Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 809: Fragmented Marton

Marton is a very special planet.

This place was once made by Sargeras to imprison the great devil.

It is precisely because no one can escape from Marton that this planet located in the depths of the Twisting Void used to be synonymous with "unbreakable", and countless demons were thrown into this prison and imprisoned forever.

But when Sargeras was transformed, the prison also changed and became the base camp of the demons.

Sargeras, who was fighting alone, realized his shortcomings. Without the help of his men, many things were done with half the effort, so he decided to find some suitable men for himself. After thinking about it, it seems that the devil suits him best Requirements.

In order to free the imprisoned demons, Sargeras smashed Mardoon and released the demons he had personally arrested.

After adding the Eredars in Agusra, the main personnel of the Burning Legion were determined.

Since then, along where Sargeras knows, where the Titans have walked, the Burning Legion has destroyed many worlds—whether it is like Azeroth, with Titan creations and Titan Guardians; or like Like Draenor, it is simply a testing ground for the Titans.

The Burning Legion began an expedition.

Every time, the demon first boarded the target planet, then opened the portal and summoned Sargeras.

And now, Marton became empty again, and the Burning Legion embarked on its own journey again.


With the help of Medivh and Illidan, Garona passed through the portal and came to Marton in a daze.

In the eyes, Garona saw the fragmented sky and fragmented earth. The bleak green evil energy flows around like a substance, and even the wind is full of the smell of devil's sulfur.

In this world full of evil energy, Garona felt that her soul seemed to be burned by the evil energy.

This couldn't help but remind her of when she was controlled by Gul'dan, it was really uncomfortable.

Medivh's spells concealed Garona's breath well, and with Garona's stealth skills, the stalker seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, completely hiding himself.

The sneaking Garona drew out her dagger, carefully followed the shadow, and walked on the broken ground of Marton.

The number of demons here is much less than imagined.

Although there are still many demon guards patrolling, and although there are many demon responsible for logistics at work, Garona still clearly feels a kind of desertedness.

The empty demon barracks can explain the problem very well, and the words of Mother Shahras are right, the devil has indeed come out!

The sneaking Garona has been carefully recording what she saw and heard. The information she has will become the most important information for the Mardoon raid. With the map, the battle between the demon hunters and the warlocks will be incomparable. Smoothly.

Stepping on branches without dog blood (Madun didn't have branches for Garona to step on), and there was no inexplicable tension. As a god-level assassin, Garona successfully completed her mission during the half-month investigation.

Although Garona only completed the exploration of a small land, according to her judgment, this land is the most central area of ​​the broken Marton.

On the way, Garona also overheard many demons' conversations, but it is a pity that she is not a warlock nor a demon hunter. She is more confused about the language of the devil.

Fortunately, Garona was quite good at imitating. She tried her best to record all the syllables that the devil often mentioned.

These are extremely important information!

At the appointed time, Garona returned to the place where she landed on Mardun-here, Medivh has been waiting for a long time.

"My dear, is it going well?"

"Everything is fine. I probably figured out the situation of Marton. After I go back, I will prepare parchment and I will draw the map."

"That's good, let's go!"


Garona, who walked out of the portal, didn't have time to calm down the dizziness that she was almost vomiting, and went straight back to her room, sat in front of the table, picked up the quill, and began to draw a map on the parchment.

After that, Medivh glanced at Garona, shook his head slightly, and then knocked his staff.

A cup of tea appeared suddenly and Medivh brought the tea to Garona’s side

"Drunk Mana Tea-you are too nervous now."


Garona nodded, but did not speak, she directly picked up the tea and drank it, even swallowing the powder.

The mana tea added with the Golden Lotus is a refreshing product for non-spellcasters like Garona. After staying in a place full of evil energy like Marton for too long, Garona feels that her mind seems to have It became chaotic, and now that she drank the mana tea, she finally took a breath.

"Aranoras-saraoras" Garona regained a bit of energy, and finally tried to imitate a devilish word, "This is the most words I heard in Mardun."

"...Understood." Medivh nodded, thoughtfully, "You draw a map first, I think we have something to do now."

Hearing what Medivh said, Garona stopped talking, and instead began to draw a map of Marton with all his heart.

And Medivh, who had left Garona's room, finally narrowed his smile.

This demon phrase is not the slogan that the Burning Legion will win, but based on the threats commonly used by demons.

If you fail to complete the task, you will die-probably that is what it means.

This is a very strange slogan, think about it, when will the orcs shout loktar?

And Garona's smooth return also shows that these demons are not a surprise attack for herself.

So Medivh found Illidan and Shahrush.

When Ms. Shahrush heard these words, she also looked confused.

As a traitor to the Burning Legion, Ms. Shahrush’s "personal connections" are almost exhausted. She can still know news such as the expedition to Azeroth, but once the problem becomes more precise, Shahrush also Confused.

But in any case, the raid on Mardum is already a certainty, and this strange demon word is just a new side mission for everyone.

Andy's copying continued, Garona's drawing continued, and Allen's dog training... continued.

This warlock, who was involved in the big event, unknowingly, completely deviated from his original intention-from finding something to do for himself, to saving the world.

But now it seems that this warlock who is about to embark on a journey to save the world does not have the consciousness of being a hero. What he thinks in his heart is a mage fighting in Northrend.

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