Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 781: Aggramar report

Why is it only now beginning to decipher the message left by the Titans?

In fact, it was very simple. After the pantheon fell, Norgannon sent the news back to Azeroth, but it was a pity that except for Raiden, the other guardians could not receive the information in time.

In Ulduar, the information from the astral world was recorded in the Norgannon disk, stored in the archives, and then ate ashes silently.

After the death of Yogg-Saron, Mimiron also thought about whether to go to the archives to deal with the messy information, but considering that the mechanical dwarf was on the verge of extinction, he chose to go to Uldaman.

On the one hand, to find his old friend Azadas, on the other hand, to see the current dwarf.

But Uldaman's excavation was not over yet, he was hurriedly called back to Ulduar by Onyxia.

The inference of Drunk Wind left Mimiron with no choice for the time being, so he could only go to the archives to see what the messy information actually represented.

No way, this problem is really serious.

Drunk Wind worried that Titan might not die, but Mimiron didn't know what he should do in the future.

The guardian's master is gone, and it seems that this world doesn't need to be guarded by itself...

The sorting of information is a cumbersome process. Maybe Norgannon was well prepared when sending the information, but in the vast star realm, these complex information will obviously have some mistakes-this is not a fiber optic signal, more What's more, Norgannon's spells were prepared temporarily, or just before death.

You can understand that Titan wrote a complicated program in a certain language, but it became garbled during transmission.

All Mimiron needs to do is to restore this information.

Sounds troublesome, right?

If it weren't for the information to be traceable, Mimiron really didn't know how to figure out what was in those discs.

After entering the working state, Mimiron looked very reliable. He put on the goggles and began to concentrate on deciphering the news on the discs, and Zuifeng and others were also driven out by him.

Except Khadgar and Brian.

Brian is an assistant to decipher, and his level is recognized by Mimiron.

Because Khadgar's staff is related to Tyr, and Tyr is very important for deciphering Aggramar's message.


Why is Tyre important to Aggramar?

Because Tyre is very similar to Aggramar.

In fact, not every Titan is good at creating things-Aggramar is a Titan who is not good at creating things, and Sargeras was also good at creating things.

(If it weren't for this, Sargeras would not have to attract Eredar to be the main force of the Burning Legion. It was better than fighting Sargeras, but it was a creation... he would at best transform it.)

But not being good at creating things does not mean not being able to create things. In addition to eliminating the chaotic existence, Aggramar will occasionally create one or two guardians, and the characteristics of the guardians created by Aggramar are very obvious.

They are all responsible for fighting.

In Azeroth, the guardian made by Aggramar is Tyr.

It is also because Aggramar is not good at creating things, so the process of making Tyr can be said to be exhausting, so Tyr and Aggramar are very similar.

This is also very easy to understand, just like a rookie author writing a book, the protagonist definitely has his own shadow, the guardian of Aggramar is always very similar to himself.

Both Mimiron and Loken are made by Norgannon, but they are not very similar to Norgannon—but Tyr is almost the same as Aggramar's printed out of the same mold.

Therefore, the work of deciphering starts with the simplest, Aggrama message.

As a result, the first part stunned Brian.

There is not much information left by Aggramar. They are all records of planets near Azeroth. The most detailed one is a "planet full of crazy plants forever."

This is nothing, after all, the universe is endless, and there are all kinds of planets.

But Brian discovered that the information on this planet is too similar to Delano!

Whether it is biological characteristics or geographical composition, this is almost exactly the same as the original Delano that Brian has inferred through archaeology!

Is this a coincidence?

Brian remembered Zuifeng's speculation that the orcs on Ranor are the descendants of Aggramar's creation?

Brian was right.

Aggramar is not good at creating things, so on Draenor, he only made a few giants, and all the following are the result of the struggle between Titan creation and Draenor protists.

The descendants of giants are adapting to the environment of Draenor. They are getting smaller and more flexible; on the other hand, the Everlasting Plants are also gradually becoming smaller in Draenor and finally disappear.

Aggramar's report was very detailed, but Brian was already sweating after reading it.

The history of Delano is one aspect, and the most important is Aggramar's attitude.

In Aggramar’s view, the wild existence of Yongsheng is a mistake in itself, and Draenor is not what he thinks a correct planet should be. If it weren’t because Aggramar still had a mission to clear Yongsheng’s hands. It's not a Titan creation, but Aggramar himself!

In other words, this report directly proves the correctness of Zuifeng's guess!

Titan has its own inherent judgment on the "correctness" of things, and everything that is incorrect should be obliterated!

Although before, Brian was also very interested in the history of Draenor, but now, he wants to know what the Titans think the "right" Azeroth is like!

Unfortunately, the information is vast.

In Uldaman, there is only one disc of Norgannon that records the betrayal of Loken to the birth of the dwarves, but in Ulduar’s archives, the disc of Norgannon is made from information received from the astral for countless years. , I don’t know how many.

Without Mimiron, Brian felt that if he deciphered it himself, he wouldn’t be able to get much information out of the decipher!


The deciphering of the information can't be But the drunk wind after leaving Ulduar is very anxious now.

Not because of the death of Grommash, or because of the annihilation of the dwarven archeological team, Drunk Wind has no time to worry about the Alliance and the Horde.

What Drunk Wind noticed was that Saratas started to do things.

As for the escape of Saratas, the drunk wind was responsible.

Don't look at the situation in Azeroth now, but the Northrend incident is not over yet.

Arthas was hiding, Saratas who had slipped away, and Yogg-Saron who was still thinking about it after his death.

Moreover, what is even more troublesome is that in this situation, it is no longer possible for Drunken Wind to borrow the power of the Alliance and the Horde.


If you cause trouble, then deal with it yourself!


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