Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 730: Lili's doggy style

Valera's battle ended quickly.

After smearing the dagger with contaminating toxins, the Mogu lost all its advantages.

Polluting toxins, as the name suggests, are toxins that are specifically targeted at harmless, toxin-resistant enemies. They are not very lethal, but the enemies that are recruited will start from the wound position, lose control of the body, and then lose their defenses-just It is as if a part of oil is mixed into the composition of the water element.

Mingguzi's powerful and heavy attacks were completely restrained by his flexible skills, and his control of the elements was getting worse and worse due to the infection of toxins. Even the proud defense seemed meaningless in front of sharp daggers.

In the feast of killing, Ming Guzi had no power to counterattack, and could only be beaten silently - or be knifed silently.

As a result, at the end of the killing feast, Mingguzi was cut by Valera.

Although Mingguzi's throat was not the key after reversing the flesh and blood, this blow also became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.

Ming Guzi no longer had the power to continue fighting.

Without mobilizing the power of the wind, Ming Guzi felt like a salted fish.

Since it is a salted fish, let's try hard to turn over-with this thought, Ming Guzi rolled all the way and rolled back to his clan.

This is really "rolling".

The Hasak clan stunned.

Now, everyone's eyes are on the last clan, the leader of the Kelgesi clan, "unstoppable Haiyan".

Unlike the cunning Mingguzi and Kuwuai, who likes to be clever, Haiyan is a real brat.

Unstoppable describes not power, not wisdom, but this momentum.

And the Kelgesi clan under him is also the most loyal(?) running dog under the weapon master Theon.

Now that the battle situation is unfavorable, if the Mingguzi is left, he will definitely choose Mingzhe to protect himself, but Haiyan stood up firmly.

There is no way, to survive in this palace, Kel Gesi can rely on only the favor of the weapon master Theon, other than that, they have nothing to do.

"Despicable inferior race, don't think that you can be unscrupulous in the palace of the king!"

With the four-sided mace in his hand, Haiyan strode forward.

Valera wanted to fight again, but Lili took the lead.

"Wow, I have never dealt with a real mogu, this big guy will leave it to me!"

Valera, who had just released the killing feast, frowned slightly, and then agreed with Lili's opinion-anyway, she is still a little tired now, and Lili also has the help of a can, so there is no danger, then this Give it to Lili once.


Lili’s weapon is a long staff. Unlike Nomi’s words of the fog, Lili’s staff looks quite normal. At the top of the staff, the sleepy can with its mouth widened, Yawned.

Seeing this combination of loli + young dragon, Haiyan grinned involuntarily.

Although the size of the mogu is huge and the pandamen are all small, Hayyan can still tell whether a pandamen is an adult.

It is a pity that Hayyan guessed half wrong.

Although Lili is really a Pandaren loli, the can is not a young dragon.

Misunderstanding directly led to the tragedy of Hayyan.

Lili is not a pure academic tyrant like Nomi-Nomi's dream is to surpass her father's drunkness, while Lili's dream is to be an explorer.

Coupled with the difference in counselors, from the perspective of strength, the gap between the two is very large.

But with the help of cans, all these problems are not a problem.

Soon, Haiyan was surprised to find that every time her powerful attack was blocked by this little girl very easily-the slender and fragile staff was far tougher than Haiyan imagined!

This kind of picture has a huge sense of contradiction, as if a baby lifts an elephant easily.

The Mogu watching around also said that they were stunned, and it took a long while to start drinking.

No way, when both Geersan and Hasak had been defeated, in order to save the last face, they could only report greater malice to their own kind.

Of course, in all fairness, Lili's performance is also quite good.

With the blessing of the can, Lili completely overcame her lack of strength and easily suppressed Hay Rock.

At this moment, Haiyan is really hard to tell!

It looks one-on-one, but it's actually one-on-two, which is really annoying!

With the help of the can, Lili's staff seems to have been advanced enchanted, not only has its own stand, but even has a paralyzing effect!

How to fight this?

Obviously it should be the time when Haiyan tried to drop for ten meetings, but cheating on the other side is as strong as you!

This is simply a fight between normal fighters and exoskeleton armored fighters in the boxing ring!

Moreover, just like Nomi, Lili had a deeper understanding of monks after she really came into contact with Mogu.

The ordinary staff was tricked into the feeling of beating a dog.

Due to height restrictions, Lili's attacks can only be concentrated on the Hayiyan's Xia Sanlu, which is indeed the weakness of Mogu.

After all, with the help of the can, as long as the ankle or calf of Haiyan is swept, it is a rhythm of somersault!

Very interesting battle.

But Haiyan didn't give it in vain. Although he looked naive and strong, the actions under his feet were extremely neat, and Lili stumbled and stumbled without being able to trip him.

What's even more powerful is that after getting familiar with Lili's routine, Hayyan even started to fight back!

The iron rod brings the wind!

Since directly attacking Lili will be defended, then change to a more "euphemistic" way, such as Shockwave!

When a fighter is strong enough, he can transmit his power to the surrounding things-such as the ground-and then use it to strike the enemy ~ ~ shock waves and thunder strikes are typical Warrior skills.

But something embarrassing is that the floor tiles of Mogu'shan Palace seem to be too strong, and the attack effect of Hayyan is not very good.

But this is enough!

Seeing Haiyan found his rhythm, the mogu of the Kelgesi clan couldn't help but start cheering loudly.

This is great!

Victory seems to be close at hand, at your fingertips!

However, the next moment, their voices seemed to be pinched.

At the foot of the Haiyan, a huge circle was completed, and the blue radiance of the Austrian number appeared, and the Haiyan was firmly bound in place.

Lili stretched out the magic circle lightly, and then hooked it to Hayyan's ankle.

"Come down!"

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