Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 752: Unreliable substitute

The battle began.

In this battle, the mantid is determined to be firm!

A large number of newborn worms swarmed into Wengcheng and rushed towards the inner door.

The Shado-Pan poured fuel along the city wall, and then lit a fire.

The worms wailed and died under the flames, but their acidic body fluids also corroded the inner door more fragile.

After a large number of colony insects died, Lai Gong entered the battlefield.

As Kovork's substitute, the role of Lei Gong is completely the same as the main force.

Drive into Wengcheng, and then hit the gate.

Anyway, Terrorist head iron!

Nomi was no longer in charge of the main attack this time, but stood on the wall, quietly watching the actions of the Pandaren of the Shado-Pan faction.

Different from the tactics used in the Kovok period, the Shado-Pan no longer focuses on the mantid who is covering, but uses a spear thrower to shoot a flaming short spear, attacking the terror in all directions without dead ends.

"What are they doing?"

Watching the short spear bounce off the carapace of the scarab, Nomi looked confused.

Obviously, a short spear throw can not pose much threat to the Terrorworm with a thick carapace, and it can even be said that it has no effect.

The short spear, which is very deadly for the mantid, is pierced on Grandpa's carapace and will be bounced away - not even a trace is left!

Simply speaking, the defensive power against physical piercing attacks even surpassed the dragon.

And because of the scattered firepower of the Shado-Pan faction, the mantid flying in the air can even carry various amber incendiary bombs to the top of the city wall to bomb.

Suddenly, the setting sun turned off the flames.

But the guards of the Shado-Pan were not impatient.

what on earth is it? !

Seeing Nomi's doubts, Tao Shi explained to him.

In addition to Kovork, the mantid also has many horrors.

But unfortunately, other horrors have their own weaknesses-the overgrowth of the carapace will form an extremely fragile point, a weak point that breaks with the touch.

Although these weaknesses are often protected in the cracks of the carapace, they do exist.

In the face of Kovok, the attack of the Shado-Pan is extremely difficult to work, but facing Kovok’s substitute, as long as the weakness is detected through the indiscriminate firepower coverage, and then the strong is sent to directly attack the weakness, the Horror will Fall directly.

The weakness of the fearworm is not obvious, and it will even be disguised as a complete carapace, which is why the Shado-Pan conducts such trials.

"Weakness?" Nomi obviously didn't expect this to be the case. "What do you mean? Even if there are weaknesses, such a big guy is not easy to deal with!"

"It's easier than you think!" Seeing Nomi's unwillingness to believe it, Tao Shi smiled and shook his head. "Do you think we have been fighting against the mantid for so many years? Except for Kovok, Other horrors come to the Setting Sun Pass, just to die!"

"In that case, why did they do it?" Nomi still couldn't understand. "If this big guy is really so easy to deal with as you said, why did they send it out?"

"Because they have no choice!"

Tao Shi drew a dagger from his waist and turned a flower in his palm.

"When Kovork fell, the Setting Sun Pass was already triumphant, and the mantid now is just the last desperate fight!"


On the other side, the wind raider flew high into the sky, carefully observing the entire battlefield.

Tao Shi knew, he knew it.

Lai is not Kovok, Lai has weaknesses!

What the wind raiders can count on is that the Shado-Pan will not be able to find out the weakness of Raigong for a while.

If Grandpa Lai broke through the gate of the Setting Sun Pass first, he would be the winner!

For this reason, the wind raiders even do not hesitate to overdraft the mantid's tomorrow-don't think that the colony is worthless, in fact, the colony is the mantid's tomorrow!

Looking at the Shado-Pan guards below, the wind raider trembled slightly.

Yes, we all know each other.

Then see, who can have the last laugh!

In the sight of the wind raiders, the inner gate of Guan Weng City in the setting sun was crumbling.

Gradually, dents appeared on Grandpa's body--compared with Kovork, Grandpa's carapace was not strong enough.

But enough!

As long as the fatal weakness of Grandpa Rai cannot be found, victory will ultimately belong to the mantid!


On the other side, with the failure of a large number of tentative attacks, Tao Shi's brows also frowned.

Does the mantid have a new perfect horror?

No, it's impossible!

If this one is also perfect, after yesterday's battle, the mantid doesn't even have to retreat.

And when he was in Karaxi, Tao Shi had also personally heard that the mantid no longer seeks perfection, but strives to put the weakness of the fearworm in the most difficult place to be attacked.

Could it be said that the weakness of this fear bug has not been attacked?

No, this is the strongest firepower of the Shado-Pan!

If no weakness is found, even if the inner gate of the city of the setting sun is intact, the spear of the Shado-Pan will be cut off!

After all, the Horror target is so big, it is terrifying to fire at full force.

Where is the weakness...

Overgrowth of the carapace.

Tao Shi carefully looked at the fearworm once again.

The carapace is almost perfect, there is no place for the gap!

A large number of short spears were still nailed to the carapace of the Horror as if they were no money, but Tao Shi did not notice that even one place had a tendency to collapse.


Seeing Lai Gong who was still hitting the gate of the Ruling Pass with the carapace bulge on his head, Tao Shi suddenly had an idea, and then ran directly toward the gate of Russell Pass.

Since the wall where the tower is located is the side directly hit by the worm, it has been unstable and the number of shooters is relatively small.

After boarding the tower, Tao Shi carefully observed the terrifying worm that was hitting the city gate.

The head is high and bulging, and the carapace is ferocious.

But in this hideousness, Tao Shi finally found a trace of disharmony.

No wonder!

There is a slightly sunken discordant point on the top of Lai's head in the center of the hideous carapace. Since Lai's head is lowered every time he hits the city gate, he usually does not observe carefully. Less than.

And because this weakness is slightly sunken, it won't be affected when it hits the gate!

After discovering the weakness, Tao Shi did not hesitate!

Put on a special cloak made by Lorewalkers, Tao Shi jumped down from the high tower!

Accompanied by dazzling visual effects and brain-dead music, Tao Shi glides on top of Lai's head.

The sudden appearance of Tao Shi made Grandpa Lai very uncomfortable, and the Horror started shaking her head and trying to throw her off.

After discovering Tao Shi, the wind raiders could only swoop down-seeing the setting sun, the inner gate of Guan Urn City was about to be smashed, now he hastened to hold Tao Shi!


Summer is here, everyone must pay attention when eating!

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