Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 745: Nomi's 1 ride when 0

Shakriel the Poisonous Mind is one of the heroes of the mantid. As the chemist and alchemist among the mantid, the Poisonous Mind is good at using and preparing various potions.

Of course, as a chemist from a non-disciplinary background, Shakriel will inevitably have the problem of instability of the medicine, but even if his medicine exerts the worst effect every time, it is enough to change the whole battle!

The rise of the poisonous mind is a very old story. The story starts with the wind raider mastering flying and extending this technique to all mantids.

When the wind raider had just mastered the flying skills, the mantid's reincarnation could be described as aggressive.

At that time, the mantid empress thought she had a great advantage, so she pulled the group of flying mantids and passed.

But unfortunately, due to various crossbows and spears, the mantid suffered heavy casualties, and not even a single hero appeared during the battle.

Almost none of the mantids who flew over the setting sun gate was able to come back alive.

However, in the next reincarnation after a hundred years, it is the Shado-Pan that will suffer heavy losses.

At that time, the powerful Shado-Pan head was directly killed, and the setting sun fell, and even when the Celestial Guardian was dispatched as a vanguard death team, the panda talent barely regained it!

The reason for all this is Shakril the Poisonous Heart!

The mantid in the sky is carrying information toxins, and a rain of death rains on the sky above the back of the dragon-this battle can be called death from the sky!

It was during that reincarnation that Xakriel the Poisonous Heart became a hero-because of his information poison.

Since then, the mantid flying in the sky has an additional attack method: holding a pot of poison in the air!

The colorful toxins prepared by the poisonous minds are good for the mantid, but they are deadly enough for the pandamen. During that time of reincarnation, the large quantities of toxins produced were thrown into battle, and the entire beaulieve spine was enveloped by a poisonous cloud. Living!

Although lorewalkers later found inspiration from Mogu's ancient recipes and formulated anti-toxins, which greatly resisted this information toxin, it was a mass-produced mass-produced commodity, and the toxins prepared by the poisonous minds themselves are still unsolvable.

Originally, in the last raid on Karaxi, the mantid hero mostly died, but the poisonous heart that Drunk Wind was most concerned about disappeared in the end. Now it seems that he is still alive.

Looking at the species in front of him that he had never seen before, the poisonous mind felt a familiarity inexplicably.

The talented Xachriel is extremely sensitive to smell, and smell is his secret recipe for preparing potions, so he is sure that this guy has a lot to do with his awakener, Drunken Wind, the Destroyer of Karaxi.

"Who are you? What does my awakener Drunk Wind have to do with you?"

Nomi really did not expect that the relationship between her transformation into a dragon and Drunk Wind would be discovered by others. It seems that Dad’s past seems more interesting than she thought!

"Drunk Wind is my father."

There is nothing embarrassing to admit--and when facing the mantid, Nomi thinks that mentioning the name Drunk Wind is also a deterrent!

However, it is obvious that there is some deviation between his ideas and reality.

Instead of "taking a step back and taking a breath of air", the mantid around became excited.

The mantid who had been forced back by the flames immediately rushed forward again, completely surrounding Nomi!

Many pandamen below have heard the conversation between Noomi and Shakriel the Poisonous Heart.

"I heard you right? The son of Drunk Wind?!"

"Unbelievable, I remember when Drunk Wind left... was single?"

"Poor Sister Tao Shi..."

"There is something wrong with your focus! The point is that he said Drunk Wind's name in front of the mantid! This is fatal!"



Due to the consideration of Nomi, the Shado-Pan didn't dare to throw a spear to help share the pressure for a while, and Nomi could only rely on himself at this time.

But so what!

Nomi had imagined a long time ago that he would become a great hero who rides on his feet, and now is the moment when his dream comes true!

Even if the enemy is few and we are few, we can still take the lead in the army!

As a descendant of the Guardian of the Earth, Nomi is never afraid of siege!

Facing the surging mantid and information toxins, Noomi caught his breath, and then began to grow bigger.

At the same time, the scales on Nomi's body changed from smooth white to ferocious black, and two days of ten thousand horns appeared on the top of his head.

When Nomi was born, he was obviously oviparous, but he was in the state of a pandaman-only with wings.

As Nomi grew up, he was finally able to control his own state, but what is interesting is that Nomi who became a dragon has two states.

White dragon and black dragon.

The white Nomi flies very fast, and the scales are smooth and elliptical.

The black Nomi is very powerful, with rough scales, sharp edges and corners, and horns on his head.

It's just that, because of his insensitive sense of taste and inconvenience of movement, Nomi has never liked being in the form of a dragon-especially not long ago when he was in the form of a dragon!

However, it is undeniable that in the dragon state, Nomi's combat effectiveness far exceeds that of the Pandaren state.

After all, Nomi is the guardian dragon with the blood of the guardian of the earth and the roots are red!

In addition to the poison, the mantid's attack is actually very weak.

The sharp forelimbs left a lot of marks on Nomi's scales, but they were of no use-under the blessing of the power of the earth, Nomi's resilience was quite good, and these marks were just marks after all.

Among the mantid is as still as a mountain!

If it wasn't for the poison of the poisonous mind, Nomi would not dare to take a deep breath, otherwise these mantids would definitely be out of luck!

However, having said that, the reason why Nomi is so beautiful is thanks to the heroes who cleaned up most of the heroes before Drunk Wind. If heroes such as the Glutton King and the Supreme are still there, Nomi will definitely be beaten from the sky every minute. Come down!

When the mantid besieged to no avail, the wind raider Kerrul, who had been pestering Tao Shi, became a little anxious.

Although the fighting position between the two people is a little far away from Nomi, I don't know what the poisonous hearter and Nomi said, but what can be seen is that a large number of mantid attacks around a target, but there is no effect.

Now, the wind raider has realized that he should deal with Nomi. Of all the mantid, only he is the best at fighting in the air, not air-to-ground bombing.

But how can Tao Shi not understand things that the wind raiders understand?

It was the wind raiders who had entangled Tao Shi. Now that the battle conditions have changed, Tao Shi has begun to entangle the wind raiders!

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