In the prehistoric times, after Taiyuan and others successively realized the Hunyuan Golden Immortal Dao Fruit, the trend of preaching and preaching gradually emerged, and countless people founded sects.

However, whether it is Taiyuan and others, or others, compared with Hongjun, it is just the light of a candle compared to the bright moon.

Hongjun's sermons are not about magical powers or secret techniques, but they point directly to the essence of the great road.

In the Zixiao Palace, countless gods and demons stared with solemn eyes, each with different expressions. Some were sad, some were fond of them, some were manic, some were howling loudly in the hall, and some even stood up and jumped uncontrollably.

Anyone who cannot control themselves or control themselves will be driven out of the Zixiao Palace without any action from Hongjun.

Being able to come to Zixiao Palace can only be said to have sufficient magical power, but not being able to comprehend the Great Dao can only be said to have insufficient opportunities and cannot be forced.

In the chaotic void, Hongjun preached the great truth, and all he saw was golden flowers falling from the sky and golden lotuses emerging from the ground. Hongjun is so ethereal that people can't see his true face clearly.

Hongjun's teachings began with the creation of heaven and earth by Pangu, and the evolution of earth, water, wind and fire into all things in the sky.

This is the beginning of the evolution of all spirits. All creatures and spirits in the universe undergo metamorphosis and evolution. Wuji gives rise to Tai Chi. Two rituals form four images, and the four images give rise to the Bagua.

All the wonderful teachings were spoken one by one, and the saints who listened were intoxicated.

"……Before the heaven and earth were opened, there was nothing in it; there was something in it, but I don’t know its name, so I called it: Tao!"Hongmeng transforms into qi, visualizes and transforms infinite quantities, and forms and objects begin to form." What is"Hongmeng"?""

"All things in the universe, before the creation of heaven and earth, had immeasurable chaotic energy, which was called"Hongmeng". Chaos is formless, formless, and qualityless. I said:"Chaos is endless." Those who are incompetent can be born in Tai Chi!"

"Creation has a saying:"Pure and inaction"""

"Hongmeng transforms Qi into endless expansion. Those who have life are my spirit; those who have life are my vitality. To understand the divine things by observing and transforming"

"There is no shadow, no form, no form, one body illuminates the same thing, and there is no distinction between each other. This is the beginning of the Hongmeng, which is called the innate true enlightenment and true God."

""Transform" into Qi and meaning, into nothingness, the so-called"one". One is Tai Chi, the origin of all things. Those who follow the Qi, and the meaning is checked."

"The Hongmeng is continuous, thin, and general, as if there is nothing and no self. Called Hongmeng......"

"Chaos creates Wuji, Wuji transforms into Tai Chi, Tai Chi transforms into yin and yang, two rituals and four phenomena circulate......"

"Chaos gives birth to one, two gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, three gives birth to all things, and all things bear yin and embrace yang......."

"The Great Way uses heaven and earth as its oven, and all things are nourished and become the Way. Therefore, the Tao is impermanent and cannot be known without doing anything."

"The Tao is nameless, the mother of all things, and the beginning of heaven and earth......."

Hongjun preached, and for a while, in the Zixiao Palace, flowers were falling from the sky, golden lotuses surged from the ground, countless purple energy surged up, surrounded the hall, and a vision of a goddess scattering flowers appeared in the sky.

Countless innate auras and chaotic auras transformed into rare birds and animals. There were real dragons soaring in the sky, phoenixes dancing in the sky, unicorns roaring, cranes roaring, white tigers leaping, and redbirds roaring in the sky....

All these are indescribable, incalculable, and endless.

This is Hongmeng's sermon that opened up a number of kalpas. Hongjun preached and spread the Dharma to all heavens. From then on, there were sages who ruled the world. This is the number of days.

Therefore, it is possible to manifest such a vision.

Although there are visions in the sermons of Saint Hunyuan, they are definitely not like Hongjun's sermons.

As Hongjun's sermon deepened, the countless innate demon gods in Zixiao Palace were all immersed in the mysterious artistic conception at this moment.

Human immortals, earth immortals, heavenly immortals, true immortals, mysterious immortals, golden immortals, Taiyi golden immortals, and Daluo golden immortals were preached by Hongjun one after another.

A group of innate gods only felt that they had arrived in the unopened chaos.

The Tao has no realm, human beings and immortals are the Tao, Daluo Jinxian is the Tao, and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is also the Tao.

If it was Hongjun's sermon before, the great gods in Zixiao Palace could still understand it, at least most of it, but what Hongjun said next became more and more difficult.

This has nothing to do with realm or magical power, it only depends on the understanding of the great road.

The entire chaos is operating according to the laws of the Great Tao mentioned by Na Hongjun, and the guidance of the Tao.

They feel that the illusory road is right in front of them, within reach, but it seems to be far away in the horizon, unable to grasp it, unable to see clearly, and unable to see clearly. It's really hard to explain, and the way is unclear. It can only be understood, but cannot be expressed in words.

There are many monks with different performances. Those with profound blessings will be enlightened one by one after hearing the Tao, as if they suddenly have enlightenment and smile on their faces.

Especially the seven at the front are this type of people.

And those who are not blessed enough will sometimes cry loudly, sometimes be very sad, sometimes be overjoyed, sometimes laugh, and show all kinds of gestures.

This is the normal state of people who listen to the Tao in Zixiao Palace. If you can't understand it, you can't understand it. Even if you try to understand it by force, you will only harm yourself.

Taiyuan really didn't expect that the great road taught by Hongjun would be so mysterious, even when he understood it later, it was very difficult.

The other six people also had a hard time. Sanqing was better off, but it was Pangu Yuanshen who had better understanding.

But Nuwa, Jieyin, and Zhunti are a little worse. If they didn't have the support of great perseverance, they would be like other demon gods who listen to the sermon.

And continuing backwards, it is difficult for Sanqing to understand the great road taught by Hongjun.

Taiyuan frowned, and suddenly, the mysterious light of the third Taoist body among the three flowers of Qingyun flourished, causing Taiyuan's pressure to decrease suddenly.

It turns out that these three Taoist bodies can not only give Taiyuan more ways to defend against enemies, but they can also comprehend the Tao like the original deity.

The great avenue that was originally extremely difficult for Taiyuan to comprehend was actually able to be fully comprehended by Taiyuan with the help of the third Taoist body. This was something Taiyuan himself did not expect.

There are many types of Taoism taught by Hongjun, and everyone can only choose the one that suits them. Taiyuan also chose Wandao Guiliu because of his high cultivation level.

It was okay at first, but as time went on, Taiyuan became unbearable.

Fortunately, the third-generation Taoist body still has such wonderful uses.

Even Hongjun, who had always been calm and unfazed, took another look after seeing Taiyuan, the third generation of Dao.

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