Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 764: A brewing storm

After learning all about the sha demon, Nazgrim finally understood what kind of environment he was in.

This is simply... amazing!

There is such a magical existence!

Nazgrim, who had personally experienced the battle of the quicksand, knew the horror of the ancient god, so after hearing that the sha demon was the remnant of the ancient god, Nazgrim quickly accepted all this.

Since Nazgrim has always been promoted by Thrall, he has always belonged to the doves in terms of political tendencies. After learning about the sha demon, Nazgrim still initiated a tribe towards the Monkey King. But after receiving rejection, Nazgrim did not continue to stalk.

Perhaps the strategy for Pandaria should be slightly changed.

Soon, Yulong, who had regained his life, returned. After realizing the problem, the Alliance and the Horde also chose to retreat temporarily.

As a result, after experiencing a conflict caused by a misunderstanding, Nazgrim, the captain of the Korkalong team, immediately ended his paid vacation and quickly returned to Durotar.

At the same time, he ended his vacation, as well as the league’s special team Colonel Taylor.

Then, the strategic issue of Pandaria was once again on the desk of the Alliance and the Horde.


How to deal with Pandaria?

In terms of alliances, Varian has wisely decided to abandon Pandaria's affairs first-anyway, there are tribes exploring mines ahead. Pandaria is a peculiar place involving the shaman and the ancient gods, which is obviously not so easy to handle. .

Now the alliance can wait!

But for the tribe, things are not that simple.

The existence of the Sha demon made Thrall feel an extremely headache.

The solitary case did not prove, but in a short period of time, Pandaria's evil-infestation incident has occurred several times - even the Golden Lotus Sect once blocked the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, and all personnel who came and went must undergo strict interrogation.

A large number of adventurers are fighting on Kun-Lai Mountain, and everyone has an inexplicable anger-it is said that this is the influence of the evil spirit.

The Golden Lotus guards guarding the Vale of Eternal Blossoms have repeatedly reminded that you must restrain your negative emotions in Pandaria, otherwise it is very possible to lose yourself completely!

In this case, it is not that simple for the tribe to steal the chicken.

Moreover, the key question is that the Pandaren seem to have anticipated the alliance and tribe's intervention. Otherwise, why did the Monkey King hide from sight at the beginning and the evil demon came to the rescue?

(Heaven and Earth’s conscience, Drunk Wind really didn’t expect that the Alliance and the Horde would dare to stroke the tiger’s beard in this case, so he didn’t prepare too much. This was the Monkey King’s own thoughts.)

Does this mean that they understand their own ideas?

Due to the huge difference in strength, when facing the oath, the Alliance and the Horde were destined to be unable to harden them. They could only take advantage of the fact that the oath was not fully prepared, or if the oath did not notice, they could take the lead, and then cause a This kind of "fait fact" result.

Only by adopting this method of extracting chestnuts from fire can the Alliance and the Horde seek their own interests under the constraints of the oath.

But once Oath found out their abacus, everything became troublesome.

Thrall's thinking is clear, but the problem is also big.

As long as the pledge is feared, the tribe will always be at a huge disadvantage!

But compared with Thrall's normal thinking, there are still people with abnormal thinking.

For example, Comrade Grommash Hellscream.

For Pandaria, Thrall’s focus was on the vows to be prepared for a long time ago, and whether they should find a more secret way.

However, Grommash's attention was focused on the state of his own shame as described by Nazgrim.

More powerful, more vigorous desire to fight!

Isn't this what the orcs have been pursuing?

What, you said you would lose your mind?

It doesn't matter, we can reform and train!

After learning of the sha demon erosion, Grommash felt that his mind opened up instantly!

Look at Zul next door! Now he is the master of Arcane, Shadow, and Holy Light! We can learn from Zul’s ideas!

How to learn from?

What is the source of Zul's power? A half-dead Naaru and a God Loa who was forcibly resurrected, right?

We can too!

Since the ancient gods will leave behind such a magical existence after death, can we take advantage of it?

And more importantly, after the death of Yogg-Saron, Northrend also has a similar energy-but unlike Pandaria’s energy that relies on negative emotions, Yogg-Saron’s pollution is Whispered.

In Northrend, the closer you are to Ulduar, the easier it is for people to hear the whispers left by Yogg-Saron-full of selfishness, greed, and jealousy. Now, after learning about Pandaria, Gro Marsh suddenly felt that these whispers might not be the power of the orcs.

Grommash's thirst for strength began to hamper.

Just like the first one to drink the blood of the devil, Grommash now has new ideas.

It is a pity that Thrall is not sophisticated enough now, he has not been able to spot the strangeness of Grommash, nor has he understood how much power this orc who has failed to achieve self-salvation desires.

"In the later period of the demon blood, even if Orgrim did not kill Mannoroth, I was able to suppress the desires that did not belong to me, and instead turned the demon’s will into my power-I believe that in my will Next, the energy left by the ancient gods will be used for me!"

Grommash fully overestimated his will because he had not experienced the incident of drinking the blood of the devil and smashing Cenarius with the axe twice.

In his opinion, the blood of Mannoroth does affect the mind-but that is only for the weak, and for people like himself, the whispers of the ancient gods are not unbearable!

Our will is as strong as steel!

As long as you conquer the will left by the ancient you can gain the power of the ancient gods!

Gritting his teeth secretly, Grommash made up his mind.

In Gromarsh’s view, the elements cannot save the orcs-Ragnaros has been exiled by the drunk wind, Al'Akir has become a sword spirit of the drunk wind. What is the use of the shaman?

And because of Thrall's intervention, Grommash's dark shaman plan was completely aborted, Thrall did not allow the enslavement of the elements.

Please, the big boss (element) you prayed for couldn't beat the oath, so wouldn't we always be suppressed by the oath?

As an orc with dreams, Gromash doesn't allow this!

So, while Thrall was watching the changes, in Northrend, a warsong squad began to move towards Ulduar's cliff.

Listening to the whispers left by Yogg-Saron in his ear, Garrosh and the war song elite of his men looked firm.

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