Above Taiyuan's head, the infinite clouds of joy appeared, the Hongmeng broke through the chaos, the heaven and earth were first divided, the sun, moon and stars appeared, the earth, mountains, rivers and lakes, and then came the world-destroying vision, the world-destroying great mill turning, turning the world Destruction, return to chaos.

The five elements innately have no direction, the sacred tree of Jiamu in the east, the sacred fire of Bingding in the south, the Wuji Lotus in the center, the golden lotus of Gengxin in the west, and the sacred water of Renkui in the north, appear one after another.

Afterwards, it evolved into the four phenomena and returned to earth, water, wind and fire.

Yin and Yang develop from Tai Chi, Tai Chi merges into one, and after that, there is Wuji, Buzhou Sacred Mountain, God-killing Spear, and all kinds of strange phenomena, all in it. What Hongjun said was quickly absorbed by him and evolved on Taishang Wuji Qingyun. The vision was amazing.

After the three talents, there are Yin and Yang, Shaoyin and Shaoyang, Taiyin and Sun, light and darkness, life and death, creation and destruction, and various visions, all turned into Yin and Yang Taiji.

The four images were shattered, and the three talents emerged together. The three talents of heaven, earth, and man were juxtaposed. The three talents of the sun, moon, and stars traversed, transforming into stars and eternal universe.

The four elephants, water, fire and wind are raging, the sacred bird of Suzaku looks up to the sky and roars, the Southern Ming Lihuo fills the sky, the basalt beast holds the world with its four legs, the waves are overwhelming, the green dragon in the east soars into the clouds and rides on the mist, moves the clouds and spreads rain, the white tiger kills and breaks the chaos.

Everyone in the Zixiao Palace was extremely surprised when they saw the vision above Taiyuan Qingyun. They really didn't expect that Taiyuan had such a deep understanding of Tao. Just looking at his vision, it was impossible to tell what Taiyuan was doing. What kind of avenue is Tao?

In the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun had been preaching for 30,000 years unknowingly. Various realizations were revealed above the heads of the monks through visions. Among them, Taiyuan's vision was the most astonishing.

After that, there were Taishang, Yuanshi, Tongtian and others, followed closely by Nuwa, Jieyin, and Zhunti. As for the rest of the people in the hall, their understanding of the Great Way was not as good as the previous seven.

Next to Taiyuan is Taiqing Taishang Laojun. Three flowers appear above his head. Qingyun rolls. The black and yellow exquisite pagoda of heaven and earth stands among them. Among the three flowers, a coiled dragon and a crutch are dragged.

There are also two qi of yin and yang appearing, blending and flowing, but we can see the image of Wuji giving birth to Tai Chi, and from time to time they converge to form the appearance of the two rites and the great road.

There are also three golden lotuses on the top of Yuanshi's head. It is the appearance of the three flowers gathering on the top and the five qi facing the Yuan. There are three gems and jade Ruyi, the sun, the moon, the stars, the three talents of heaven, earth and man, and the way Pangu created the world.

There are also three golden lotuses on the top of Tongtian's head. It is the three flowers gathered on the top, and the five qi are facing the yuan. There is a group of green qi condensed into the shape of a sword, which changes impermanently. Above the Qingyun, the green sword and green lotus are rolling endlessly.

Nuwa condensed into a giant snake in a white mist and kept swimming. The mysterious light of creation appeared, and the path to Yin continued to flow. There was no spiritual treasure above the Qingyun above her head.

There is a piece of golden light above Jie Yin's head, with the image of a lotus appearing inside, a sense of compassion to save all sentient beings, a line of cause and effect, a sign of annihilation, and a compassion to save the world.

Obviously, Jie Yin also realized the boundless avenue and understood his own body, but he just didn't know how far his avenue was from the immortal Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

Above Zhunti's head, a huge golden bodhi tree appeared, with wisdom shining down, his eyes showing compassion, and there were all kinds of illusions, like a great dream for thousands of years, all showing the divine light of bliss.

The rest of the people also had their own visions of Qingyun, and their respective understandings were also revealed above Qingyun, but they were far inferior to the previous ones.

Different qualifications lead to different personal insights. In addition to the seven people on the futon, even some outstanding figures such as Dijun, Taiyi, Minghe, Zhen Yuanzi, Kunpeng, Hongyun, and the Twelve Ancestral Witches also have a lot of understanding.

Everyone was attracted by the sound of the great road and did not know the passage of time. It was not until Hongjun stopped preaching for a long time that everyone woke up.

"Thirty thousand years have passed, and this sermon has ended. After the Unitarian Church, the sermon will begin again."

"Hongmeng opened up, Hongjun preached, this is the number of days. I preached in Zixiao Palace three times, each time for 30,000 years"

"Now that the first lecture has ended, do you have any doubts?"

Hongjun looked at the people in Zixiao Palace with a calm face and said calmly.

As soon as he said this, everyone looked at me and I saw that you didn't know what to say.

Hongjun has been preaching for 30,000 years, and he can completely Taiyuan was the only one who listened to all the 30,000-year-old Dao.

Even the Sanqing Dynasty withdrew from it after listening to it for more than 20,000 years.

What Hongjun said was really too profound, even if it has the legacy of Pangu, and After attaining the status of Hunyuan Golden Immortal, he still could not finish listening to the Great Dao.

Taiyuan also relied on the assistance of the three generations of Taoism, coupled with his own Tao Xuan, so that he could completely listen to the 30,000-year Great Dao.

Now Hongjun Asked if they had any doubts, everyone didn't know what to say for a while.

After all, there were too many doubts, and we couldn't let Hongjun answer them one by one.

"Dare I ask the teacher, what is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?"After all, the Supreme Being couldn't hold back, and took the lead to ask respectfully.

Hongjun's sermon was all-inclusive, and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian also talked about it.

However, the Supreme Being was still too far away from Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and the essence of it could not be understood..

Hongjun said calmly:"Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is also called Hunyuan Saint or Saint. Saint is the lord of Hunyuan. He is indestructible in all calamities and untainted by cause and effect. The sage does nothing, so he has no defeat, so he has no loss."

"A single thought can lead to billions of time and space. He controls the infinite heavens. Wherever the Tao exists, the saint can reach it. Every move of the saint is the embodiment of the Tao."

"Things may move or follow; they may look at or blow; they may be strong or weak; they may carry or die. Therefore, the sage eliminates extremes, luxury, and tai."

"As soon as the thought moves, there will be changes in the way of heaven. It is infinite and limitless. It has no birth and no death. It returns to the quiet void. It can be gathered and dispersed. It transcends time and space. Cause and effect do not touch the body. It swims outside things. It is not based on the reincarnation of time and space. It exists forever."

"The saint understands all things and the vast world. He sees the past, present and future with his eyes, and plays time and space, birth and death, and reincarnation in his palms."

"Therefore, saints and Tao coexist, and they are invincible to all calamities and all laws are immortal. Even if the heavens are destroyed and chaos and chaos reopen, saints will not be affected at all."

"Even countless calamities are nothing more than a chess game to a saint."

"Therefore, all the saints are ants!"

Although Hongjun said it calmly, everyone took a breath of cold air, especially the saints. They were all ants, which shocked them. Everyone here is a person with great supernatural powers. Who is willing to do that, even if it is a great person? Yuan Zai was shocked when he heard what Hongjun said about the Hunyuan Saint.

The Saint is so terrifying....

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