Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 831: Strong middle player

   Fight, this is originally calculated and calculated-even those who only know how to go up without a brain, have their own muscle memory, which helps them make the most correct judgments and reactions when they are the most correct.

   Complete lack of brain will only lead to Wangba punches, and then lose combat effectiveness.

   Kel'Thuzad is trying to get drunk in a small move, why doesn’t Drunk want to take this opportunity to end the battle quickly?

   Fighting for three days and three nights is indeed irritating, but it is a pity that Zuifeng has no such feelings.

   10,000 steps back and said, now Khadgar and Medivh are embarrassed, it is enough to let Drunk Wind end the battle quickly.

   Kel'Thuzad, the additive version of Ice Storm, met the drunken wind version of Razer Blast.

   In Kel'Thuzad's view, the script is one step faster, and the ice plague directly infects drunk wind.

   But things are a bit different from what he imagined.

   was indeed the first to take the initiative, and Drunken Wind was also exposed to the ice storm, but there was no sign of infection.

   Not even the explosion that should have occurred, the ice storm and the thunder snake explosion disappeared at the same time.

   This shouldn’t be...

The Frost Plague is highly infectious and has a very fast effect. It is one of the killers of the undead natural disasters-this is the latest undead technology. Kel'Thuzad dare to say that the red dragon has no ability to create an antidote. After all, for the living , The ice plague has the effect of consuming vitality.

   For this reason, it stands to reason that after Drunk Wind is exposed to an ice storm, even if it does not become numb and rigid, it will at least be inconvenient, right?

   But there is no inconvenience to Drunk Wind now.

   Is Drunk Wind naturally immune to the ice plague?

   Or is the nervous system of this Pandaren naturally abnormal?

   Just now Kel'Thuzad was sure that Drunken Wind had never used any defensive skills on purpose—or rather, he had not used any known defensive skills.

   Things are a bit subtle now.

   In Kel'Thuzad's battle plan, Drunk Wind will be slowed down.

   But Drunk Wind did not slow down, even a point faster.

   As a result, Kel'Thuzad was still preparing his spell, so Drunk Wind had already arrived.

   Kel'Thuzad lost his rhythm.

   Drunk Wind took the initiative in the battle-Drunk Wind, who was rubbing his body, finally took advantage of a series of tumbling, narrowing the distance with Kel'Thuzad, and then shot it with one palm.

   Although this palm is very hurried, but the wind that it brought up told Kel'Thuzad that the power of this blow should not be underestimated!

   "Break the mountain!"

   This is the biggest gain of Zuifeng over the years, in addition to the way of weaving fog.

   When facing opponents of the same level or even higher level, Brewmaster Flames cannot break the defense, the damage of Fury Thunder is too low, and the touch of reincarnation is difficult to use, Zuifeng researched the mountain breaking attack.

   The tyrannical infuriating energy is attached to both palms, and one blow will kill.

   does not need too many skills, the blow of Drunk Wind is simply to use his strengths to the fullest!

   Facing the menacing true spirit, Kel'Thuzad chose to dodge.

   Just kidding, Kel'Thuzad is not a warrior, he won't wait for the drunk wind to hit him.

   A light flash, Kel'Thuzad flashed 30 yards away, and started his own spell.

   Relying on the advantage of distance, Kel'Thuzad planned to recite a slightly longer spell to give Zuifeng a pleasant surprise.

   It stands to reason that Kel'Thuzad's idea works-but what he didn't expect is that when he started to chant a spell, he was suddenly speechless when he just uttered a syllable.

   gaping in the true sense!

   The casting was interrupted by unknown reasons, Kel'Thuzad opened his mouth but couldn't make any sound!

   Behind Kel'Thuzad, another "Drunk Wind" appeared.

   At this moment, Kel'Thuzad finally understood what happened.


   As early as when Kel'Thuzad sent out the second ice storm, Drunk Wind, with the help of the perception of the mist, discovered the ice and withering power in it, so he chose to count.

   Kuangfeng clone appeared invisibly, eating the curse of ice in the storm.

   Nowadays, Drunken Wind no longer adheres to his body state when he uses the element clone. This violent wind clone that appeared quietly completely deceived Kel'Thuzad.

   The violent wind clone infected with the curse of ice successfully concealed its characteristics as a living being-as the element clone of drunk wind, even if their main ingredient is element, they are usually seen through because of vitality.

   After all, this is a kind of soul that can have a soul

   But being infected with the Curse of Ice is different. In this case, the drunk wind clone is more like a cold wind, completely deceiving Kel'Thuzad.

   Zuifeng’s strategy is very successful.

   Under the throat of this violent wind clone, Kel'Thuzad will not have the ability to cast spells for a while, and the lich who can't cast spells is actually no different from the salted fish.

  A careless move, Kel'Thuzade lost all the games.

   Kel'Thuzad's unspeakable pain, squeezed in pain.

   Drunk Wind is much more comprehensive than before. Kel'Thuzad wanted to take advantage of Drunk Wind’s weakness in detection, and curse ice.

  Who would have thought that Drunk Wind would not be what it used to, in turn, brought Kel'Thuzad together.

   Seeing that the battle failed, Kel'Thuzad seemed to have given up resistance.

   "Hehehe, you won, Pandaren."

   "Oh." Drunk Wind rubbed his wrist and walked towards Kel'Thuzad, "Of course."

   "Unfortunately, it's too late. His Majesty the Lich King is no longer here."

   "I know." Zuifeng didn't care, "If Arthas were here, he would never send these lawbreaking undead out."

"You seem to know him well?" Although Kel'Thuzad was restrained by the drunken element clone and fell to the ground, he still seemed to be in a hurry. "Actually, you shouldn't have seen him very much-no matter how resistant it is. Ozu, or Arthas."

"Yeah." Listening to Kel'Thuzad's words, Drunk Wind finally showed an expression of interest, "You call your master that? Haha, you can't tell—I thought you were just a dog that wags its tail... …"

   "vulgar." Kel'Thuzad struggled and shook his head in response to Drunken Wind's statement, "Oh allegiance is great power, immortal eternity!"

   "What's the use of eternity?" Zuifeng snorted, "Will wait for me to die, come to my grave and dance? It makes no sense!"

   After clarifying part of Kel'Thuzad's thoughts, Zuifeng finally put away his curiosity.

  The battle is over, but there are still many waiting for him to deal with it after the battle-Drunk Wind has no time now!

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