Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 761: Encounter in the Jade Forest

Although the Alliance and the Horde are looking for an opportunity to completely tie the Jinyu and Hohen to their chariots, it is a pity that things are not that simple.

The prudent Jinyu people will not easily draw conclusions until they figure out the relationship between the alliance, the tribe, and the oath.

Although I don’t know what kind of calculation the alliance is making, the Jinyu people will not believe the fact that the pie is falling in the sky. If the Homo hooves are really so easy to solve, then the Jinyu people will not be troubled by 10,000. For many years.

Therefore, although Jinyu people believed in the various promises made by the alliance, they were not actually the case.

On the other hand, compared with the cautious Jinyu, the Hohens can talk much better-Nazgrim didn't even say anything, and the Hohens yelled to join in.

"Follow the hairless monsters and smash the flat Jinyu!"

However, it is a pity that because the Monkey King is missing, Hoho’s words are meaningless. After all, the leader is not there and no matter who made the decision, it is doomed to be invalid.

This is not the deadliest. The most embarrassing thing is that with the disappearance of the Monkey King, the honobos almost fought for the position of the boss...

Nazgrim's heart has cursed the monkey king who is biting the neutral monkey no matter what, this kind of irresponsible behavior of releasing pigeons has brought great trouble to the expansion of the tribe!

All in all, no matter the alliance or the tribe, they have made great progress in getting the help of the hunks and the Jinyu people, and they are only short of the door.

However, it was unusually difficult for this approaching one to stop them from proceeding further.

No matter what method is used, the Alliance and the Horde have no chance to directly sign an agreement.

However, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

When the Jade Forest ushered in its own grand ceremony, the Alliance and the Horde finally achieved a new breakthrough.


Don't think that the pandas are perfect. In fact, although the pandas must be optimistic under the influence of the evil demon, in private occasions, panda fever occasionally shows a different side.

For example, the black side of the region.

Although the land area of ​​Pandaria cannot be compared with Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdom, this land is actually very large.

Due to geographical conditions, there are always some differences in the living habits of the pandamen in various parts of Pandaria.

These differences are reflected in all aspects of the pandamen's food, clothing, housing and transportation-well, mainly food-and these differences have caused some undesirable effects on the pandamen over time.

For example, the pandamen in the Jade Forest have a soft spot for sweets, while the pandamen who work in Kun-Lai Mountain are heavy oil and salt. As for the pandamen in the Valley of the Four Winds, they have always believed that "Lao Tzu is the best cook in the world." ".

In this way, the inherent impression began to be produced, and then as the spread and the fermentation of time, regional discrimination gradually formed.

The pandamen in the Valley of the Four Winds look down on the bitter days of Kun-Lai Mountain. The pandamen in the Jade Forest say that the guys in other places are really reckless. But in the eyes of the pandamen in the Kun-Lai Mountain, the pandamen in the Jade Forest are just a group of female guns.

These are all very easy to understand. Simply put, Pandaren’s different geographical characteristics have made Pandaren form different and unique customs in each place.

Different customs have different festivals-and recently, the Alliance and the Horde have just caught up with a big day in the customs of the Jade Forest.

Yulong's birthday.

As one of the four supreme gods, Yulong's status is self-evident.

As the incarnation of Pandaria's wisdom, Yulong has always been the **** most worshipped by lorewalkers.

At the same time, Yulong’s Qinglong Temple is also located in the dense forest of Jade Forest.

Although Yulong seems to be in good condition, this year has a very important day for Yulong-the day to change his body.

As early as the age of Thor, in order to fight the mighty Thor, the Four Gods fought **** battles, but they were still lost and paid a heavy price.

Bai Hu Xuenu was imprisoned, Zhu He Chijing was restrained, Xuan Niu Niuzao was suppressed, and the worst was Qinglong Yulong, whose body was irreversibly damaged.

Under the attack of Thor, who had the Naraksha engine, Yulong's body partially collapsed.

After overthrowing the rule of Mogu, Yulong's body collapsed more and more, and the sha demon of Pandaria began to move around. Under this situation, Yulong made a bold decision.

Change a body for yourself.

The Dragon Heart Jade from the Jade Forest has undergone extensive testing and proved to be able to communicate a part of the emerald dream and carry the soul of Yulong.

As a result, with the hard work of panda craftsmen, Yulong has a new body.

Sapphire's body allows Yulong to move normally, and no longer has to endure the torment of physical collapse.

At the same time, Sapphire's body can also suppress the evil demon who is ready to move, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

But the body of sapphire is not without flaws-when the energy of sapphire is exhausted, this body will become a dead thing, and Yulong will need a new body at that time.

A new Yulong statue is carved by a panda artisan, and then Yulong transfers his soul again.

The **** statue in the monk skills is derived from this method, that is, the monk uses a special statue to temporarily borrow the power of the four gods.

This is the reincarnation of the blue dragon, and the day when Yulong changes his body is also affectionately called "Yulong's birthday" by the pandas in the Jade Forest.

Now, Yulong’s birthday is coming soon.

Lorewalkers’ craftsmen have completed most of the carving tasks of the Except for some details that need to be processed, the entire statue can be said to be basically completed.

A crystal clear sapphire dragon hovered on a thick stone pillar, waiting to rise to the sky.

This was originally a happy thing. On Yulong’s birthday, when the sapphire dragon is flying, the Pandaren will sing and dance, and the Lorewalkers will clean up their collections. The Jade Forest will become a sea of ​​joy!

However, due to the existence of alliances and tribes, the Qinglong Temple today ushered in a few guys who are not very common.

Jinyu people and Hohen.

Fortunately for the Jinyu people, the waterspeakers sometimes come to the Qinglong Temple to read some ancient documents and learn about those things that happened in the past-and the hus have never been to the Qinglong Temple!

Seeing a large number of Jinyumen and Hohens appearing outside the Qinglong Temple along with the Alliance and the tribe, Zhou Zhuo frowned tightly.

"Could it be that the thing that Zuifeng worries the most is about to happen?"

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