Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 810: The dull Xia Ji team

At this time, the female mage that Ailu thought was walking in the vast wind and snow of Northrend. *WwW.suimeng.lā.

Luminus, who had lost her companion, was placed in another group, which coincidentally was the Xia Ji team.

This is the arrangement of Zuifeng himself.

Interestingly, when Zuifeng made this opinion, Luminus was obviously not satisfied with this arrangement.

"This team has a problem!" This is the first word Luminus said to Zuifeng after learning that he was assigned to the Xia Ji team, "When the dragon appeared, I carefully observed the battle. , But there is no such team!"

In response, Zuifeng just smiled.

"Don't be nervous, Miss Yang Hen, they are from Misty Harbor."

Luminus did not agree with the explanation of Drunk Wind. The tradition of the dead mage of Xia Thistle team, coupled with the shadow priest of unknown origin who had served Elune, made Luminus feel that instinct was wrong. .

Sastar... Why does Luminus feel that this night elf is related to Saratas?

Out of trust in Drunk Wind, Luminus uttered his doubts and bluntly stated to Drunk Wind that this Sastar may be a believer of Saratas or simply the incarnation of Saratas.

In response, Zuifeng smiled mysteriously and said a word in Luminus' ear.

Luminus suddenly realized that, he hesitated, and finally chose to join the Xia Ji team.


After the seven days of repairing, all the adventurers who passed the trial began their missions.

Each squad was distributed a map, which marked the area they needed to search in detail, and provided a signal for help. The dragons of the Temple of Wyrmrest were on standby at any time, waiting to find the trail of the Lich King.

As long as you give a signal, the blue dragons will start from the nearest station and rush to support.

Of course, if you can't hold on to it yourself, you can't do it.

Luminus and Xia Ji team are responsible for an area west of Icecrown Glacier.

Walking in the white snow, the atmosphere of the Xia Ji team is not very good.

The dwarf hunter repeatedly applied antifreeze to his musket, making the whole musket very greasy; the soldier walked in front with a shield on his back to shield the other members of the team from the wind; the thief did not know where he was hiding, only Lumina The series of shallow footprints that Si saw occasionally proved his existence; the shadow priest wrapped himself tightly, exuding a cold temperament all over his body.

Luminus warmed herself with flames, against the cold wind and snow.

The depressive and heavy atmosphere made everyone's hearts seem to be pressed against a big rock, and mental exhaustion made it easier to become fatigued. Seeing that the sky was about to end, Captain Dekus led everyone to start looking for today's camp.

Even for these tough adventurers, Northrend's low temperature can be fatal. Once the temperature drops, the adventurers will quickly lose their combat effectiveness.

For those who have lost their combat effectiveness, there are countless creatures in Northrend who will express their willingness to add meals, whether it is ice worm, snowman or ancestor dragon.

The experienced Dekus quickly found the cave. This soldier was still very qualified as a captain. He was able to rely on his surprise to judge where a cave is more likely to appear. It was under his command that the Xia Ji team found a white bear. Cave.

Originally, a few people wanted to kill the white bear to make a snack, but the hunter came forward and stopped them.

After all, this dwarf's former animal companion was a bear.

Luminus started a fire.

In places like Northrend where no fuel is found, the importance of a flame mage is beyond words. Teams without a mage have to carry an extra bag to ensure the supply of heat.

Seeing the flame jumping in front of him, Dekus finally spoke.

"Miss Luminus, I think we need to communicate about some things. After all, we were still teammates for at least a month. In this state, if we really meet the Lich King, we can easily get into trouble."

Luminus seemed unheard of.

At this moment, Dekus felt a bit of a toothache.

Although the "Legend of the Dead Wizard" of Xia Ji squad is widely circulated in Misty Port, even Luminus, an adventurer who does not go to the tavern, has heard of it, but Dekus still doesn't understand it, Lu Minas is also the young lady of the Yanghen family anyway, as to be frightened by this legend?

And Zuifeng told himself that he had already told Luminus the true identity of the Xia Ji team...

"Brother Dekus, I think you might have misunderstood something." Just when Dekus was confused, Sastar said, "Miss Luminus is not actually worried about us, but It's the warlock named Allen."

Hearing Sastar mentioning Ellen, Luminus finally raised his head.

Sastar took off his hood.

"Allen suddenly disappeared. Obviously, he disappeared with him on some mission, and Andy, the warlock who almost caused a catastrophe, so I infer that this matter should have something to do with the warlock."

Listening to Sastar telling her own speculation, Luminus raised her brows and was noncommittal.

"The only thing related to warlocks is the devil." Saltar's voice was still cold, but Luminus was even more surprised, "If I didn't guess, then, many warlocks have been summoned by Lord Drunk Wind. Get up, go to a certain task related to the devil, and this task seems to be dangerous, which makes Miss Luminus always worried."

Luminus is As for Brother Dekus, you don’t have to worry about Miss Luminus being grudges against us. After all, as far as I know, Miss Luminus was born in Yangshen. Family, if she doesn't want to walk with us, Master Zuifeng shouldn't force it. "

"You are right." After a long time, Luminus spoke slowly, "I am indeed a little worried about Alan's affairs, so I feel a little down and Drunk has already told me about your situation, so Please rest assured, I do not have any distrust, on the contrary, I admire you very much."

"Admire?" Sastar smiled rare, "We don't need to admire, or even understand, what we have to do now is to complete our own task."

Luminus nodded, motioning to understand.

Five people stopped talking.

It was late at night, and in the cold cave, now there was only the sound of howling wind, cranes and flames beating.

Feeling the gaze of Sastar watching him, Luminus felt warm inexplicably while he was clearly in the wind and snow.

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