Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 790: More speculations about drunk wind

There is no doubt that Mimiron is a special one among the guardians of the Titans.

He lost his body-under Loken's frame, his body was destroyed in an experiment, and his creation mechanical dwarf recreated a body for him.

This makes Mimiron's perspective at least looking at problems completely different from other guardians.

It's not high above, but my God you are really high.

this is a good news.

For Drunk Wind, it’s hard to communicate with the aloof "Odin-style" guardians. You must persuade them with your fists first. Mimiron’s is much better. Drunk Wind can use his mouth to ensure that he stands on his own. This side.

Although Zuifeng believes that it really fights, it is definitely he who wins.

In the eyes of Drunk Wind, Azeroth and Titan are no longer in the same position!

In fact, the reason is not complicated-think about it, does Azeroth meet Titan's expectations?

For Titans, there can be life on the planet or flesh and blood, but it must be life dominated by instinct.

In other words, there is life, but there should be no intelligent life.

Because intelligent life will bring chaos.

Instinct is a traceable order, but when creatures have wisdom and desires, they will make progress—and at the same time bring unlimited possibilities. Chaos is one of them.

Of course, Titan's position may not be so extreme, but Drunk Wind cannot guarantee that he can only prepare for the worst.


When Drunk Wind came to the control room, Khadgar and Sylvanas were already out of trouble, Mimiron seemed to be checking the control device, and Brian was watching the guardian's movements enthusiastically.

Every time I saw Mimiron, Drunk Wind would think of a robot named Blington.

The mechanical dwarf crafting technology used to make Mimiron's body is not as good as their engineering skills, so Mimiron's appearance looks more like a robot.

Only those two slightly funny beards and two raised eyebrows gave the guardian a little vitality.

However, this is what it looks like.

After seeing the drunk wind, Mimiron fully demonstrated his lively side.

"Hey, you are the guy named Drunk Wind? Oh, I remembered, you killed Yogg-Saron, right—you have something to do with me?" After seeing Drunk Wind, Mimiron vividly explained What's called ecstatic dance, "Okay, okay, because you have helped me a lot, I will listen to your questions! To make a long story short, my deciphering work in Uldaman has reached a very critical point! "

"I just want to know whether you are on the side of the Titans or on the side of Azeroth."

Drunk Wind’s tone was very calm, but everyone present was wide-eyed—Mimiron also stopped exaggerating physical expressions.

"My dear, what are you talking about?" Onyxia couldn't believe her ears. "Azeroth or Titan? What do you mean?"

"Literally." Zuifeng sighed softly, "From Leiden, I found that Titan is not the same as we usually know."

"It's not the same?" Onyxia still didn't react. "Where is it different?"

"For Titan, we may be the same as the ancient gods, who need to be eradicated."

The audience was silent.

Khadgar was thoughtful.

"Did you think of Algalon?" Drunk Feng looked at Khadgar, "He was not very friendly to Azeroth at first!"

"That's true." Khadgar nodded. "If he hadn't seen us wipe out Yogg-Saron, I would even suspect that he would directly activate some life-reshaping device."

"I have no doubt!" Drunk Wind said firmly, "Mimiron, have you received Titan's soul fragments?"

Mimiron then reacted from surprise, he tilted his moustache and stared at Drunk Wind.

"Hey, Pandaren, tell me what happened!"

The guardians already knew about the fall of the Titan, but looking at Drunk Wind's appearance, he seemed to have some other information.

Zuifeng confided in the news he had received from Leiden.

Mimiron was silent.

As a technical school, Mimiron is not very interested in this kind of stance, and to be honest, no matter which side he is on, it will not have any influence on Mimiron.

Seeing Mimiron's tangled appearance, Drunk Wind said another thing.

"If my guess is correct, the orcs should also be descendants of Titan creations, right?"

Hearing Zuifeng say this, everyone else was confused, but Brian frowned.

"...The descendants of the creation of Titans-earth giants, Magron, Goron, ogres, orcs! Yes! You are right! Drunken Wind! Orcs are the descendants of the creation of Titans!"

Don't forget, Brian once conducted an archaeological study on the birth of orcs on Delano.

At that time, Brian found a rigorous evolutionary path for the orcs-after all, the history of the orcs was relatively short-but the only thing that puzzled Brian was how the ancestors of the orcs were born?

According to Brian’s speculation, before Goron and Margoron, Draenor had some kind of powerful creatures. They didn't know how to be born or what caused them to fall, and Goron was their descendant.

Brian is an evolutionist (although the dwarf's predecessor, Earth Spirit, is a Titan creation), he turned his research direction to the elements of Draenor and the beast, but he found nothing.

When Drunk Wind talked about Titans, Brian suddenly realized.

When you know the result, and then bring it into the various characteristics of Goron ancestors ~ ~ everything is so appropriate.

"But the Titans did not manage Draenor-because Draenor does not have a Star Soul."

Zuifeng organized the language and continued to elaborate.

"But Azeroth is different. Azeroth has a star soul, but the Titans have a subtle influence on Azeroth's star souls. Now I even doubt whether all star souls can become Titans— After all, in a strict sense, Azeroth has also been infected by the ancient gods, although it is not too serious."

After talking about all his inferences, Zuifeng finally looked at Mimiron.

"Then, Lord Mimiron the Guardian, are you willing to stand on our side and decipher the message left by the Titans first?"

Mimiron seemed to hesitate, he was holding the wrench tightly in one hand, and stroking his raised beard uneasily with the other.

"Um... this is really unexpected trouble, Mimiron is very confused-but Mimiron will help you decipher the reason first, and the results will affect my choice."

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