Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 744: Kill the poisonous mind halfway

In accordance with Nomi's previous instructions, Varela winded up the small box he had handed to him, and then placed it in the center of Guanwu City in the setting sun.

Soon, thick black smoke gushed out of this box, covering almost the entire Wengcheng under the billowing smoke.

You know, this urn city is a hundred meters square, half the size of a football field!

"Success!" On the city wall, Nomi clenched his fist secretly, "Mechanical squid, the effect is outstanding! Aunt Luoya is really amazing!"

At the moment the thick smoke began, Nomi had already focused on the midair.

Most of the mantids flying in mid-air are afraid of this heavy smoke-this line-of-sight jammer from Loya will not only quickly produce a large number of black suspended particles, but more importantly, the taste is also extremely thorny nose.

The mantid's sense of smell is very sensitive...

For this reason, Nomi had been telling Varela to do a good job of anti-virus work before. Now Varela, wearing a gas mask, has slipped back to the city wall along the corner.

In the dark smoke, Kovok's current state cannot be clearly seen, but Nomi is sure that the state of that Great Horror is definitely not very happy!

So when the black smoke spreads, most of the mantid instinctively choose to avoid.

However, there are always some mantids who did not avoid them, but chose to approach the unpleasant black smoke.

Obviously, these mantids have a problem!

Neuropathy will go to the black smoke to find sin. These mantids are not neuropathic, but they have other purposes!

At the same time, without any communication, the archers of the Shado-Pan faction on the wall already understood what Nomi meant.

From this moment on, all the spear throwers were aimed at the mantid who behaved abnormally.

Since you don't want to avoid it, then have a taste of throwing a spear!

Kaz'tik the manipulator must be among them!

There were not many mantids with abnormal behaviors, and most of them were because of the sudden and temporary loss of intelligence. So when the Shado-Pan focused its firepower, those hapless mantids were shot down with spears like they were wearing candied haws. Transferred into the black smoke, life and death are unknown.

However, in the midair, a mantid swayed all the time, avoiding all spears.

Without a doubt, this guy quickly attracted the idea of ​​Shado-Pan shooters.

Kaz'tik the Manipulator!

The Shado-Pan shooters focused their firepower on this mantid hero.

Although the manipulator has learned to fly, and he is a very good flying guy among the mantids, no matter how good at flying, facing such a rain of arrows in the air, he will be quite embarrassed.

Fortunately, Yingjie's armor was fairly strong. Although the manipulator was hit by a few spears head-on, it was only a dent in his carapace, and he had not received any fatal injuries.

On the other hand, after the Shado-Pan shooters realized that the defensive power of the manipulator was far superior to the normal mantid, they began to change ammunition.

Pandaren also have their own enchantment ideas, and they also have their own enchanted arrows-it's just a bit more primitive compared to the products of high elves, but it's not a problem in terms of ease of use!

The burning arrows with long tail flames were launched into the air.

Pandaren are not good at depicting magic circles on arrows, but they are good at making wine. Different wines can complete different enchantments. Before use, weapons and arrows can be soaked in the wine, which is convenient and quick.

Faced with such a rain of arrows, the manipulator Kaz'tik finally no longer calmed down.

This unlucky hero now wants to avoid the edge for a while, but without his own control, Kovok is very likely to have an accident-if something goes wrong with this horror, then the attack on the setting sun may only be declared a failure!

Therefore, the manipulator Kaz'tik cannot retreat!

Since I can't back up, there is only one way to ensure safety-let other mantids fly up!

"Fools, you exposed me, **** it! Give me all back!"

The manipulator Kaz'tik shouted in mid-air.

The other mantid finally reacted, flapping their wings, holding back the pungent black smoke, and gathered together again.

Many people are powerful! Your arrows are great, but I have many people!

What's wrong, I'm so crowded!

Seeing that the manipulator was about to rely on a large number of mantid to hide himself again, Nomi finally stood on the edge of the city wall and jumped!

The Shado-Pan shooters around Nomi were stunned. What are they doing? Take advantage of the black smoke to solve Kvork?

of course not!

Nomi did not jump down as they thought, but turned into a white dragon in the air, flapping its wings and heading straight to the manipulator Kaz'tik!

The number of mantids in the air is almost endless.

But Nomi did not hesitate at all!

Taking a deep breath, Nomi flew forward while exhaling a burst of violent flames from his mouth!

The entire aerial formation of the mantid was like a hot knife cutting butter, and was cut off by Nomi. No mantid can stop Nomi!

The mantid’s flying ability is not innate, it is learned and taught by the wind raiders from birds.

Birds rarely fight in the air. Most raptors are prey that dive and attack the ground.

Therefore, in air-to-air combat, the mantid is a real rookie-they will never use inertial attack when there is nowhere to borrow in the air.

In this case, Nomi's assault was much smoother than expected!

The scales on Nomi, who is now a young dragon, have already initially hardened. The white scales look extremely smooth. When facing the attack of the mantid, these scales can play a defensive role.

The high-temperature flames are the most feared thing of the mantid. After being exposed to the high temperature, the fragile wings of the mantid can easily curl and deform, and then lose its effect.

In this way, a large number of mantid lost their wings, and then reluctantly fell from mid-air to the ground but Nomi's charge could not be stopped.

The operator Kaz'tik finally panicked.

This was a creature he had never seen before—large stature, strong defensive power (especially to restrain the mantid’s cutting and piercing attacks), and the method of attack was flame.

"Damn it, poisonous mind! Come out and help! I can't handle this big guy!"

Then, just as Nomi was about to catch the manipulator, a strange green smoke stopped him.

"Well... on you, I smell a familiar smell-that is the smell of my awakener!"


The author did not ask for leave at the beginning of the month. Is he very diligent?

So diligent, asking for monthly tickets is not too much, right?

Well, I know I owe 23 chapters...

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