Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 754: Memories of the Wind Reaver

The breath of the wind raider was perturbed, and he was trying to absorb as much as possible the poisonous fog from the poisonous heart-for other races, this is poisonous fog, but for the wind raiders, this is the best Nourishment.

Had it not been for the purification of the sacred tree of Kaipa as the raw material of this poisonous mist, wind raiders would have the confidence to flatten the entire Panlong spine by relying solely on this mist.

Of course, that idea just passed away in a flash.

Real victory depends on the sharp blade in your hand, just like when you were just born!

Wind raiders have never been so calm—although they are calm, their thinking is extremely active.


When the Wind Reaver Kerrul was just born, he was not called the Wind Reaver, he was Kerrul, a mantid with wings.

Many mantids have wings when they are born, but as they grow, their wings will slowly degenerate as they are no longer used, and eventually disappear-a few lucky ones can save their wings and become "bombers among the mantids" ".

But it was just a bomber—due to the limited bombing material, flying was not the decisive factor for the mantid.

Because, before the birth of the wind raider, no mantid could do a dive attack, and that kind of huge inertia would tear the mantid's fragile wings.

But Kerrur was different. After seeing an eagle dive and prey, he was completely obsessed with this attack method.

Death falls from the sky, unstoppable!

At that time, the Pandaren had not rebelled, and the mogu guarding the back of the dragon was still mogu. Kerrur, born in the empress’s song, was eager for the queen’s idea. He believed that as long as he learned to dive and attack, he could win the attention of the queen .

This is the desire from the bottom of my heart.

Of course, Kerrul is not a man of choice, his wings are as fragile as other newborn worms, and he rashly tried to dive and attack, only to break his wings.

Therefore, Kerrur started training in the interval between throwing explosives.

Dive from a height of one meter-when the wings can bear it, then rise to two meters.

Then three meters, four meters...

This is a hard training, but Kerrur, who is eager to be favored by the Queen, still insists. He hopes that one day, he can use his own way to get praise from the Queen.

But things are always unexpected.

At that time, the Geersang clan who was responsible for guarding the spine of the dragon (is the name familiar?) found the artifact left by the Titans that could restrain the mantid. The artifact blocked the empress's singing and made the newly born worms at a loss what to do.

In desperation, the Karaksi Council awakened a hero—Nirnak the Blood Summoner.

At that time, the awakener was Kerrul, and that is the time when Kerrur experienced the feeling of the awakener-as if he had created life.

Find the awakener personally, break his amber, and watch him recover from weakness.

In addition to this wonderful feeling, Kerrur learned about the existence of reincarnation for the first time.

Although instinctively still attached to the queen, Kerrur finally understood that the worms—or the former self—'s attachment to the queen was just an instinct to be awakened.

In Yingjie’s mouth, Kerrull learned that every dust of amber is like death, and every awakening is like a new life, and the awakener feels like hearing the Queen’s song for the first time. same.

What a magical reincarnation.

Thinking of his own evolution, thinking of his own dive attack, Kerrull realized the meaning of reincarnation.

With the efforts of Yingjie and Kerrur, the mantid used the queen as a bait to eliminate the mogu and destroy their "artifact"-and the backbone of the Gelsan clan also broke in this battle.

Kerrur finally learned to dive and attack and became a hero. He was sealed in Amber and buried in an unknown corner of his famous battlefield.

Knowing the last time, after he woke up, he saw the smiling face of a panda.

"Hey, my name is Zuifeng-Zuifeng·Iron Palm-well, nice to meet you"


Although thinking has returned to countless years ago, the actions of the wind raiders are not slow at all-he is at ease in the siege of Nomi and Varela.

For the wind raider, fighting is already an instinct, just like his maintenance of samsara.

But who would have thought that his awakener was the destroyer of Karaxi?

Under the misleading of the guy named Drunk Wind, the wind raider had become more and more convinced that this queen was already, she was afraid of death, and hoped to end the cycle.

Thus, the mighty siege began.

Karaksi attacked the empress, and they planned to dethrone this whimsical guy and keep the cycle going.

The Empress’s Grand Prime Minister fell, and the Wind Lord fell—although at the same time, the uninjured, the dead caller, and the bloodseeker also fell.

However, during the battle, Kerrur found that although the queen was afraid, it was completely different from what he had imagined!

Under the proposal of the Supreme, the two sides started negotiations.

It turns out that the heroes were deceived by their awakeners!

There is no destruction of reincarnation at all!

There is no need to depose the Queen!

All these are just various illusions arranged in advance by Zuifeng-although the wind raiders still don't know why Zuifeng is so familiar with everything inside the mantid.

The desperate hero returned to the Klaxxi Council, and then they were greeted with a crazy raid.

Under the leadership of Zuifeng, the Shado-Pan attacked the lair of the Klaxxi Council.

Familiar with each Yingjie’s drunkenness and used all the methods to restrain them.

The amber of the Supreme is extremely fragile under the erosion of the magic spring water of the Valley of Eternal Blossoms.

Under the influence of the ring of anti-pacing, the clear man is completely crazy.

The attacks of the Swarm Guard were blocked again and again.

The Corrupted Amber of the Glutton King was used to counter the changer's potion.

Although Yingjie was powerful, after finding a means of restraint, most of them fell under the hands of the Shado-Pan.

After the **** battle, there were only three heroes left—manipulator, wind raider, and poisonous heart.

The three badly injured heroes came to the sacred tree of Kaipa and informed the queen to be vigilant.

But it was too late-not long after the Queen wrapped them in Healing Amber and hid them, the Shado-Pan went straight to the heart of fear.

Shakesher died in battle.


And now, the manipulator had lost Korvok, the poisonous heart had taken out the last potion, and the wind raider stood on the carapace of Raigong, performing the last guard.

Maybe it's life, maybe it's death.

But the reincarnation never stops.


Regarding the reincarnation of the mantid, I don't know how to count it. If you are interested, you can read the book "Death from the Sky", which is very good.

In addition, Drunk Wind is actually very sinister sometimes-after all, the killing of the mantid is really hateful.


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