Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 742: 100,000 hot sunset

Tao Shi stood on the wall of the Rising Sun Pass, squinted his eyes slightly, and looked at the dense army of mantids below.

Although the news brought by Old Wu made the Pandaren girl feel very uncomfortable, it is not the time to think about it now.

The reincarnation of the mantid has been advanced-according to the rule of once a hundred years, it should be fifty years later that there will be a reincarnation of the mantid, but in the fiftieth year, the mantid reincarnates directly again.

And because of the advancement of this reincarnation, the Shado-Pan faction was not fully prepared-the most direct one was the commander-in-chief of the current garrison at the Canopy Pass.

Tao Shi's profession is a stalker, this kind of large-scale combat is not her strong point, but before Taran Zhu arrives, she must grit her teeth and stare here.

The Setting Sun Pass must not fall!

Fortunately, in this cycle of reincarnation, there were not many familiar figures among the mantid army.

The Glutton King, the Clear One, the Supreme...

Tao Shi still remembers that once in the wasteland of fear, he followed Drunk Wind to wake them up one by one, and then used them to severely inflict the Heart of Fear, and then raided and killed Shakshiel.

All of this is still like a dream.


The mantid is the creation of Y'Shaarj—just like the Ahn'Qiraj is the creation of C'Thun. Thousands of years ago, when the ancient gods fought against the Titans, these worms acted as the minions of the ancient gods against The creation of Titan.

After the death of Y'Shaarj, because Y'Shaarj's heart was sealed in the underground of Vale of Eternal Blossoms by Leiden, the mantid often launched attacks on Vale of Eternal Blossoms under the rule of his empress.

And outside the queen's ruling system, there is a more detached organization that controls the reincarnation of the mantid-this is the Karaxi Council.

Reincarnation means that for the continuous evolution of the group, the mantid breeds on a large scale in a cycle of one hundred years, and then attacks the back of the dragon. The main force of each attack is the new born rookies, and the purpose is not to occupy the back of the dragon. , But to train the mantid of the new generation.

Weak newborns are directly eliminated, while those who survive are getting better and better. This cruel evolutionary method is called the reincarnation of the mantid.

However, the empress of the mantid sometimes opposes reincarnation, because reincarnation means the weakening of the rule, and it also means a lot of sacrifices, and many queens think that these sacrifices are meaningless.

Karaxis and the queen always have different understandings of the mantid's route. Karaxis believes that evolution will make the mant stronger and stronger, while the queen believes that the number can make up for everything.

When the queen refuses to reincarnate, or when her body is too old and refuses to abdicate, Karaksi will take action and dethrone the queen.

And Karaxi's trump card is the mantid hero.

Yingjie is a name for the absolute strong among the mantids, just like the "heroes" of human beings-they have demonstrated extraordinary abilities in a certain cycle. After the cycle, they will follow Karak. Xi's Will sealed himself in the amber, and when needed, the awakener would break the amber to release them and join the battle.

In the three battles, Drunk Wind took advantage of the natural distrust between the Karaksi Council and the Queen to provoke a struggle between the two sides.

Through all kinds of specious illusions, Drunk Wind created the illusion for Elder Karaxi that Empress Shekshiel intends to rule for a long time and destroy reincarnation.

In this case, the cautious Karaksi Council chose to investigate the truth carefully.

And after all this started, Drunk Wind took the lead everywhere, personally awakening several heroes from the dusty amber, and then, as the awakener, subtly let the heroes confirm the depravity of Shakesir.

Because Yingjie often has the kind of natural trust that children have in their parents for the awakener, the provocation of Drunk Wind is very successful.

In the end, the heroes besieged the Heart of Fear, and the Empress Shakshire and the heroes had a battle, and both sides were greatly injured.

After that, the Shado-Pan assaulted the Karaksi Council.

The mantid heroes were tough, but under the heavy siege of the Shado-Pan, they were finally completely dispersed. All the elders of Karaxi were killed. Except for heroes who were good at saving lives, such as wind raiders and manipulators, the heroes The other mantid heroes were almost wiped out.

Zuifeng personally reburied the heroes who had been awakened by him, but the difference was that this time, the heroes were really dead.

After that, with the help of the four gods, Drunk Wind led the Shado-Pan faction directly into the wasteland of fear, penetrated into the heart of fear, and killed the Empress Shakshire. Fifty years have passed. , The mantid has not even initiated a small-scale invasion.

And now, the mantid finally advanced his reincarnation.

Under the command of the new queen, the manipulator Kaz'tik and his horror Kovok launched another attack on the Setting Sun Pass.

The manipulator Kaz'tik is one of the surviving heroes of Karaxis-thanks to the blood that his Horror Kovork killed when Karaxis fell.

Now, the bigger Kovork was hitting the gate of the Setting Sun Pass with the thick carapace of his head.

Setting Sun Pass is the only entrance to the entire Panlongji, and its importance is self-evident.

"Quick, sprinkle the fuel! Leave Kovork alone, clean up other trash fish!"

"Oh? Tao Shi?"

The manipulator Kaztic also spotted Tao Shi at this time. He posed a triangular head and spoke with some surprise.

"Unbelievable, Pandaren, you dare to appear in my field of vision?" Seeing Tao Shi, the manipulator Kaz'tik's tone was full of anger, "Where is the awakener? Where is the drunk wind?"

If only I knew...

Of course, Tao Shi couldn't say that, she could only shake her head and replied in a low voice, "No comment."

"Then the wind raider asks me to extend my final greetings to you."

The operator's tentacles trembled twice, and then the sharp forelimbs crossed his chest into a big fork.

At the same time, with a sudden hum, death fell from the sky.

Hero of Karaxis, Kerruk the Wind Reaver showed his sharp forelegs, and then swooped down from mid-air!

Tao Shi also narrowed his eyes slightly, blocking the attack from the sky with the dagger in his hand.

Kerrul the Wind Reaver, another mantid hero, is said to be the first mantid to learn to fly, and the first hero to awaken before Drunk Wind. He is always good at launching raids from the air.

Old acquaintance!

Tao Shi blocked the attack of the wind raider, and the manipulator took the opportunity to get into the mantid army, hiding his figure.

Only the huge Kovok continued to hit the gate of the Setting Sun Pass-on the ground burning with raging flames, the Horror continued to fulfill its mission.

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