Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 785: Facing the unknown

On the boundless sea, the Wind of Magic rides the wind and waves.

Although Allen's career makes him very unpopular, no one is stupid enough to trouble him with this guy who doesn't like him.

This is an activity organized by Zuifeng.

Anyone who dares to sign up to search for the Lich King, is there any rookie?

Well, difficulties can't scare the rookies. The rookies who don't know the heights of the sky can really sign up. In fact, the real rookies can't even reach the Misty Port, and will be sold as slaves by goblins at sea.

Although the goblin princes have unanimously signed a treaty prohibiting the sale of slaves, whoever truly believes is an idiot... After all, the slave trade is one of the most profitable jobs in the world!

And the source of a large part of the slaves was the ships on the sea that ignorant idiots set out from Booty Bay to the "Captain of Adventurers" Misty Harbor, and most of the captains also served as slave traders.

Of course, Drunk Wind and Misty Port have been fighting against this illegal trade, but-goblin, as long as there is money to make, the law can be used to wipe the ass!

The fanatical pursuit of wealth makes it possible for every goblin to commit a crime. Drunk Wind can't stop the goblin from engaging in transportation, right?

It is precisely because of the screening of these goblins that the level of adventurers in Misty Harbor is quite good. They accept the task, then run around for it, earn money, and then may squander all the money overnight, and then have to set off again. .

Survival is already their instinct engraved in their bones, and they rashly offend a warlock who looks good. No one can do this kind of thing!

Therefore, although Allen's journey is boring, it is also peaceful.


After a long journey, the adventurers finally reached Northrend.

Thanks to the help of the Wyrmrest Legion, the Wind of Magic directly broke through the ice floes and anchored in the southernmost part of Dragonblight—Although there is no port here, Khadgar is there.

Khadgar, who didn't want to stay in Ulduar any longer, was also drawn by Drunk Wind to be a judge, and before the trial began, he had to fulfill some of his obligations.

For example, create a "port".

The port here needs to be enclosed in double quotes because Khadgar’s port is a one-time port made of ice.

This is for convenience on the one hand, and deterrence on the other-Drunk Wind hopes that adventurers would better not have some strange thoughts.

The trial takes place in Azjol-Nerub, and the journey from disembarkation to Azjol-Nerub requires adventurers to walk by themselves.

This is also part of the trial.

(Well, in fact, Drunk Feng couldn’t think of any way to solve the problem of so many people’s journeys. In the end, I can only regard this as part of the trial.)

But having said that, this is also quite good. After all, hurrying is also a very important part of the search task, and it deserves to be eliminated if you cannot hurry quickly.

After the simple (or even crude) map distributed to all adventurers, the first part of the trial officially began.

(What, you said food? Get rid of, hunting is also part of the trial! Either you have a mage teammate, or you go hunting obediently!)

"Are you not going to talk to them or something?" In the sky, Onyxia was carrying the drunk wind, and the two of them watched the adventurers below. "At least boost morale? For these mortals, The weather in Northrend should be very unfriendly, right?"

"No." Zuifeng shook his head, "Trial is a trial. Everything is clearly stated in the announcement. It is meaningless to talk about any other nonsense, and there are so many people here, and a few can persist. How about the second level?"

"Oh?" Listening to Drunk Wind's words, Onyxia suddenly became interested, "Could it be that you also prepared a mechanism for elimination on the road? Otherwise, it would imply that the problem of rushing to Azjol-Nerub should not Big?"

"I don't have one, don't talk nonsense!" Zuifeng denied Onyxia's statement with a serious face. "They may have some accidents, but that's just because the snowmen of Dragonblight like Kogukaphine. ."


When the other adventurers drove their mounts and started on the road, Allen did not rush out.

On the one hand, it was because he felt that he had passed his hands and feet passively when he was on the boat, and on the other hand, it was because he had no mount now.

Yes, Alan does not have a mount!

Although Alan could run faster than those riding horses if he really wanted to go, he would die of blood loss if he couldn't run a kilometer.

That's right, the warlock has only one quick rush skill-deflagration sprint. Unfortunately, this is life-consuming, and Alan doesn't want to run to death.

So the most urgent task is not to hurry, but to find a transportation.

The first target of Allen's mount is his Hellhound Pluto.

"Pluto, how about taking me for a while?" Allen said in a gentle tone.

"Woo-" Bruto nodded.

"Oh my God, you actually agreed!"

"Woo--" Pluto howled.

"Oh? You want my mana crystal?!"

Allen dismissed the idea of ​​letting Hellhound carry for a while. The contract between himself and Pluto was a battle contract. The mount had to be calculated separately, and the price of being a mount was his own mana.

This is no different from deflagration sprint, one is life-consuming and the other is mana.


Seeing Allen refused, Pluto was anxious.

"Fuck off! I won't do the 30% discount!"

Now that he couldn't ride a dog, Allen turned to his other demons.

Demon guard?

Forget it, this is unrealistic, and the shoulder armor of the Demon Guard will hurt Alan's hip!


Allen can only control him for a few minutes. If he keeps riding the Doomguard on his way, Allen feels that he has been bitten by the devil in the minute.


Stop will be cooked!

After thinking about it, Allen could only choose to find a fellow on the spot.

It is a pity that this is Northrend, and there are no common animals. Allen looked around and saw nothing but whiteness.

Normal vision will be affected by snow, and Alan needs a little spell to help.

Shaking his head, Allen crushed a soul stone, and then created a green rune in front of his own eyes.

Through the rune, Alan saw the existence of vitality, in his vision, all life and soul can be realized.

Except for the existence of strong vitality in the sky, the other beings are all under the thick snow.

At the same time, Drunk Wind grinned his mouth—"This Warlock, it's interesting!"

Allen touched his chin and began to think whether he would catch an ancestor dragon or an ice worm.

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