
Chapter 301

Only with such a back view could it be possible to confuse the fake with the real one in the sea of ​​blood winding seal formation.

This is indeed Xia Qiao, before he changed back.

It's just that I don't know what he has experienced and what he dreamed about, so people can't get close.

Before Bu Ning could touch him, his hand was cut by the sharp blade spreading all over his body. Bright red blood oozed out immediately. Zhang Biling whispered from the side: "Be careful!"

This time, Bu Ning did not move away from the sideways, but against the sharp edge, put one hand on the back of Xia Qiao's heart, and patted Xia Qiao's forehead with the other hand, leaning over and whispering: "Xia Qiao , this is Songyun Mountain."

This sentence seemed to be transmitted directly to the heart along the palm of his hand, Xia Qiao's whole body shook, his fingers covering his head were tense, and his veins were exposed.

The next moment, he opened his eyes.

"You are in Songyun Mountain, no one can offend you here." Bu Ning said again.

He is not like Zhou Xu who often speaks with a loud voice. His tone is very low, and his speech speed is not fast, with a bit of elegance, which is the most soothing at this time.

Xia Qiao grabbed his hand with such strength that it could almost break Zhou Xu's bones.

Bu Ning could bear it, but Zhou Xu couldn't stand it any longer, and shouted, "Oh shit, take it easy, I'm fucking made of meat—"

While talking, Xia Qiao has turned over.

His temples were covered in cold sweat, his hair was disheveled, his eyes were half covered, and his gaze towards everyone was scattered. It seemed that so many things flooded into his mind that he couldn't tell whether he was dreaming or waking up for a while.

At that moment, he felt a little strange to others.

Zhou Xu's painful cry got stuck halfway, he stared at him for a long time, and called out hesitantly: "...Xia Qiao? Are you... still Xia Qiao? Do you still recognize anyone?"

Seeing Xia Qiao's silence, Zhou Xu panicked a little. He pointed his free hand at his chest, "I, Zhou Xu! It was Bu Ning who was talking to you just now, and my mother—"

He pointed back at Zhang Biling, and added as if remembering something: "Oh yes, and your brother! When your brother heard it, he was in the room on the top of the mountain, but he hasn't woken up yet."

I don't know if it's because Zhou Xu's thick, quacking male duck voice is so recognizable, or because Xia Qiao finally let go of Wen Shi's name after hearing Wen Shi's name.

He sat cross-legged on the couch, bowed his body and buried his face in his palms, as if he was slowly digesting everything.

Zhou Xu got close and saw the side of his face moving slightly, his lips slightly opened and closed. It seems to be repeating everyone's name——

Wen Shi, Zhou Xu, Bu Ning...

Zhou Xu quietly breathed a sigh of relief—it's okay, at least it's not so confusing that no one recognizes it.

He was trying to hear more clearly, when suddenly he heard Xia Qiao say, "Where is... my grandfather?"

Zhou Xu was taken aback.

This question was very low, hoarse as if whispering to himself, with a feeling of bewilderment, it was the most Xia Qiao's tone. But Zhou Xu didn't dare to accept it.

He turned his head and looked at Zhang Biling, not knowing how to answer.

There was silence in the room, and after a long time, Xia Qiao said to himself in the palm of his hand: "Oh..."

Grandpa is gone.

It was as if he had been in a stupor for three days and three nights, and walked the whole thousand-year journey again, until he finally came to the end after uttering these two sentences.

"Xiaoxia..." Zhang Biling walked over with a worried face.

Zhou Xu had bruises on his wrists, and after hesitating for two seconds, he patted his shoulder: "Xia Qiao, you... are you okay?"

Xia Qiao rubbed his face vigorously, and finally lowered his hands.

He didn't look up, but Zhou Xu saw that the tip of his nose was red, and his eyes must not be much better.

These details are all familiar shadows, the Xia Qiao they have always known. Zhou Xu finally relaxed. Just as he was about to say, "You scared us to death just now", Xia Qiao's body tensed again, and he raised his head and asked, "Where is... my brother?"

When he said "my brother", he hesitated for a moment, as if he suddenly didn't know what to call him better, but in the end he chose the name he was most familiar with.

"Are you stupid?" Zhou Xu was caught out of the conditioned reflex. When he saw him standing up straight, he held his wrist and took half a step back, for fear that he would deny him again. "I just told you that your brother is in the room on the top of the mountain. I haven't woken up yet."

Xia Qiao frowned, with a hesitant expression.

It was Zhang Biling who saw his intention: "Do you need to find him for something?"

Bu Ning finally asked in this gap: "What did you remember?"

There are some things that the authorities are obsessed with. When I heard it, the spirit was too fragmented, maybe I couldn't remember exactly what the purpose of releasing this puppet was, I just remembered that it was to deceive Chen.

But after all, Bu Ning grew up with Wen Shi, so he knows this junior's behavior all too well.

In his opinion, no matter how vague the consciousness of Wen Shi under the sealing formation is, the puppet released will not be a blank sheet of paper, nothing will happen.

It must have been something that happened later.

Sure enough, Xia Qiao was stunned for a while, then lowered his eyes: "... I was released by my brother to lead the way."

"Leading the way? Where is the way?"

Xia Qiao stared at his hands: "The way to seal the formation..."

Every puppet knows why he came to this world. They have a spiritual connection with the puppet master, and from the moment they open their eyes, they know what they want to do, even better than the puppet master himself.

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