Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 743: Nomi joined the battle

When Nomi, Lili and Valera arrived here, they saw the real war.

Overwhelming mantid.

Nomi has never been to Ahn'Qiraj. He has never imagined what it would be like if a unit volume of space is packed with enemy units.

Now, he saw it with his own eyes.

Nomi felt the atmosphere of war before climbing to the Setting Sun Pass.

The black cloud is overwhelming!

In the midair, the sound of the mantid flapping its wings caused the air to vibrate. The buzzing sound made people feel not irritable, but terrifying.

That's right, horror!

The sky here almost obscured by countless mantids gave Nomi and three people an endless sense of oppression visually.

No wonder all the Pandaren villages along the way were empty. If it weren't for the Shado-Pan on the back of the dragon, who had been working hard to stop them, I am afraid that these mantids would have taken advantage of flying to spread across the valley of Eternal Blossoms!

Well, flying is not a panacea.

On the city wall, Nomi saw a lot of spear throwing machines. Under the control of the Pandaren, these machines projected extremely sharp short spears, piercing the mantid’s carapace with ease, and even pierced the candied haw with two birds with one stone. .

These things that look like automatic harpoons can also be automatically recovered by the rope at the tail of the throwing spear. With this thing, the number of pandamen who are at a disadvantage is suppressed in firepower, completing the preliminary study of the sky above the setting sun. blockade.

And behind the back of the dragon, the cloud serpent knight guarding the mid-air is also doing his best to intercept the fish that slipped through the net.

The Cloud Serpent and the Cloud Serpent Knight worked closely together to shoot down the mantids who had broken through the fire blockade of the Panlong Spine. Occasionally, one or two mantids could pass through the blockade, but it would no longer constitute a decisive problem.

The entire Shado-Pan defense seemed to be in order.

Taking out Li Jing's letter of introduction, Nomi, under the leadership of the Shado-Pan guards, climbed the stairs on the part of the city wall at the Canopy Pass of the Dragon's Back.

The Setting Sun Pass was the only channel to communicate with the entire Panlong spine, and every time the mantid reincarnation was the place where the battle was the worst.

Here, there is the largest urn city in the entire Panlongji---Sunken Yangguan urn city.

Wengcheng, one of the main defense facilities of the pass, is to strengthen the defense of the pass, and the semi-circular or square guarded city built outside the gate is part of the city wall.

The four-sided Wengcheng provides better protection from the setting sun, and also provides a wider defensive area for the Shado-Pan guards.

But it's a pity that at this moment, the first defense of Guan Weng City in the setting sun has been breached-the thick gate was visibly destroyed, and the entire gate was hit to pieces.

And in the center of Wengcheng, the huge bug was hitting and continuing to the next gate.

The situation is very dangerous.

"I don't know where you came from." The Shado-Pan guard who led Nomi on the city wall said in a low voice, "But I believe in Master Li Jing's judgment, and I hope you can help me-the main problem facing Rising Sun Pass now. It's Kovok's offense, the big guy."

Kovok hit the city gate again, and the entire Setting Sun Pass was trembling slightly.

"Master Tao Shi is now entangled by the mantid hero named Wind Reaver, and the one who controls the big bug is another hero, the manipulator Kaz'tik."

"We don’t know where he is, and the only person who knows him is Master Tao Shi, so I hope you can help find the manipulator Kaz'tik and stop Kovok’s attack-apart from that, we have nothing else. The way to stop that big guy, Niuzao Tianshen is still on his way."

"On the frontal battlefield, it is not suitable for your help right now. The defense of the Shado-Pan has its own system. If you rashly participate in it, it is easy to cause chaos. If you can really find the manipulator Kaz'tik, then we will Can regain the initiative on the battlefield!"

After listening to this Shado-Pan guardian, Nomi nodded.

From the hands of this Shado-Pan guard, Nomi took the battle armor and tabard, then put on the Shado-Pan hat, and pulled the red scarf to hide his face.

Lili dressed up in the same way, and Valera sneaked up, and the three of them were on the wall of the Setting Sun Pass, carefully observing the horror that kept hitting the gate.

From its actions, Nomi found that it was obviously following some instructions-after each impact, Kovok always had to adjust for a long time, and then choose the angle of the next impact.

And every impact was aimed at the relatively weak position of the city gate.

Obviously, the manipulator is not far from the Horror, he can clearly see the state of the city gate and adjust the Horror's actions in time.

But there are not many mantids in Urn City!

Since the entire Urn City had been ignited by the Shado-Pan, there was blazing flames everywhere, and apart from the thick-skinned Horror, no mantid could stand there for a long time.

Since the manipulator is not in Wengcheng, there is only one possibility.

The manipulator is in the sky!

These are troublesome.

Under the mask, Nomi couldn't help grinning.

There are so many mantids in the sky!

Some are holding cans and splashing flammable resin everywhere, some are holding weapons against the Cloud Serpent Rider, some are spreading pheromone toxins, and some are flying around in the sky to detect the enemy...

There are densely packed with mantids, where can I find them!

Just as Nomi was leaning his head and his neck became sore, behind him, a mantid in the air swooped down, and his sharp forelegs pointed directly at Nomi.

"Go to hell, Pandaren!"

This time the raid from the air was stopped by The hapless mantid was turned into dregs by the breath of the can, Nomi scratched his head, feeling that he seemed to think of something.

"Does the mantid attack at night?" Nomi directly asked a Shado-Pan fighter next to him, "Will that big bug hit the city gate at night?"

"Of course not." The pandaman who controlled the spear machine was still staring at the sky. "The mantid never attacked in the dark, so we were able to patch the wall a little bit at night."

Nomi nodded.

In other words, although I don't know how that manipulator controls the terrible, what is certain is that the mantid relies heavily on vision.

Since you are very dependent on vision, then I will block your vision!

Nomi found a gadget from her backpack, gave it to Valera, and urged a few words in her ear.

The next moment, Valera entered sneaking, and then walked along the corner of the city wall to the center of the city.

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