Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 765: The future of hellscream

Due to Zuifeng's "focus", the life trajectory of the Hellscream father and son has been changed a lot-it can even be said that their experience has changed beyond recognition.

Grommash Hellscream still bears the shame of being the first to drink the blood of the devil, and it has not been washed away for a long time.

In addition, because Thrall is still presiding over the overall situation, Gromash has also been suppressed. In the face of a strong vow, it is difficult for the tribe's hawks to act.

And the most deadly point is that Gromash is getting old.

The erosion of time is the cruelest-although he can still wave the **** roar in his hand, compared with the heroic warsong **** of war, Gromash now looks more like an old man.

Grommash was from the seven heroes of Draenor-in other words, he was a fighter of the same generation as Orgrim and Durotan, and Durotan's grandson was about to be born!

The creation of the times already belongs to Thrall.

It's hard for an orc to have three generations together!

Among the Seven Heroes of Draenor, Kargath, Orgrimmar, Durotan and Grommash are similar in age. Ner'zhul is the oldest, followed by Kilrogg, and Gul'dan is the youngest.

And now, among the seven heroes, there is only Gromash who is still alive.

Grommash is now full of gray hair. As a warrior, his aging comes earlier than others, let alone Grommash, a warrior who relies on physical talent!

Of course, his natural stamina has given Grommash far beyond ordinary growth, and even made him have the power to fight against Goron. However, under the erosion of years, Grommash still can't escape. Weakness caused by aging.

When Garrosh returned from Draenor, Grommash had his last wish. Now Grommash is worried about the future of the orcs in Azeroth.

That's right, the future of the orcs!

With the passage of time, Grommash is no longer obsessed with purging the past. Now even if Grommash is given a chance to go head-to-head with Mannoroth, the one who fails must be Grommash, not every The veterans of an orc are Brox.

Therefore, Grommash's vision began to become long-term, his life will eventually come to an end, but the future of the orcs is still very long.

The elements cannot save the orcs, and the orcs need their own power.

According to Gromash, the orcs need their own power.

It's a pity that the orcs can't figure out God Luoa. Although they want to get a power bank for themselves like the troll next door, they can't figure out the state of God Luoa at all, so this plan can't be realized.

Orcs are accustomed to war-do they prosper in wars, rise in wars, conquer in wars, but in Azeroth, due to the existence of the oath, the orcs have to seek peaceful development.

And peaceful development is what the orcs are least good at.

There is one thing that Gromarsh knows better than anyone else. It is that if you want to survive in Azeroth, it is not feasible to rely solely on peaceful development. Without FREEFARM in the case of war, who can fight humans?

Many other races have an intuitive understanding of human learning and development ability. Maybe their physical condition is not good enough and their life span is not long enough, but good fertility coupled with strong learning ability is enough for them to learn Rapid development under peaceful circumstances!

If Azeroth really continues to develop peacefully, the orcs will be thrown away a few hundred years later!

At that time, the orcs will really be over-in front of the powerful humans, it is not the matter of themselves to make rounds and flats.

Therefore, instead of chronic death like this, it is better to find a chance to make a breakthrough!

Thrall was aware of this and made some small moves when the fog of Pandaria dissipated.

Unfortunately, Thrall’s little action failed, and now it’s not a good idea to get involved in Pandaria.

And Nazgrim's experience gave Gromash an idea. If the right path fails, then the orcs may have to go a little bit more obliquely!

Thrall was not unconscious of Grommash's and Garrosh's small movements, but at this moment, he chose to default.

Let their father and son act secretly. Success is beneficial to all the orcs, and even if they fail, the tribe at least has an excuse for "acting privately."

I have to say that after experiencing a lot of failures, Grommash has also become a lot more cautious. Although his position is still radical, the methods are much smarter.

This time, it was Garrosh instead of Grommash who led the team. Apart from Drunk Wind, few people would care where an orc "Little Chief" went.

And because of the existence of Alsace, Northrend is still relatively chaotic. In addition, the orcs and ice trolls are the natives here, so Garrosh and his party disguised as a routine patrol team, almost hiding everything from everyone. .

The reason why it is said to be "almost" is because within the tribe, someone still notices something wrong-it is not someone else, it is the chief of the Dragonmaw clan, Zaira.

This is a coincidence. After Logosh's death, Zaira had already corrected her position and stayed away from Garrosh.

The busy internal affairs work of the Dragonmaw clan also means that Zaira has no time to think about the love of her children. How to train the dragon (ancestor dragon) and the revival of the clan occupy most of Zaira’s time. This strong female chieftain There is not even much time to rest.

Not long ago, Dragonmaw's scout reported that a distinctive Archaeopteryx was found near the Temple of Storm on the Cliff of Storms. Although it looked like a young dragon, it had a physique that exceeded most adult Archaeopteryx.

The Dragonmaw clan’s domestication of the ancestor dragon has reached the breeding stage, such an ancestor dragon with excellent genes must not be let go!

So Zaira personally set out to go to the cliffs of the storm to find this special ancestor young dragon.

Then she discovered Garrosh's trail by It's strange!

Obviously, the configuration of the team is a standard patrol team, but how did you patrol the cliffs of the storm?

To make sense, there is a Gudak and a Grizzly Hill between Durotar and Storm Fortress!

After discovering the abnormality of the matter, Zaira became very curious. She followed Garrosh from a distance in the sky, and then watched their group continue to advance in the direction of Ulduar.

"Something's wrong..." Zaira finally frowned. "Now that the guardians are in Ulduar, what is Garrosh going there for?"

And when Zaira was strange, Garrosh finally changed direction, and Zaira finally discovered his true purpose.

Temple of Wisdom!


Originally wanted to add more, but recently it was a little bit cavin.

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