Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 731: Goblin self-cultivation

In Lili's crisp cry, Haiyan crashed to the ground.

The four-sided mace dropped his hand and threw it far away with a cry.

Being able to take it out of Aegwynn’s seal, Lili still has a little bit of the seal and the magic circle. With the help of the can, it can be seen that Lili is launching an attack on the lower three roads of Hayyan. She is also sketching out the sealing circle!

Now that the circle is complete, one strike makes a contribution!

In this way, the leaders of the three major clans of Mogushan Palace were beaten down in the play between Razzil and Ergazi.

In the Crimson Chamber, the atmosphere became more subtle.

These "I don't know whether there are Han, regardless of the Wei Jin" mogu found that the outside now seems to be more dangerous than when the Pandaren rebelled!

How to do? Do you want to swarm them?

Undoubtedly, if all the Mogu are now swarming, the Nomi Five will definitely be unstoppable. After all, the Mogu have a huge number advantage. In this case, even if the Nomi Five are ensnared, they can only fall into the wild. escape.

What, you said Kai Wushuang?

It doesn't exist, and there is no Faye in the team, who do you call to open Wushuang!

But if one swarms, will it cause pandamen's revenge?

Are these pandas really just passing by?

After being frustrated in the battle, Mogu began to comfort himself...

The five of Nomi were also figuring out what to do-but before they could reach a conclusion, the aggressive Razzle stood up.

"Hey, big men, hand over your treasure!"

What the hell? !

Nomi, Lili, and Valera all had question marks on their faces—please, we are here to explore, why did it become robbery in a second? !

But to their surprise, after Razzell made the condition, Mogu seemed...relieved? !

At this moment, Nomi and Lili felt their heartfelt sadness.

History education occupies a very important part of the education of lorewalkers. Most pandamen are very clear about what everyone experienced in the uprising that year; at the same time, they also know what Shaohao sacrificed behind the fog.

And now, when Nomi and Lili watched the inexhaustible Mogu become what they are now, such complicated emotions are really hard to describe.

After losing his spine, the one who was once the cruelest is now the most cowardly; the one who was once the most tyrannical is now fighting frequently.

Mogu is no longer what it used to be.

After a brief discussion, Hayyan gave a set of keys to Razzell.

"This is the key to the treasure house—remember, this was forcibly taken after you defeated us."

Lazelle understood in seconds.

Do you shirk responsibility? It seems that everyone's skills are similar?

After getting the key, Ming Guzi even opened the passage to the treasure house, and then watched the five people leave-the next moment, the three clans began to blame each other (si) again.

"Damn Kuwuai, if you didn't put the intruder in, how could the king's treasury fall?!"

"Shut up, it is Haiyan who holds the key!"

"But only Mingguzi knows how to open the mechanism leading to the treasure house!"

"That's what you encountered while fighting them!"




These quarrels have nothing to do with the five of Nomi. Following the spiral staircase, the five gradually penetrated into the treasure house.

At the forefront was Varela, she was responsible for detecting whether there were traps. After all, the cooperation of Mogu seemed a bit weird, and Varela couldn't understand that there was such a weird existence.

However, this is the fact.

The entire passage is empty without traps, and even has complete ventilation, ventilation, and lighting devices!

"How can this be?!"

Valera was finally completely shocked. Although the royal party of the high elves and the council have been engaged in various open and secret struggles, in ten thousand years, the high elves have never seen such an outrageous thing.

When the enemy invades, open the door, seek your own safety, and then transfer the responsibility to your colleagues.

Valera had never seen such a brazen person!

Well, in fact, there are still such people-during the orc war, Alterac's king did this kind of bird thing-of course, the price is that Alterac disappeared on the stage of history forever .

Moreover, without the intervention of Drunk Wind, the high elves would have their own anti-skeletal boy Darkan.

However, it is meaningless to discuss these now.

Because five people have come to the real king's treasure house!

The whole wall is full of treasure chests!

Holding the set of keys handed over by Haiyan, Nomi climbed up and down, opening these treasure chests one by one in order.

The next moment, the glittering golden light flashed Razzle's eyes!

These treasures were the products of the Age of Thor at the time. That was when the mogu was the most powerful. The mogu that oppresses all living beings can be said to be asking for anything in the southern part of Azeroth!

Therefore, Mogu extravagantly gilded all of his weapons-anyway, Mogu's weapons are generally a heavy hand, and no matter how much gold is gilded, it is not a big problem!

This Razer was excited.


Razzell is not an adventurer, who cares about equipment, I want gold!

As an alchemist, there is no pressure to strip the gold from the equipment!

Excited Razzle directly started to set up his own experimental platform-fortunately, he has not been demented so far, and he knows to carry out gilt stripping in a ventilated place.

On the other hand, Nomi, Lili, and Valera began to look for gadgets in the treasure trove-or something that might be related to Alani.

At this moment, in the shadows behind the few people, several creeping figures were about to move.

"The intruder is coveting Lord Jehan's baby..."

"Go, destroy them!"

"Go together!"

A few blue-black figures quietly followed the ventilation duct and came to the treasure house. They opened their mouths full of fangs, and rushed towards the five of Nomi.

The effect of the raid was not very good. Everyone avoided the attack, and only Razzell's experimental platform was knocked over.

But The mixture on the test bench is Razzell's last inventory, and now Razzell can't handle the gilt...

"Asshole, you interrupted a great job!"

Seeing his overturned workbench, Razzle ran away.

Razzle and Ergazi each poured a bottle of medicine.

After drinking the potion, Ergazi turned purple, and Razzle actually took out a staff? !

"Damn reptiles, you're done!"

In the next moment, these lizardmen finally knew what the consequences would be if they blocked the goblin's fortune.


Just to explain, I will recommend it tomorrow, so I delayed the update for two days...

However, I always feel that this month can't be finished-don't slap your face, I know it's wrong~

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