Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 741: Reincarnation begins again

Putting away the playfulness, with the help of the can, Nomi's five quickly reached the deepest part of the tomb.

This is a very simple burial chamber, except for the statue is a large box.

That's right, big box!

At this moment, Razzell burst into tears!

Good Pandaria! (Really good!)

What a simple Pandaren, what a simple Mogu!

No one touched the statue, everyone looked at the box eagerly.

The task of opening the box is Valera. At this time, the blood elf girl is no longer the child who was helpless in the trial of Duke Ravenholdt. Now Valera is proficient in various unlocking techniques to deal with these Chens. Don't be too easy to be an antique in the year

Soon, the huge boxes were opened directly by Varela, and the golden glitter inside almost blinded Razzle's eyes.

"Gold, gold!"

Razzle almost jumped into the box...

Er Gazi was expressionless, looking at her boss Sa Huan quietly,

But Nomi, Lili, and Valera began to look for other things besides gold.

Well, weapons, armor, no more.

Weapons and armor are gone.

Weapons, armor, mogu vinegar? Gone!

Except for some strange mogu vinegar, most of the big boxes contained only weapons, armor, gold, and occasionally some gems.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, gems of any color are available.

If there is anything related to Alani, it is definitely these gems.

But there are so many gems... The ghost knows which gem Nomi wants!

How to tell? Nomi thought of an interesting method.

"Hey, Razzle, do you know gems?"

"What, gems?" Razzell, who was rolling in the pile of gold coins, directly pricked his ears, "Understand and understand! I understand everything that is valuable!"

"Then you can tell what is in this pile of things! This is related to how much our trophies are worth!"

Driven by money, Razzle threw toward him excitedly, looking at the pile of things Nomi had sorted out.

"This lapis lazuli is pretty good! Maybe you can cut a river stone!"

"My God, so many barren jade! What a pure green!"

"And Yuanzuan? Hey, Pandaren, we are rich!"

"What is this blue round stone? I haven't seen it before."

"And this red thing, I haven't seen it either."



Excited Razzell quickly sorted out the small pile of gems. Except for a few round light blue gems and some red gems, he could not identify them. He basically completed the identification of the other gems. .

"It is roughly estimated that these gems can buy one-third of Gadgetzan - plus these golds, that's one-half."

"Then, congratulations, future Prince of Trade." Nomi naturally patted Razzle on the shoulder. "Now you have half of Gadgetzan, I hope you don't blow it up."

"That means I have one-eighth of Gadgetzan now, but considering the market volatility caused by the massive sale of gems...what what?!"

Razzell's eyes widened. At this moment, he was so excited that he couldn't believe his ears!

"You mean, you don't want all of these? Give it to me?"

"Of course." Nomi nodded very naturally, "I want these to be useless. Pandaren don't have any greed for gold coins. After all, food and drink don't cost much."

(Half of Gadgetzan, it's a trivial matter, after all, Dad has the entire Misty Harbor!)

Lazelle stood blankly on the spot.

This gain far exceeded Razzle's imagination.

Half a Gadgetzan!

Don’t think that the entire Gadgetzan is owned by the Hotsand Group—now Gadgetzan is already a complicated city. Although all the infrastructure in this city belongs to the Hotsand Prince, this piece of infrastructure only accounts for the entire Gadgetzan. Less than a quarter of Kisson.

Complex gangs, large and small organizations, underworld and white roads, and various auctions and running water...

The valuation of Razzle just now compares to Gadgetzan as a whole. (Of course, the ghost knows how he calculated it...)

In terms of pure wealth, Razzel is no longer inferior to Prince Hotsha.

But soon, the alchemist calmed down.

"I give up."

"What?" Nomi narrowed his eyes slightly. "What did you say?"

"I give up these treasures." Razzell made his own decision with difficulty, "Or, do you know the Pandaren bank? These treasures are with me, they can only be dangerous goods, and I have no ability to save them. Huang Chengcheng’s little cute."

This goblin was smarter than Nomi had anticipated-and this smartness is exactly what is necessary to become a trading prince.

Nomi suddenly remembered Zuifeng and what he said, the difference between Hot Sand Group and venture capital companies.

"It is also a greedy goblin, but Hot Sand always bases greed on the rules, and venture capital will only be driven by greed and break the rules. In contrast, the rational Hot Sand is always better than the fanatical venture capital. The company is more profitable."

After Razzell showed his characteristics, Nomi gave an invitation to the goblin.

"Mrs. Guo Ya is the richest of all Pandaren. She is in charge of all the black markets in Pandaria. I think you and she should have some common language. This invitation letter is for you—bring you. The gold and precious stones, at least when there are not many Pandaria adventurers, you are safe."

"This invitation letter was given to me by the land spirit. I always feel that your goblins are related to the land spirit."


The five Nomi, who returned with a full load, finally returned to the gilt pavilion on the fourth afternoon after departure, and just when Nomi wanted to share his experience with these golden lotus the Wu named Li Jing The monk found Nomi directly.

"Little guy, I think what you should do now is not to continue fulfilling the contract, but to leave Pandaria quickly."

"What's the matter?" Nomi's eyes widened, looking at Li Jing's serious look, it was obvious that something went wrong, "Is there no need for maintenance anymore?"

"Maintenance has been completed." Li Jing said with no joy or sorrow. "The mantid's reincarnation has begun. I don't know why, this time less than 50 years, the group of insects can't wait to gather, and even attacked. With the momentum of the Dragon's Back, the setting sun is tight, and the Valley of the Four Winds is in a hurry. In order to adjust the troops, the lorewalker has repaired the landing gear."

The mantid is coming?

At this moment, Nomi's fighting spirit is boiling!


Drunk Pandaria’s Journey was not written because Nomi needs to assume the responsibility of a panda in the name of his father.

For Pandaria!

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