Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 804: Fraudster

For Kalecgos's taunt, the adventurers had no time to respond. [WWW.SuiMеng.lā.

I really don’t understand, how could the Lich King’s subordinates have such a strange trick?

The strength of this bone dragon is strong, but your words are too much, right? And I always feel that you are irrelevant!

No villain consciousness!

So in this situation, Allen subconsciously replied.

"Hehe, you are so powerful, come and kill him!"

Allen's words made Kalecgos and Zuifeng silently praise Zhengshou without an excuse, you have laid the steps!

So Kalecgos climbed straight along the pole.

"That's because you haven't seen the powerful power bestowed by the Lich King! Hahaha! Ants, this ridiculous demon is useless in front of the power of the Lich King!"

Then, in order to hide his identity, the witty Kalecgos directly used magic to transform into a huge and incomparable Frostmourne, which fell from the sky!

With the help of the dual perception barriers of Galakrond Bone Meal and Drunk Wind and Mist, Kalecgos successfully shielded the wizards from the arcane wave perception of this spell. The adventurers only saw a sharp sword descend from the sky, pointing straight to the twist Hellfire.

This is a sword technique that falls from the sky!

Well, in fact this move is useless except that it looks cool!

The twisted hellfire is now in a state of chaos. As soon as he got rid of his control, he was instinctively attacking Andy, hoping to gain complete freedom and vent his own destruction, but under the collective suppression of all the warlocks, this The chaotic and distorted hellfire has not yet completely broken free.

And now, since Kalecgos lay in this muddy water, it couldn't be better!

All the warlocks looked at each other, and then temporarily stopped suppressing the twisting hellfire.

Wouldn't it be nice to let these two things lose out?

Then, in everyone's stunned eyes, Kalecgos flew with a blow.

That's right, fly...

The fake Frostmourne fell from the sky without causing any damage to the Twisted Hellfire, while the Twisted Hellfire directly knocked Kalecgos away while waving his hands.

The face of Kalecgos who flew upside down was filled with astonishment.

"This, this is impossible! You cannot resist the power of the Lich King!"

But the scum on the ground showed that his current state was not good.

The frozen Drunk Wind nodded secretly.

I have to say that Kalecgos's acting is quite good in this scene! Although I don’t know how he did it, it looks like he was injured...

However, in the next second, Zuifeng couldn't laugh.

Kalecgos passed the drunk wind and frozen ice, leaving a long blood trail.

Although the adventurers have not discovered this under the mist that has not completely dissipated, Drunk Wind has clearly seen all this.

On Kalecgos' right hind leg, the bone armor was broken!

This is not right!

You know, Kalecgos's bones come not only from the lord who can only shout Bone Storm, but also a considerable part from Galakrond.

That ancestor dragon is not an ordinary character, and his bones can't be broken casually!

Even the Drunken Wind holding the Wind Sword, it takes a lot of effort to break Kalecgos's defense.

But this strange hellfire just fisted, and Kalecgos' defense was broken?

Drunk Wind can't pretend to be dead in the refrigerator. If it is installed, the adventurers here might die out directly...

So, the next moment, the drunk wind broke the ice directly and slashed at Kalecgos with a sword.

Kalecgos knew, retreated, and after leaving a ruthless word, he fled directly.

After Bone Storm, the only villain on the field is this twisted hellfire.

Zuifeng held Fengjian horizontally and narrowed his eyes slightly.


This kind of battle is no longer something adventurers can participate in.

Zuifeng was finally able to look at the guy in front of him carefully.

It seems... there are four heads?

"Your name is Andy? How many demonic soul fragments did you use to summon this hellfire?"

Andy didn't know how Zuifeng was so clear about his routine, but when facing the leader of the oath, he still maintained respect.

"A dozen devil's soul fragments, but it seems that there have been some unexpected changes. With the help of the book of the legion, I was able to twist these guys, but..."

"Okay, I see." When talking about this, Drunk Wind interrupted Andy directly, "Needless to say, an unexpected guest has appeared here, so the demon you summoned is out of control. It doesn't matter, leave it to me now!"

The adventurers looked at each other, this trial has exceeded everyone's expectations, and everyone no longer knows what to do.

"Don't worry, all the people standing here have passed the trial now. Your next task is to stand in a safe place and call 666!"

Having said that, Zuifeng no longer cares about the reaction of the adventurer, and directly moves forward.

"Haha, unexpectedly, one of the three giants of the dignified Burning Legion actually paid attention to Kil'jaeden in this hellfire with his soul fragments. Your cunning is really unexpected!"

That's right, Kil'jaeden.

Although the Burning Legion temporarily retracted the black hand that had captured Azeroth in the last battle, the demons never gave up destroying Azeroth.

In Draenor, the battle on the front line of the Dark Temple is not only a training for Azeroth, but also the same for demons.

The two smashing of the halberd and sinking the sand made all the demons of the Burning Legion realize that this world is different, and if you act rashly, you can only fail!

(Devils are sometimes reckless, but they are not stupid. Successive failures have taught them enough lessons. Now the devil has lowered his posture.)

As the battle with demon hunters and warlocks continued, the Burning Legion also realized that the threat of warlocks and demon hunters to the demon was too great.

Aside from Illidan and the group of professional demon hunters, just the Dark Harvest Council formed by Medivh, those warlocks brought huge losses to the demon.

Thus, Kil'jaeden had his new task to weaken Azeroth's resistance.

After coordinating a large amount of information, Kil'jaeden turned his attention to the book of the legion.

This Grimoire was left by Sargeras and recorded a large number of books on demonology. If it falls into the hands of the warlock and is interpreted, it will be really troublesome for the Burning Legion.

It is for this reason that Kil'jaeden signed a contract with Andy under the pseudonym Danjaro by chance.

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