Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 776: The Fall of Gromash

How did Grommash discover Saratas's disguise?

The reason is simple, "Garrosh"'s voice is not right.

The reason why Grommash talked nonsense was to confirm his judgment.

Under Malkorok's "guidance", Saratas restored almost everything about Garrosh. She originally planned to use Garrosh's identity to do things, so that she could simply throw all problems to the tribe.

Think about it, a tribe’s "Chief II" gained the power of the ancient gods and then destroyed Azeroth everywhere. Under this circumstance, the pledge to maintain peace in Azeroth would not go to the tribe. Trouble?

I have to say that Saratas’ plan sounds good, but the first step failed...

Saratas' mistake was that she didn't realize how difficult it was to pretend to be his child in front of a father.

Originally, when Grommash was fighting the dismantlers, Saratas discovered this uninvited guest. From Malkorok’s mouth, she learned the identity of Garrosh, so she carefully crafted it. A passage vividly shows a son who is grieving towards his father.

Unfortunately, before the real blood connection, this kind of performance is still too exaggerated.

After Grommash recognized Saratas, he started the charge without hesitation.

But Saratas didn't see things well, and no longer forced a disguise, but directly transformed into a state of a dagger, and Malkorok held the battle.

That's right, Malkorok, who was in ambush for a sneak attack, was holding it in his hand and fighting.

Well, for the convenience of fighting, this is an enlarged version of the dagger, which looks like a very wide sword.

Malkorok VS Gromash!


There is no doubt that this is a one-sided battle.

Malkorok couldn't beat Grommash-even though he was also a strong guy from Blackstone, but as a warrior, his weak will has already set his upper limit.

And Gromash is a guy whose upper limit breaks through the sky!

The heavy Gorehowl slammed Malkorok's head with the power of the charge.

Malkorok chose to raise Saratas to resist.

The texture of Saratas was still strong enough, and after a crisp sound, Malkorok escaped.

The price is numb hands and sore arms.

Although the talented Gromash is getting old, this aging is only reflected in the slowness of entering the state and the poor ability to last in battle. When it comes to explosive power, Gromash does not decrease but increases!

The more skilled you are, the more terrifying the power that erupts during battle.

After reluctantly parrying, Malkorok staggered back for several steps, and finally barely managed to stabilize his body.

Saratas whispered a trash.

But no matter how wasteful Malkorok is, now Saratas can only rely on this simple waste.

One blow took the upper hand, and Grommash began to gain momentum.


Lethal blow!

After gradually strengthening the reliance on skills, Grommash's fighting style has also undergone considerable changes.

If time goes back twenty years, and after a single blow takes the upper hand, Grommash will definitely brandish Gorehowl and slash again and again until the opponent can't stop it; and Grommash now has a different approach. He slinged at Malkorok.

Poor Malkorok, if it wasn't for the dagger in his hand that had been giving him energy, he might have fallen now...

But having said that, even with the support of Saratas, Malkorok was almost unable to hold it.

Grommash is constantly weakening his opponent, but his purpose is very clear. It must be clear from Saratas where Garrosh has gone.

With a whirlwind blow, Malkorok was knocked to the ground by Gromash-even Saratas got out.

Grommash didn't have the time to deal with the dagger that fell aside, he stretched out his foot and stepped on Malkorok's chest.

"Disgusting betrayer, come on, where is my child? I can consider giving you a happy one!"

"Happy? Hahahahaha!" Malkorok gasped loudly, but because his chest was pinched, he looked more like a dying fish in a dried-up pond. For me, there is only endless pain!"

"Garrosh gave up on me, he lost to his jealousy!"

"I don't know where he is, but I know that driven by jealousy, he will definitely surprise everyone!"

"And you, you never want to find your son!"

Looking at Malkorok who was hysterical, Gromash frowned.

This is not the same as imagined, Malkorok was not like this originally!

Grommash was even more surprised. The next moment, Malkorok suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged Grommash's thigh.

Grommash subconsciously slashed out the **** roar in his hand, but Malkorok did not evade, and even his face was full of crazy smiles.

not good!

Grommash immediately realized something was wrong.

But it was too late.

Saratas appeared behind Grommash, the dagger pierced into Grommash's back silently, leaving a deep wound under his right rib.

Black blood gushes out

Enduring the pain, Gromash killed Malkorok who was holding his thigh, and then quickly turned around.

too late.

With a hit, Saratas retreated decisively, and Gorehowl slammed.

Saratas's ability to act alone is very poor, and this sneak attack has almost exhausted all of her energy. The next moment, a large number of faceless people quickly poured in and surrounded Gromash.

Unspeakable pain came from the wound, and the intense pain seemed to be burning Gromash's soul.

But Grommash's hands holding Gorehowl did not tremble at all.

Cleave Whirlwind.

Demoralized roar, revenge strike.

Grommash's battle is still fluent, but the movements are getting slower and slower.

The Faceless were falling one after another, and Grommash's eyes became increasingly blurred.

Groma closed his eyes and he saw his death.

But at this moment, Gromash turned out to be so calm, as if it was not himself who was enduring great pain.

Is everything... over?

Even in the end, Grommash did not fall-even if all the Faceless were dead on the spot, Grommash still did not fall.

However, the soldier who supported his body with Gorehowl did not breathe after all.

In the Yoggsaron Prison in Ulduar, Grommash completed his last path and completed his last battle.

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