Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 762: Rebirth of the Azure Dragon

The noise outside the Qinglong Temple, like a vegetable market, dissipated Zhou Zhuo’s interest in continuing to study. The tribe and the alliance dragged the Homo and Jinyumen to the outside of the Qinglong Temple. Then, predictably, the two sides began to stare at each other. process.

Drunk Wind still had an impression of the mission line when the Alliance and the Horde landed in Pandaria-in memory, the Horde and the Alliance attracted the Hohen and Jinyu, respectively, and messed up the Jade Forest.

Drunk Wind couldn't confirm whether the Alliance and the Horde would follow the same old path after things had changed now-but anyway, he still reminded Zhou Zhuo in advance to be careful.

If the Alliance and the Horde are really careful, they must stop it!

Now, watching the hustle and bustle of Hohen and Jinyu outside the Qinglong Temple, Zhou Zhuo stopped the work of sorting out books.

It seems to be the time.

They can't let them go on like this anymore.

Now Zhou Zhuo is standing in the tower of Qinglong Temple. Through the window, he can clearly see the confronting alliance and tribe.

The grinning Nazgrim and the muscular Taylor.

The idea of ​​tribe and alliance is very clear-when Homo and Jinyu refuse to submit, then give them a chance to conflict.

As long as the two parties meet and flirt, they can stand it if they don't believe it!

Therefore, taking advantage of Yulong's birthday, the Alliance and the tribe said they would come to "see the world", and the hus and Jinyu people could only be invited to accompany them.

I have to say that this method is quite easy to use-so easy to use that even the Alliance and the Horde almost couldn't bear to fight themselves first.

"Greenskins, I hope your new teammate is a little smarter, so that he won't know how he died when he is killed."

"Hehe, despicable human trash, a sneak attack is meaningless--even if you succeed in the sneak attack, will you still be killed by me?"

"Oh? Really? Who was it that retreated in Draenor? Even the king died on the battlefield?"

"At least King Rastakhan died like a real warrior-not like your duke, who looked terrified when he was dying!"



Nazgrim and Taylor sprayed each other face to face, exposing all the unfavorable old bottoms of each other during Draenor.

The Alliance and Horde soldiers in the back were dumbfounded. Didn't they expect such a story?

The two sides became more and more excited, and even unanimously put on a posture ready to roll up their sleeves and start fighting.

Of course, fighting is impossible. Whether it is Nazgrim or Taylor, they can only talk about it.

After all, they are now "private adventurers." If the Pandaren sheriff finds a reason and arrests them, there will be no place to cry.

And now the wooing task has not been completed, this place is still the site of the vows, it is easy to cause big things to do on the site of the vows!

(However, the Pandaren do not have a sheriff, only the Shado-Pan-and now almost all the Shado-Pan is on the back of the dragon.)

Zhou Zhuo summoned his own Cloud Serpent Mishi, the little guy scratched his head, and then grew into the wind.

Throwing the scroll into a pocket on the side of the robe, Zhou Zhuo stepped directly onto the Mishi, and wanted to call the Celestial Guardian of the Qinglong Temple to stop the quarrel between the two sides-who knew that Yulong suddenly appeared and stopped Zhou Zhuo.

"Stop it, Zhou Zhuo." There was no joy or sorrow in Yu Long's eyes, "Don't interfere, don't interfere."

"What?" Zhou Zhuo obviously didn't expect Yulong to say this. He scratched his head, then he couldn't believe it, "Your Excellency, Zuifeng and I mentioned the alliances and tribes outside-in many At times they are hostile, the kind that might fight at any time!"

As he said, Zhou Zhuo paused and reorganized the language.

"If they fight, they might loosen the seal of the Sha Demon! You will change your body soon. If the Sha Demon leaks, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Don't be nervous." Yu Long shook his head slightly, "I didn't let you do this because I was worried about the Sha Demon. I can't hold on to this sentence. The action of changing the body must begin immediately. Now we have There is no time to deal with these outsiders... After all, this year the mantid reincarnates early, and the Shado-Pan is short of manpower. We can only focus on the most important places."

Zhou Zhuo was caught off guard by Yulong's weakness, his face was full of surprise, and then frowned.

"How can this be...this situation has never happened before... Could it be that your reincarnation is advanced?"

"It's true." Yulong is so weak now that she is unwilling to even simply wobble her tail. "The impact of the disappearance of the mist on Pandaria is far beyond my imagination. The negative emotions of outsiders are constantly attracting the evil spirits. , I had to devote more energy to face it. As a result, this rebirth must be advanced.

"But the jade carving is not ready yet..."

"Don't care about the meaningless details." Yulong interrupted Zhou Zhuo, "I've long passed the age of an unexpected appearance-summoning the heavenly guards, I need to be reborn in advance."


Zhou Zhuo agreed, then turned and left.

The alliance and tribe matters should be put aside for now.


Just when Nazgrim and Taylor stared at each other, the hustle and Jinyu were at war, the sky above the Qinglong Temple suddenly turned green.

A huge figure flew out of the Qinglong Temple, and then went straight to the jade sculpture carved by the Pandaren.

At the same time, the closed gate of the Qinglong Temple suddenly opened, and a large number of heavily armed guards of the gods ran all the way towards the jade carvings-they didn't even look at the Jinyu people and the hunks.

In this case, both Nazgrim and Taylor stopped talking.

It's weird...

Could it be that the pandamen are here except for what happened?

Taylor turned to question the Jinyu Water Whisperer, only then did he know that Yulong was about to reincarnate.

And the rebirth of Samsara means that Yulong will be very weak!

Now is a good opportunity to get started!

When the tribe and the hoots were still confused and Jinyu suddenly attacked.

A sparse spear and water arrows were thrown off guard, and the tribe and the hozen suffered a lot.

Can this be tolerated?

Nazgrim roared decisively and launched a counter-charge with the hoots!

"Fuck that Alliance Dog!"

"Tribal pig, die!"

Due to the lack of weapons of mass destruction, this battle was at the level of a private combat, but where no one noticed, a strange black mist gradually spread.

As the fog spread, Nazgrim and Taylor's eyes turned red.

The evil demon is breeding!

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