
Chapter 302

For the puppet masters, it is a flash of subconsciousness, but for them it is the reason for existence.

When Xia Qiao turned his back on Chen Buhe and Wen Shi, from the moment he walked out of the sealing formation, he knew that one day he would come back——

Everything behind will be trapped in a cage and hidden in dust. The person who peeled off the ghost image did not know whether he would live or die.

So he kept Xia Qiao.

Even if he forgets, is gone, and his body returns to dust, there is still a soul who remembers for him. There is still a cage in this world, and there is someone he wants to keep in the cage.

If one day, someone can free the person in the cage from the mud and return to freedom, there will be Xia Qiao who can guide him.

Only Xia Qiao knew the way back.

"Then how did you become what you were later?" Zhang Biling questioned after hearing Xia Qiao's words, "When I first saw you, you were still young."

In fact, it's not just about being young, Zhang Biling put it mildly.

At that time, Xia Qiao was small and shy, so inconspicuous among the crowd. Almost everyone knows that this child can't learn anything, just like a piece of paper that can't be painted on, it's blank.

Who can connect such a person with Wen Shi Patriarch's puppet?

Xia Qiao was silent for a while, and said, "Because there are many people staring at me."

Of course, Wen Shi's puppet can't be a blank sheet of paper. The original Xia Qiao actually knows many things and is stronger than many people. But he is a puppet after all, and a "ownerless" puppet.

From the moment when Wen Shi peeled off his spirit form, the one who is connected with Xia Qiao's spirit has changed from the puppet master himself to the cage.

In other words, the connection between him and Wen Shi was broken.

At that time, Wen Shi would not have anticipated what would happen later, when he released Xia Qiao, he wanted the puppet to return to Songyun Mountain.

But then Songyun Mountain disappeared.

So Xia Qiao came to this world alone.

No matter how strong this kind of puppet is, it also has a weakness - once it is caught by someone with ulterior motives, it can change hands.

That sealed place is both frightening and infinitely attractive to many people, after all, there is a body of a half-celestial being that cannot be seen in the dust.

In the past thousand years, too many people wanted to find it.

Those people may not know that Xia Qiao is the guide, but they still want to control him. After all, he was the only living creature that came out of the sealing formation.

"Did someone arrest you?" Zhou Xu couldn't help but ask.


"Someone..." Zhou Xu still wanted to ask, but couldn't continue.

Although he knows limited things, he has heard too many true and false stories. He knew that if someone wanted to get something from a puppet, they would do everything they could. After all, in the eyes of most people, even if a puppet looks like a living person, it is not a real person.

He suddenly understood why the sleeping Xia Qiao would attack everyone who approached. But he doesn't really want to understand how many things a person has encountered to form such an instinct.

The room suddenly fell silent.

It might be that Zhou Xu and Zhang Biling's expressions were too heavy, Xia Qiao looked up at them, and said again: "...Actually, it hasn't been long."

"Huh?" Zhou Xu didn't react.

Xia Qiao: "I mean... that kind of day actually didn't last long."

He paused, omitting the things that entangled him in the nightmare, and said: "I couldn't take it anymore, I was afraid that once the owner changed, I would say something that shouldn't be said under control, or bring people who shouldn't be brought Going to the sealing formation, I just... just moved myself a little bit."

Zhou Xu stared at him in a daze: "Are you playing tricks?"

He puts the accent on the word "dot".

Anyone who has seen Xia Qiao's "blank paper" appearance knows that he has not tampered with it, he has directly crippled himself.

Even Bu Ning couldn't help opening his mouth: "You are really..."

It's really my junior brother's puppet.

Even if the connection was broken at the beginning, some things still come down in one continuous line. His method is exactly the same as that of Wen Shi who stripped himself of his spiritual form.

One is to save people, and the other is not to harm people.

"Then did you hide in the end?" Zhou Xu asked.

"Hiding away." Xia Qiao said.

He not only turned himself into a blank, but also changed his appearance. For an extremely long period of time, he has always looked like a child, wandering around unknown streets and alleys. He no longer remembered who he was, where he came from, and where he was going, but instinctively avoided all kinds of strangers.

He is very sensitive to smells, places and people, as if he was born with a spirit. He imprisoned himself in an inconspicuous body, until one day he met Shen Qiao in the street.

The old man once said to him, "I am destined to be with you, and I want to see you grow up."

He asked again later, "Why is there a fate?"

The old man said: "The day I saw you, I had a dream. I dreamed that I was a blue bird flying out of the woods, wandering around the mountains for a long time, looking for my family."

He asked, "And then?"

The old man said: "Then I found you."

He didn't know why he avoided everyone, but he was not afraid of Shen Qiao. But from that day on, he had a home. Someone wanted to see him grow up, so he began to try to grow up, releasing himself from that shell bit by bit.

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