Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 808: Staggered fate

Just like the memory in the invitation letter, Illidan and Medivh’s plan is indeed to raid Mardun!

From the mouth of Mother Shahrush, the two learned for the first time that the Burning Legion was trying to come to Azeroth by means of a physical leap!

Although the teleportation is convenient and fast, the demons failed in several attempts to teleport to Azeroth. As a last resort, they chose the most stupid but safest way. [WWW.SuiMеng.lā.

Coming to Azeroth on a jump ship is like a draenei.

Although this method will not be affected by the scale of the portal, it still takes a long time...

Don’t forget, Sargeras’ failure in the time of the ancient gods has proved that if you want to open a portal on Azeroth enough for Sargeras to descend, how difficult it is to extract Ai The power of Xerath Star Soul!

It is precisely because the demons have boarded the jump ship or in Argus, the demons attacking the dark temple are a group of walking corpses that have been resurrected in a hurry, and even Mardun, the birthplace of the demons, is extremely empty.

After realizing this, Illidan and Medivh issued an early warning to Drunken Wind for the first time, and made a decisive decision to act first.

There are only two or three kittens left in Marton. Kil'jaeden and Archimonde seem to have boarded the jump ship to Azeroth. Sargeras is said to have been in Argus. Marton is absolutely It's emptiness!

Now the raid on Mardun is to seize the opportunity of the demon's emptiness on the one hand, and on the other hand to help Azeroth reduce the pressure!

In this way, the fate of Alan and Luminus finally crossed.

During the time when the two men fought side by side with Azjol-Nerub, they had some good feelings in the dim, but now, the two were separated directly.

Fate is wonderful.

Was the two people's farewell set up, or a temporary parting? Nobody knows.

This is the fate passing by.


After a seven-day rest, the adventurers will set foot on the frozen ground of Northrend, looking for the trails of Alsace and Salatas, eliminating the hidden dangers on Azeroth, and Allen and Andy also wear After passing Medivh’s portal, he came to Draenor.

After the weird teleportation, the two warlocks finally got their feet on the ground.

Seen in the memory fragments, the familiar sky, the sulfur flames all over the ground.

In the Dark Temple, Ailu and Andy are separated.

Allen was taken to the rest area and the teleportation was not an interesting experience, so he can only cultivate feelings with Pluto in the rest area. The Hellhound, who has just grown a second head, has not recovered from his excitement.

In this way, the two dogs got together.

On the other hand, Medivh and Illidan had a trial of Andy...

Yes, the trial.

For this situation, Andy had long expected this book. After all, the book was stolen from Karazhan's library while the owner was away. Now that he saw the owner of the book, he was interrogated.

And Andy feels that he is magnanimous and his purpose is not evil, so he looks magnanimous.

As he expected, Illidan and Medivh did not make things difficult for him. The two realists didn't care about the means. Although the theft was very immoral, after all, Medivh was still running around. This book is also placed there.

The main purpose of the two people is to figure out what Andy got in this book of the legion.

You know, the author of this book of legions is Sargeras, and it is by no means as simple as a magic book or a demon encyclopedia.

In Medivh’s memory, Sargeras once wrote a lot of knowledge, and then repeatedly read it, but he cleared Medivh’s memory about reading the specific content. Obviously, he did not like to let Medivh get this information.

In war, what the opponent does not want you to know is often the most important.

And even more coincidentally, the Dreadlord sneaked into Karazhan and tried to find the book, but because the book had been stolen, he could only return without success.

All signs indicate that the records in this book are extremely important!

Faced with the doubts of Medivh and Illidan, Andy did not hide it.

Because of the contract, he could not show others the content recorded in this book, but the simple oral narration was not affected. Through Andy’s narration, Medivh and Illidan had a deeper understanding of Sargeras’ plan. understanding.

Sargeras was once a Titan.

Even after the fall, Sargeras still had certain habits of Titans, such as a natural curiosity about research.

In the Pantheon, other Titans are experimenting on different planets, and Sargeras also experimented in Argus after experiencing the defeat of the Ancient Battle of Azeroth.

This Legion Book is a magic book for Andy, but for Medivh, these contents are basically an experimental diary!

Because he couldn't understand part of it, Andy actually focused his attention on the part that records the attributes of the devil, and then used the huge energy in this book as a carrier to sign the contract.

In Medivh's view, these contents have a deeper meaning.

What kind of research is Sargeras doing in Argus?

Maybe the content here can explain why Sargeras fell at the time, and what was the purpose of this fallen Titan!

Is it just because of the Void Lord?

But it's really a pity that the self-protection consciousness of this book made the contract signed at the first moment when Andy got it, and Medivh was not clear about all the contents recorded in it.

It is impossible to express the content of the magic book only by relying on language.

And if you want Andy to copy it I am afraid it will take a terrible time to copy the magic book of astronomical numbers. It is not as simple as a code word, each character itself contains energy!

Presumably guessing the more important part of the book, Andy accepted the task of copying, and Medivh and Illidan could only transfer their energy to the raid on Marton.

With the Sargerite Keystone, reaching Mardoon is no longer a problem, and the only question is what constitutes a "successful raid on Mardoon".

Due to Du Yu Mardun’s ignorance of the situation, Illidan decided to go there first, and then learned about Mardun’s general state, and then laid out a detailed battle plan.

The others stopped him.

Illidan was not professional in lurking and spying on intelligence.

Don't forget, there is still a god-level assassin in the dark temple now!

So, when everyone was preparing for war, with the help of the Sargerite Keystone, Garona sneaked into Marton.

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