Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 784: Self-cultivation of Warlock

For Allen, this is a day that changed everything.

The parents fell in front of their own eyes.

Although Alan is still young and doesn't understand what responsibility is, he really feels the pain-he understands that the cause of all this is himself!

What surprised Allen even more was the guy who appeared afterwards.

The tall body was unusually rickets, and the green-skinned guy completely hid himself in a shabby cloth robe.

However, these are not important.

The important thing is that Allen saw him kill the abusive giant bear with his own eyes!

"Are you a mage?"


Daxner is not a mage, Daxner is a warlock, an orc warlock.

Daxner from the Shadowmoon clan was once a shaman under Ner'zhul—he once served the elements and later became a warlock.

Unlike many warlocks, Daxner disagrees with some of Gul'dan's statements, so in the orc war, he stood in Orgrim and did not follow Gul'dan to find Sargeras' power.

In Daxner's view, everything he has is for the tribe.

But no matter how Daxner faced the battle, the orcs were finally defeated.

Daxner was locked up in the concentration camp at Dunhold Castle, and then secretly "sold" by Blackham to the Gilneas nobles.

That’s right, Blackham did a lot of things privately. He sold the imprisoned orcs as slaves and sold them to the nobles with access. Under the influence of the devil’s blood, these orcs were always groggy. Some mechanical work is also okay, and there is no ability to resist.

More importantly, this can reduce the orcs and reduce the expenditure of the concentration camp.

That's how Daxner was sold to Gilneas-don't even look at Gilneas with the Greymane Wall, but for the lords who have the means, this wall has no effect.

In the mine, a large number of orcs are engaged in mining.

(Remember the battle between Lordaeron and Gilneas? The cause was that a certain paladin died in Gilneas. Yes, it was the mine.)

Compared with ordinary orc warriors, Daxner's condition is much better. When he was in Dunhold Castle, he was worried that other orcs would be involved, and he had no goals, so he didn't escape.

After coming to Gilneas, Daxner, who secretly learned Common Language, realized his identity. From the human beings escorted, he probably knew that his identity was not visible, so in the mine, he chose to escape. .

But the facts were just as he expected, the lord of the mine didn't dare to speak out, no one knew that there were orcs in the Black Forest.

Daxner was originally just looking for food. After entering the Black Forest, he seemed to have temporarily returned to the days he used to be in Draenor-working at sunrise, resting at sunset, hunting beasts.

It's just that there is no element to respond to his request-although Daxner does not pray for the element anymore.

In Daxner's view, abandoning the elements is not a mistake-because the elements are so weak!

The orc’s worship of the elements originated from the destruction of the Hanghammer by the element lord and the destruction of the ogre’s empire. After solidifying the incomparably powerful elemental power, the orcs gave birth to the shaman.

But after really contacting the power of the fel energy, Daxner became more and more disdainful of the element.

Yes, disdain!

Compared with the endless power of fel energy, the power of the elements is ultimately limited!

Daxner also reflected on it. He also believed that the orcs had experienced some mistakes in the past, but these mistakes were not abandoning elements.

There is nothing wrong with using fel energy, but drinking the blood of the devil!

If the orcs use fel energy while maintaining their sanity, then the tribe will be a different sight now!

Under the guidance of this kind of thinking, Daxner studied how to properly use the power of fel energy in the Black Forest.

What happened today was also an accident for Daxner.

It seems that two humans were killed by a bear while looking for a human child.

Daxner exposed himself and killed the bear-for a sober orc, helping the weak is as natural as overcoming the strong.

After that, the development of the matter exceeded Daxner's expectations, and he was entangled by the human child!


Alan entangled Daxner. In his opinion, this guy must be a mage from Dalaran!

No one in the closed mountain village has seen a wizard, but Alan has heard the story of a wizard. They cast spells, and then there will be magical phenomena!

Look, just "biu" the bear, the bear died!

What, you said he looks different from normal humans?

"Mage is not an ordinary person after all!"

After losing his parents, Allen chose to follow this mage who avenged his parents.

"I am not a mage, I am a warlock! Warlock! (Warlock

Daxner's lingua franca is not standard, so the warlock Alan he said could not understand. In Alan's view, this warlock might be a branch of the wizard?

In the end, Daxner still couldn't get rid of Alan-Alan followed him not because of curiosity, but because Alan really couldn't get out!

After losing his parents, Alan was homeless and had nowhere to go.

In desperation, Daxnai had one more follower.

After experiencing great pain, Alan has made a big difference from ordinary children. He began to chatter, his eyes were always erratic, and most importantly, his soul was exceptionally tough, and he had a great deal of pain. Unusual understanding-so the attendant quickly became an apprentice.

And this apprentice takes ten years to do it!

After studying with Daxner for a full ten Allen finally left the Black Forest, not because he was a teacher, but because Daxner was resistant to death. This old orc has experienced too much The pain, especially when Orgrim lifted the curse of the devil's blood, he correspondingly lost the vitality brought by the devil's blood.

Allen didn't know where his future was, and Daxner didn't ask him to find the tribe, so Allen, who had left the Black Forest, became a free adventurer with a bodyguard and a dog.

Because he has been away from society for too long, Alan can be said to be "I don't know anyone, regardless of Wei Jin". He has no goals. The only thing that interests him a little is the name that Daxner often mentions-Ner'zhul.

In addition, what Allen cares about is that as a warlock, he has received too much discrimination and blank eyes.

From the bottom of his heart, Allen hopes to be recognized by others.

What happened to the warlock? The warlock can only roll the sugar door?

This is why Allen got on the ship going to Northrend, figured out the relationship between the Lich King and Ner'zhul, and then represented the warlock in the limelight.

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