Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 753: The melee power of the mantid

The discovery of Lai's weakness means a close encounter.

The mantid must ensure that Korok's only substitute can no longer rush to the street, and the Pandaren is going to kill this last threat that may break the Sunken Pass.

Thus, a fierce battle began on Lai's broad back carapace.

Tao Shi, against, Kerruul the Wind Reaver!

This was Nomi's first close observation of Tao Shi's battle with the mantid.

A fight to fight fast.

The four-sword flow is not necessarily stronger than the two-sword flow, but what is certain is that the wind raider's four-sword flow is indeed powerful and terrifying.

As the creation of the ancient gods, the mantid was born to kill.

Moreover, for so many years, they are constantly evolving in the direction of being "more good at killing".

Therefore, compared with C'Thun's Ahn'Qiraj, the mantid is more aggressive and its body structure is closer to a human weapon.

Think about it-a guy with six legs can stand upright.

This means that the mantid can use four "hands" when fighting.

And the mantid’s second pair of legs is shaped like a sharp blade—a sharp blade like a sickle. In the wind raider’s first hands, when he became famous, the queen personally sent someone to make him a short knife. The division of labor is clear and complete. Complementary.

Under the full attack of the wind raiders, Tao Shi was surrounded by danger.

Now the task of the wind raider is not to entangle Tao Shi. Now he must defeat Tao Shi. If Tao Shi's dagger stabbed Lai Gong to his weakness, then this time the Battle of the Setting Sun Pass, the mantid will completely fail. !

When things were not good, Nomi, Lili, Valera, Fei Li, and Yaliya also hurried over to support.

Seeing that on Lei's back, a melee was about to unfold, when a cloud of poisonous fog fell from the sky.

The grinning Poisonous Mind Shakriel spilled his carefully prepared information toxin, and the light blue strange poisonous mist instantly enveloped Grandpa's back.

For all melee occupations, the poisonous fog of the poisonous mind is extremely disgusting, and the unknown is the most terrible. The poisonous fog of the poisonous mind has a different effect every time, which is a work for lorewalkers. Added great difficulties.

Moreover, the light blue toxin, such a thing has never been seen before.

Under the mask, Tao Ya held his breath.

The effect of the medicine was strong, and Tao Shi felt that his body was tending to weaken in an instant.

How to do? !

Rolling back, Tao Shi hopes to get out of the poisonous mist.

Lai Gong's wide carapace gave Tao Shi a chance. Although the wind raiders tried to blockade him for the first time, Tao Shi smoothly slipped off Lai Gong's back.

The Deebug stretched out his sickle-like front paws, trying to tear the pandamen who threatened him in mid-air to pieces.

But it didn't make any sense. The first pair of front claws of the Horror were too short. Tao Shi dodged for a while before evading Raigong's interception and successfully landed on the ground.

The flames on the ground were on the verge of extinguishing, Tao Shi was in a corner, looking up at the battlefield.

It is almost impossible to get on the back of Grandpa Lai again, and now Tao Shi can only hope that his teammates can stop Grandpa Lai!


Although in my heart I wanted to catch the ran away pandaman and tear it apart, reason still prevented the wind raider.

Fei Li, Nomi, Lili, and Valera were all staring at Lai Gong.

The wind raider estimated that if Grandpa Grandpa could support it today, the Setting Sun Gate would be able to break through - on the contrary, if Grandpa Grandpa fell into the city of Urn today, then this time, the mantid would not be able to cross the back of the dragon.

Then, bet!

"Chakriel, cover me!"

With a roar, Kerrul the Wind Reaver spread his wings behind his back.

The thin wings were completely exposed from the thick wing sheath, like two sharp blades, shining with inexplicable light.

"Pandamen, do you think you won? No, no, Yingjie is invincible, and the reincarnation of the mantid can't be stopped!"

"Now, you will see the true heroic power!"

The response to the wind raider was a big fireball from Fei Li.

Compared with Khadgar, who was lightly lifting the flames, Fei Li is not a great magician, but this female Pandaren, nicknamed "firecracker", can hold a master in the esoteric sect with a punk look. Of course, her seat is unique.

The unique feature of Fei Li is the frenzied firepower suppression!

There is nothing that can't be solved without a fireball-if so, then two!

When the wind raiders spoke ruthlessly, Fei Li decisively began the process of rubbing the fireball-and the wind raiders put their poses, and Fei's big fireball arrived!

Heat waves are blowing!

Although the mantid's instinct is to resist fire, in this case, the wind raider still raised his forelimb.

The sickle-like forelimbs shone with light and chopped down.

At the same time, Fei Li's fireball suddenly expanded.

"Aha, taste the explosion!"

However, the triumphant Fei Li immediately stood there blankly.

The fireball swelled, but it didn't explode directly as she expected, but was severed by the wind raider's forelimb!

At this moment, everyone was stunned!

You read it right! The wind raider split a fireball about to explode in half!

After being divided into two halves, the fireball bloomed behind the wind raiders and became two splendid fireworks. Not only did the wind raiders not look back, they did not even move their tentacles.

Fei Li almost doubts life.

Although in the Shado-Pan faction, there have been all kinds of incredible legends about the mantid hero, but in Fei Li's eyes, these are all old and thin-they-why is the hero so powerful, why was he almost destroyed?

Those **** must be bragging while drinking!

If the hero of the mantid didn't say so badly, how could he bring out the difficulty of raiding Karaxis at that time?

Over the years, Fei Li has fought many mantids, but no mantid has ever been able to achieve the legendary level.

But Fei Li didn't know that the gap between Yingjie and ordinary mantid was like a boss and a mob.

Each hero of the mantid represents the most prominent aspect of the mantid.

And now in front of everyone, this death fell from the sky!

Splitting the magic with a physical blade, apart from the hero in front of him, maybe only the sword master of the Burning Blade clan can do it...

At this moment, time seems to stand still.

Although only the wind raiders were guarding Lei Gong, in Nomi's view, the wind raiders had already become an army.


According to the spoilers dug up from the ptr, the battle of Argus will end in a strange way. The author has a deep understanding of what is the official death of his colleagues-glass slag, can your screenwriter take a snack? !

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