Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 763: The darkness deep underground

"There is a huge darkness hidden in the depths of Pandaria."

This sentence is the aphorism that the Pandaren of Shado-Pan put on their lips. It is both a warning to adventurers and a reminder to themselves.

And this so-called darkness refers to Sha.

At the beginning, after Amansur squeezed Y'Shaarj, the last breath of Y'Shaarj contaminated Pandaria, using the shame of fear, the shame of madness, the shame of anger, the shame of doubt, the shame of shame, the shame of hate, and the shame of pride. The form of the evil continues to pollute Pandaria.

But the point that needs to be explained is that the Sha demon is not Y'Shaarj—just like the undead are not living beings, the Sha Demon is the negative energy left behind after Y'Shaarj's death.

If we have to find out the "orthodox" left behind after Y'Shaarj's death, then I'm afraid it is the heart of Y'Shaarj buried underground in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms...

Having said that, although the Sha demon was only a byproduct of Y'Shaarj's death, his influence on all creatures on Pandaria was still terrifying.

In Pandaria, as long as someone falls into extreme negative emotions, the evil spirit will infect his spirit. If he is not aware of it, this emotion will continue to affect him, making him more and more extreme, and finally he will simply become Shade.

This negative emotion is part of the infected, even the mantid who was once Y'Shaarj's subordinates who still wants to resurrect Y'Shaarj can't avoid the erosion of the Sha's.

It can be said that it is truly a spiritual infectious disease.

What the Four Gods and Shado-Pan faction have been doing is to suppress the Sha's infection as much as possible.

Yulong uses wisdom to guide the pandamen, like a psychiatrist, to rescue the sha-infected pandamen from negative emotions, while the Shado-Pan warriors are responsible for destroying the sha demon in the physical state.

But because the number of people pouring into Pandaria far exceeded their expectations, this kind of prevention and suppression has become a lot more difficult.

Especially for Yulong—there are too many people in the Jade Forest, and Yulong's heart is so weak that he has to be reborn in advance.

But at this time when Yulong was most vulnerable, the Alliance and the Horde had thought about it and just quarreled, but inexplicably moved their hands.

In front of the Qinglong Temple, the scene finally got out of control.

A group of people called "For the Alliance" and another group of guys called "For the Horde" charged towards each other.

Together with them are Jinyumen and Hohen.

Among them, honobos are not too big to watch the excitement, anyway, they don't have the heart and lungs to not get evil, so they seem very unscrupulous.

The elder Jinyu always said "Can't fight" at the beginning, but when he got muddled by the mud attack from the opposite Ukwuk, the Jinyu man couldn't help but become angry, and then began the fight— —You actually throw me with poop? Damn it, eat my current attack!


Nazgrim felt strange.

Anger, tyranny, an inexplicable power spread in his body. This strange energy gave Nazgrim a different experience, and a voice kept calling in his ear.

"Kill! Kill them!"

Nazgrim feels that his power is much greater, but it is difficult to work when attacking. This subtle distortion makes Nazgrim use more and more power in each attack, even with an axe. He would stagger for a while.

Nazgrim wanted to regain his control, but in his mind he always couldn't help but recall the tragic death of his companion at the Hellfire Citadel.

Maybe my condition is not very good, but that is not important anymore.

What Nazgrim needs is to smash all the enemies in front of him, I care who you are!

The teachings of Jurone had already been forgotten by Nazgorin. What left one-third of his strength and how to control his emotions, now Nazgorin has forgotten all about it. All he has in mind is the killing and destruction. Desire.

If Nazgrim looked in the mirror now, he would find that he had completely changed his appearance.

The black and white evil spirit had already attached to his body, and then began to spread inward-under the influence of the evil spirit, Nazgrim's body had even slightly expanded.

If this continues, Nazgrim will be completely affected by the sha, and then simply controlled by the sha.

Tyranny and hatred will turn Nazgrim into a real monster, and the Alliance and Horde armies are doomed to be immune.

At this time, Yulong was already in the process of reincarnation, and it seemed that Nazgrim's degeneration was inevitable.

Just as the orc’s Captain Kor'kron was in hysterics, a hunk who suddenly appeared beside Nazgorin stretched out his hand and gently brought a mask with a strange smile to Nazgorin. Face.

Amazingly, as the mask was brought to Nazgrim's face, the orc suddenly became calm.

Although Nazgrim was still confused for a while and did not figure out the situation, he was temporarily free from the influence of the evil demon anyway.

At the same time, this flexible figure began to dash around the battlefield quickly, putting the mask on the face of the shaman from time to time to help them return to normal.

Soon, the battle between the Alliance and the Horde ended.

Sha demons hinder the host's self-awareness, so people often do not know themselves after being infected with sha.

Once you realize that you have a problem, it becomes a lot easier to fight against the evil demon.

At least Nazgrim found out that it was wrong. He stopped clamoring and didn't continue to charge, but looked at his hands in confusion-what's wrong with me?

The battle in front of the Qinglong Temple was over.

A hooded hen suddenly He used the colorful mask in his hand to prevent the evil demon from continuing to invade - these interesting hunger masks gradually restored all those affected by the evil demon. calm.

"Although I don't know what's going on with you, but remember, don't fight in Pandaria, it's not fun to have shame!"

"Who are you?" Nazgrim looked at the hustle with a different style in front of him strangely, "What happened?"

"Me? I am the Monkey King-the one you have been looking for." The Monkey King showed a very ugly smile-not beautiful at all. "And just now, you successfully dyed it, if it weren't mine. Help, I’m afraid you guys have become lunatics dominated by the sha demon~"

Looking at the crazy Monkey King in front of him, Nazgrim felt a subtle sense of unreality.

"You are also brave enough to start a battle when you know almost nothing about Pandaria? And this kind of battle full of ambition and desire?"

Shaking his head, the Monkey King briefly told Nazgrim about the evil demon.

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