Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 777: A new storm has appeared

Grommash fell to Ulduar. Although the death came a little suddenly, it was better for a soldier to die on the battlefield than to die of aging.

The only regret is that Grommash didn't know where Garrosh went in the end.

what? You said Khadgar was still trapped in the control room?

Sorry, what does that have to do with Grommash...

But in any case, Grommash also took away the entire resurrected Faceless Legion before his death.

Originally, these Faceless Legions were sealed in the ground together with Yogg-Saron, but when Yogg-Saron broke the seal and was killed by the drunk wind, these Faceless ones became a huge trouble.

Should we deal with it?

Logically speaking, Yogg-Saron just barely got rid of the seal, these faceless ones should not be able to escape Ulduar by themselves, so they should be left alone for the time being.

And from another perspective, if these faceless ones really have the ability to escape the seal, then if you want to completely deal with them, you can only take the initiative to open the seal.

After the Battle of Ulduar, no matter whether it was Drunk Wind or the Guardians, everyone had no time to do this, so these faceless ones were left in the depths of Ulduar.

And after Salatas gained some of Yogg-Saron’s power, he couldn’t wait to activate these faceless ones, and enjoyed the feeling of having a gun in his hand-it’s a pity that these little brothers had not been active for a few days before being caught by Groma. Tithes...

Gromash's exit also announced the departure of the last key figure of the old tribe. From now on, there are only a few veterans in the tribe who have experienced the old tribe.

Drektal, who is blind and does not care about world affairs except for education; Eitrigg, who is very old and dying; Samuro, who has left Durotar and is devoted to becoming a singer; watched his children grow up with peace of mind Varok Saurfang.

Apart from these old people, Zul'jin is probably the only trace of the old tribe.

Unknowingly, it has been twenty-seven years since the orcs came to Azeroth.

Twenty-seven years is not long, but this is already an era.

The conflict in Azeroth changed from Lothar and Orgrim to Thrall and Varian—or Drunken Wind and Sargeras.


It will take some time before the tribe discovers Gromash's death, depending on when Khadgar comes out of the control room.

But what is certain is that Saratas will no longer stay in Ulduar.

Due to the death of Malkorok, Saratas's plan to pretend to be Garrosh was completely bankrupt. After all, without the help of someone who knew Garrosh, Saratas couldn't imitate it even if he wanted to imitate it!

The helpless ancient gods can only choose to lurk again.

Of course Drunk Wind knew that Saratas might be involved. After all, he also discovered Saratas's disappearance for the first time at the time, but the trouble was that he had no time to take care of it now.

Now Drunk Wind is heading to the Deep Rock Island.

That's right, after some careful preparations, Zuifeng planned to meet his father-in-law.

Well, in fact, Drunk Wind couldn't figure out how far Deathwing's Flesh Seed Project was going. He felt that he needed to take the initiative.

It is impossible to always defend passively, anyway, now the fog of Pandaria has dissipated, and if there is no problem with logistical supplies, there is nothing wrong with taking the initiative.

And finally got Nomi to Pandaria and asked Old Chen to take care of him. Drunk Wind finally had time to save the world.

This time the drunken "visiting relatives and family delegation" is a luxurious one.

Not only the current five-color dragon dragon king, but also Malfurion, the boss of the night elves.

There are not many people, just seven, but the combat power is definitely explosive.

If the three of Illidan and his wife were not on the front line of the Dark Temple in Draenor, this delegation would have been a team of ten.

But considering that the enemy did not have the Dragon Soul in his hands this time, these seven people were also strong enough, at least better than during the Battle of Grim Batol.


"Drunk Wind... I'm still a little nervous." On the Endless Sea, Onyxia, who carried the Drunk Wind, seemed to be a little nervous. "In the face of my father, I still...have that little fear."

"It's okay, dear." Zuifeng touched Onyxia's head lightly. "Don't be nervous, this time we are crowded."

Drunk Wind's serious nonsense made Onyxia couldn't help laughing.

When can I comfort myself with the words "I have many people" when facing Deathwing?

But I have to admit that the words of Drunk Wind really made Onyxia a lot easier.

"I'm not kidding." Seeing Onyxia smiled, Drunk Wind was still serious, "No matter how terrible Deathwing is, he is only alone, and he doesn't even need to worry about you for the time being-see Ma Did Rigos? Ever since I asked to settle the ledger with Deathwing, he was more excited than anyone else."

Onyxia shook her head slightly.

"Don't disagree." Zuifeng seemed to have full confidence in Malygos. "As a master, Malygos seems to be full of wretches. You don't know his new spells, one is more wretched. , I can guarantee that Deathwing will never get better."

"Isn't it thanks to you?!" On Drunk Wind's words, Onyxia was really dumbfounded, "I don't understand, how can you have so many weird let you and It is a disaster to get together Malygos!"

"Then I should say...thank you for the compliment?" Seeing Onyxia relaxed, Drunk Wind changed a comfortable position on her generous back and lay down, "Look, you are no longer nervous Right? I really don’t understand, haven’t you completely accepted the power of the black dragon during the bi-month ceremony? It stands to reason that you should not be weaker than Deathwing, right?"

"But I'm still worried." Onyxia spoke very slowly, "According to our guess, this power comes from his father's initiative to give up-maybe he has mastered something stronger than the black dragon's earth power the power of."

"Need to be corrected." Drunk Wind interrupted Onyxia, "It is a force he thinks is stronger than the power of the earth-if I don't know where his confidence comes from, I might be a little nervous, but Knowing that he seems to have absorbed part of Hakkar's power, I can only laugh, what kind of stuff Hakkar is, don't you know?"

Onyxia, who was no longer nervous, did not notice that she was comforting her drunk wind in a relaxed tone, and there was no lightness in her eyes.

Flesh seeds... How could it be possible for a Deathwing that has mastered the ultimate strength of his flesh and blood to be easily solved?

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