Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 832: Luminus' transformation

   Drunk Wind controlled Kel'Thuzad, trying to get some information from his mouth.

   But it is a pity that, apart from knowing that the Xia Ji squad had been annihilated and turned into an experiment, Zuifeng had nothing.

Kel'Thuzad itself is not a problem that Drunk Wind should deal with. Although Drunk Wind wants to execute him on the spot, Drunk Wind feels that it is more reliable to send him to the Paladin in consideration of the various life-saving methods of being a Lich. Spectrum point.

   Seeing that Khadgar and Medivh became more and more embarrassed, Drunken Wind could only give up this "FireWire Interrogation" and stepped forward to help.

   In the midst of a battle, Drunk Feng figured out what the undead group was.

   A group of death knights in Saronite armor...

   And their rune sword is definitely a bit tricky!

   Although Drunk Wind can't figure out the details of these guys for a while, it is certain that this black technology of the Undead Scourge is definitely something that needs to be vigilant!

  Look at Khadgar and Medivh-the current and former guardians are horribly besieged by soldiers, comparable to the overlord being pushed into the drain by the Suramar addicts and old ladies.

   And unlike the spellbreakers of the high elves, the melee capabilities of these death knight spellbreakers are also quite outstanding!

   Although the individual ability is not exaggerated, but at least the coordination is exquisite, the collaboration is smooth, and the foundation is good.

   After all, there are not a few simple guys who can become death knights!

   After Drunken Wind joined the battle, the situation on this battlefield changed again.

   Khadgar and Medivh placed themselves in a supporting position tacitly, and in coordination with Drunk Wind, they launched a counterattack against these death knights.

   With the drunken wind charging into battle, these dead spirits who ate Khadgar and Medivh finally couldn't continue to show off.

   After pulling out the wind sword, Zuifeng directly turned on the Wushuang mode.

  My double swords are of good quality!

  The wind sword is everywhere, the armor is leveled, and the runes are broken.

   No one is the enemy of the drunk wind, the formation of the death knight lawbreaker was quickly pierced!

   The only pity is that these death knights blew themselves up before they died-Drunk Wind originally wanted to use them to study what black technology the Undead Scourge has mastered. Now it seems that it doesn't work.

   After solving the problems between Khadgar and Medivh, Drunk Wind went to help Nozdormu again.

   Because he is underground and in a small location, Nozdormu did not choose to become a dragon, but tried to deal with these undead in the posture of a high elf.

   The effect of time spells is very poor, but self-protection is more than enough.

   And when the Drunken Wind trio came to rescue, the undead army fell into a direct collapse.

   There is no way, after getting rid of the Death Knight Magic Breaker, the two furious masters of the magic (surgery) followed Drunk Wind and started playing Wushuang together.

  Facts have proved that when there are three unparalleled people who have fallen in the enemy law, the undead natural disasters are also unreliable.


   After the fierce fight, cleaning the battlefield is not an easy job-especially in the case of insufficient manpower.

  Although Khadgar's flame magic helped him, it took him a lot of effort to clean up the dead souls.

   And when everything was finally dealt with, Khadgar was embarrassed to find that everyone was gone.

   At this time, Zuifeng and Medivh have entered this laboratory.

   It seems that this is Kel'Thuzad's lair.

   Zuifeng found his phylogeny.

   For a moment, Drunk Wind even wanted to go back and stab this **** lich to death-anyway, the phylogenetic had been found.

   But the drunk wind held back.

  The ghost knew whether this was Kel'Thuzad's trick, and made himself think that he had caught his phylogeny, and then waited for an opportunity to escape.

   And as the drunk wind gradually penetrated into this laboratory, the scene he saw began to become more shocking.

   Various creatures, even intelligent creatures-humans, dwarves, elves, trolls, orcs...

  All races, men and women, old and young, are all different.

   Most of these corpses have their souls taken away and become the "electric storage boxes" of Dashemaru.

   Compared with the pure nausea and distortion of the pharmacist, Kel'Thuzad's research undoubtedly makes people feel more chills.

Although he has never tortured humanity, Kel'Thuzad is indeed trying his best to strip humanity. Looking at a large number of unconscious and extremely crazy experimental objects in the cage, compared with the experimental log that hastily glanced at it, Zuifeng finally realized that Kerr Sugarde's research has been carried out to the extent of "the influence of eternal life on the spirit".

   The current Kel'Thuzad has no characteristics of life itself, and even lost his emotions. Compared with other experimental departments, his laboratory is still normal, at least whether there is anything strange.

   And in an inconspicuous cage, Zuifeng saw Luminus.

   The proud female mage now lowered her head, her long ears slumped weakly, curled up in the corner.

   Zuifeng opened the cage door.

   I'm sorry about Luminus and Xia Ji Wind.

   Especially Luminus-after all, the Xia Ji team was a member of the Yulian Gang and died this time.

   Regardless of whether you accept it or not, this is the fact-every adventurer who participated in the search for the Lich King knows that everyone is betting on luck.

   It depends on your luck. Have you met the Lich King? Can you run away if you meet?

   Luminus met and didn't run away.

   After regaining her freedom, the high elf was not at all excited. After a long time, she slowly walked out of the cage, and then raised her head.

   A pair of blue, shiny eyes.

   To be fair, these eyes are very beautiful.

   But Drunk Wind didn't seem to be happy-such eyes, he had seen in Arthas, and Kel'Thuzad.

   These are the eyes of the undead.

   Seeing the drunk expression, Luminus finally spoke with difficulty.

   "Where are the Lich and the Apothecary?"

   "Kel'Thuzad has been caught, but Putriside doesn't know where he is."

   Luminus nodded blankly, and then silently followed Drunken Wind.

   Zuifeng didn't ask more—because he found traces of other people in other places.

   There is no doubt that from today, the Xia Ji team is completely gone.

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