Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 803: Change of combat object

As mentioned earlier, the attributes of Hellfire are different from other demons, except that the soul is demonic, and the body is artificially created by warlocks. {Щww{suimеng][lā}.

It is for this reason that Andy was able to twist a group of hellfires into one big guy.

But the facts have proved that creation is not so easy and easy, and twisting the soul is extremely dangerous, and Andy gets rid of it.

A sudden and powerful force directly interfered with Andy's twisted creation. After a while, Andy desperately lost control of this twisted hellfire.

Andy’s reliance is the book of the legion, which is a thick collection of warlocks, which records a lot of information and real names of demons. This information makes the demons have to sign contracts that are not good for them, and they are used by Andy.

Of course, the cunning demons will not submit easily. They stipulate a lot of restrictions in the contract. Andy's battle can borrow their power, but it will always be only a part of the power.

For this reason, with the help of the Book of Legion, Andy was able to use the contract to obtain the soul fragments of multiple powerful demons as the soul of Hellfire.

(It was this powerful force that killed Kargath.)

Demons are actually accustomed to splitting their souls. The uniqueness of demons makes them always split themselves when dealing with timeline, so the battle this time was normal.

It’s a pity that Kalecgos puts too much pressure on Andy, which makes him have to seek the help of more powerful demons. In this hellfire, some soul fragments come from Galaxus and some come from Jiaxus. Gnos, and others from unknown powerful existences, these powerful demonic souls can give Hellfire extraordinary combat power.

But the problem is that, in order to defeat the cheap-mouthed Kalecgos, Andy chose to twist these hellfires.

Are the souls of great demons so easily twisted? Even the fragments of the soul are not the power that Andy can fully control!

At this time Andy had a splitting headache, and even his soul was trembling slightly.

Now Andy can only rely on the Legion Book in his hand, but although this magic book is magical, it does not give Andy enough power. Or, as a half-way monk, Andy does not fully understand this power. .

This is not to release game skills, just press the button.

Andy was eager for power, and he also noticed something wrong in the prophecy, so he sneaked into Karazhan and obtained this magic book during the orc war, Medivh’s death and the Alliance’s Draenor expedition.

But the Grimoire has given Andy the help of the demons who can defeat Kargath, but Andy has never been able to understand the more profound content in the Grimoire.

It records a large number of demons that exist in the depths of the Twisting Void. At first, Andy thought it had nothing to do with him, but during the last Burning Legion invasion, these demons appeared one after another and finally made Andy's back chill.

It seems that this magic book is not only related to power!

During this period, whether it was the Abyssal Demon associated with the Grimoire, Eredar, or the cunning Dreadlord, these demons have tried to seek a deal from Andy, using stronger power and sharper magic items. In exchange for this magic book.

But unfortunately, Andy is not an idiot.

The origin of the mage makes Andy's pursuit of power far superior to other warlocks. This simple trick cannot confuse Andy. What he desires more is to understand the records in the magic book and recognize the nature of evil energy!

In the original prophecy, Andy keenly felt the influence of chaotic energy on fate, which made him start reading books on taboo magic.

And as the understanding of the evil energy gradually deepened, Andy had more questions.

If Allen, the warlock, came to this day more because of fate, then Andy was completely his choice.

And now, because of the trials of the drunken wind, the fate of the two finally crossed together.

After learning that the Lich King might be Ner'zhul, Andy has been trying to figure out whether he can get the chestnut out of the fire, and further interpret the Book of Legion from Ner'zhul, so he will set foot on the land of Northrend. In the previous levels, the adventurers tried their best and worked hard to cooperate, but Andy walked around easily.

Unexpectedly, the last gatekeeper, drunk wind, started the refrigerator, Kalecgos installed the frost dragon, and Andy, who hurriedly shot, used power that was not his own.


The battle became weird.

The violent hellfire began to attack Andy, and Kalecgos, who had nothing to do, actually started the mode of watching the show? !

The adventurers don't know why this "Frost Dragon" didn't take advantage of the problem on his side to attack, but since Kalecgos gave the opportunity, he should seize it!

The strategic shift first suppressed the demon!

All the warlocks among the adventurers stood up and tried to suppress this crazy hellfire with their own ability, and the drunk wind in the refrigerator also discussed with Kalecgos, how to perform the play...

In the original script of Drunken Wind, Kalecgos was supposed to hang the adventurer, then freeze everyone up, and start talking.

"Thank you for bringing the best warriors allegiance to the Lich King" or something.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Drunk Wind can lift the ice, and then hold the wind sword high, shouting "Supreme Azeroth! Give me strength, let me crush this cage!"

After that, you can pretend to kill Kalecgos. After hacking the equipment, you can release the shackles of the adventurer and give an exciting speech to officially start the search of the Lich King and Saratas.

But now the whole plot is finally completely beyond the line.

Drunk Wind needs a natural and decent way to step After all, this is a scene. If it is completely dismantled, even because of trials, it will not look good for the oath.

How to do it?

After a brief discussion, Zuifeng finally made a decision.

Let Kalecgos send the head away and save the world by himself!

In this regard, Kalecgos is naturally very dissatisfied and said, let me have a cool appearance and cool ending? What about making me a villain full of charm?

If according to Drunken Wind’s new plan, Kalecgos would become a joke!

But under the threat of Drunk Wind, Kalecgos could only take his orders... (Should I send the list of magic puddings you sent to Teregosa?)

So, while the adventurers were still anxious for this twisted hellfire, Kalecgos finally came to give away the head.

"Hahaha! An idiot is an idiot, and I was beaten up by such a summon that I can handle with one hand, hahaha!"

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