist goblin, alchemist, do you understand?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Razzle didn't explain, he just looked at Songtao.

"Get me some work, I want to feed this big guy—hey, Er Gazi, take your backpack, it's our only property!"

The unusual Razzell gave Song Tao a lot of interest, and the great inventor from the lorewalker raised his own questions to Razzell with great interest.

"So, little man, what will you do?" Song Tao looked at the goblin with interest, "There is work, but you may not be able to do it."

"I am a master alchemist, an engineering apprentice, and there is also a silly big guy who is good at moving things-you just look at the arrangements. The part-time job is just to fill your stomach. I think I can still do this level of work. of."

"It's interesting." Song Tao stretched out his hand and rubbed his tousled hair. "Well, for convenience, I have arranged some landing kites on the southernmost cliff of Jinxiu Valley. It seems that it is time for maintenance, but now I I can’t get out, so can you help maintain the kites there? Don’t worry, it’s not a high-end job."

Razzell's small eyes blinked and did not continue to speak.

"And the reward... is three meals a day for the two of you-full, and a free downhill service, so that you can leave the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, small, if you really want to learn alchemy, I recommend you to fear Wasteland, but I want to warn you in advance that it is extremely dangerous!"

"Danger?" Razer gave a bright smile, "I'm not afraid of danger, is there anything more dangerous than being penniless? It's done!"

Song Tao nodded, then took out a scroll, took out his pen and ink, and completed the contract.

"It's been a long time since I used the lingua franca, a bit rusty."

Razzle accepted the contract, looked at the same text as Cricket crawled across, smiled, and then decisively signed his name, and after putting the fingerprint on it, he took Ergazi and pressed the fingerprint.

Song Tao took back the contract, and then his anger surged, and the contract was divided into two.

"Happy cooperation-where is today's lunch?" Razzle got his own copy of the contract, then snapped his fingers, "Is today's meal provided too?"

"Old Wu~" Song Tao turned around and greeted a guard of the Golden Lotus cult, "Take this little man and this big man to the gilt pavilion."


Old Wu agreed in a low voice and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, Nomi ran over directly, "Is there any such job? Count me!"

Songtao recognized Nomi, but he didn't say anything. He just nodded and then took out a scroll again, brushed it a little bit, and thanked him for a contract.

The three little guys who overcooked in the land fine fair decisively signed the contract.


"You guys, follow up soon." After setting off, the Golden Lotus guardian Wu, who had been covering his face, suddenly said, "Let’s set off now, and I can catch up with the meal time--I won’t wait for you."

For these outsiders, the Golden Lotus Cult cannot be regarded as kind or malicious, and because of Varela, he obviously regards Nomi as an alien panda, and his tone is very cold.

While talking, Old Wu directly took out a sapphire cheetah statue with a big slap, and then began to infuse his invigoration.

In the energetic atmosphere, the statue turned into a real cheetah, roaring and shaking his head.

Old Wu turned on the cheetah's back, then lifted the rein, and ran out to the front.

The speed is fast.

But Lili was not in a hurry. She shook her staff and awakened the dozing can. After a roar, the can regained its huge size, carrying the three little guys, and went straight forward.

"Hey, goblin, do you want to come over?" The kind Lili also stretched out her hand to Razzell, "If you can't keep up, there will be no food!"

Facing Lili's Razzle shook his head, and then climbed onto Ergazi's back.

Amidst the stunned eyes of the three of Nomi, Razzle took out the flask and test tube, and quickly formulated a bottle of purple potion.

Then Er Gazi took the medicine that was still bubbling and drank it all in one go.

The next moment, the ogre's skin turned red like a cooked shrimp, and heat began to spurt out of his nostrils. Razzle held Er Gazi's head and clamped his legs.

"Er Gazi, let's go!"

Then, Nomi met the fastest ogre in the world...


Clean up the house today, and it is more likely to be late in the night.

But it’s okay, it can be done this month, hahaha!

Razer Black Brew is the alchemist in Dota, the one who rides the ogre shaking the flask.

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