Panther Commando

Chapter 1316: out of crisis

Snowflakes shot by bullets erupted from time to time beside the armed police soldiers on the hillside. Several figures were rolling down the opposite hillside, apparently being hit by bullets from the top of the mountain and rolled out. A smear of bright red blood. %

Behind the hidden objects on the hillside, two shadows were running fast, rushing towards the top of the mountain with quick movements. Judging from the figure, it was obviously his teammates Zhang Wa and Xiaoya. A small white animal was approaching the top of the mountain, and the bullets from the top of the mountain on both sides were hitting the snow beside them from time to time.

Cheng Ru was dressed sloppily, with a worried look on his face. The situation is extremely critical now. If you don't suppress the opponent's firepower as soon as possible, the brothers below will be in danger!

The violent running just now had made Cheng Ru's face dripping with sweat. He didn't care to wipe the sweat off his eyelashes. Aim for the top of the mountain. He must fire as soon as possible to provide fire support for the brethren pinned in the Col.

Just when Cheng Ru was just aiming at the opposite top of the mountain, there were a few "smack, slap" sounds from the tree in front of him, and the tree swayed violently a few times, and the large pieces of snow on the canopy suddenly fell down. When it fell, several hot winds flew from both sides of the tree one after another, and a string of bullets flew from both sides of the tree with the whistling sound of piercing the air.

Obviously, the enemy on the top of the mountain has spotted Cheng Ru's fast-moving figure, and immediately turned his gun and swept a shuttle to the place where he was invisible.

At the same time, there were several rapid firing sounds on the hillside behind Cheng Ru. The gunshots of Wen Meng and Wu Xueying's counterattack also sounded, and the gunshots on the top of the mountain disappeared immediately.

A layer of snow fell on Cheng Ru's body and the raised sniper rifle in an instant, but his body did not move at all, his eyes were wide open and staring at the scope on the gun, carefully aiming at the dark shadow on the opposite hill. Pulled the trigger.

There was a flash of fire at the gun's muzzle, and there was a light "pop" in the gun body. The black shadow on the opposite hill trembled abruptly. Following the location, a red blood mist rose, and the surrounding snow-white snow covered it. Immediately sprinkled with bright red color, very eye-catching.

After Cheng Ru pulled the trigger, he quickly moved the pan and aimed at the second shadow. At this time, the other shadow had already found that his partner was shot, and immediately realized that the other party's sniper had aimed at them. He reacted quickly and rolled at the ambush site on the side of the mountain, and rolled quickly towards the side of the hill.

Cheng Ru moved the muzzle and followed the opponent's figure closely. Just when the opponent rolled from the ground and wanted to run down the top of the mountain as quickly as possible, he gently pulled the trigger.

"Pfft", as his gun body trembled slightly, a red flash suddenly floated from the side of the shadow on the top of the mountain, followed by a white snowflake on the snow in front. The other party stumbled a bit, then continued to fly out, and disappeared from the top of the opposite mountain in a blink of an eye.

At this moment, two loud explosions suddenly sounded on the hillside in front of Chengru, and the hillside trembled violently, followed by a hot wind with the fragments and gravel of the grenade, whistling where Chengru was. The tree flew over on both sides. And the sound of gunfire followed on the hillside below him, and several bullets roared towards the top of the mountain.

At this time, Cheng Ru has already handed over all his safety to Wen Meng and Wu Xueying behind him, and they will definitely provide fire cover for him! Wen Meng's sniper rifle and Wu Xueying's automatic rifle on the hillside were enough to suppress the firepower that attacked him on the top of the mountain. Under the accurate muzzle of the sniper, Wen Meng, no one dared to shoot down the hillside continuously from the top of the mountain.

And judging from the firelight shot from the top of the mountain, there are not many enemies on the top of the mountain on both sides, but they only occupy favorable terrain and suppress their own people in the col.

With the explosion of two grenades resounding in front of Cheng Ru, the gunshots that sounded like fried beans in the mountains suddenly stopped. Only the faint echoes still echoed in the mountains in the distance. , there have been pieces of rocks and scorched earth blackened by the explosion, and patches of bright red blood have been revealed on the white snow on the slopes on both sides.

Cheng Ru turned his face to look at the side of the hillside, and saw two figures rushing towards the top of the mountain. A small figure with red light had already appeared on the opposite top of the hill. Obviously, Xiaobai had already rushed to the top of the hill. The figure behind It should be Xiaoya and Zhang Wa. About 100 meters behind them, seven or eight armed police soldiers are also rushing towards the top of the mountain.

The sound of gunfire on the top of the mountain stopped abruptly, indicating that the enemy had suddenly stood up and evacuated. They obviously saw the effect of Chengru's side sniping, and at the same time found that several figures in the col that moved towards the top of the mountain like lightning had super combat effectiveness.

Being able to use various concealed objects on the hillside to move up quickly in the rain of bullets shot at the top of the mountain is obviously not the combat effectiveness of the armed police below. At the same time, the enemy on the top of the mountain found two snipers on the side slope, which had to make them feel afraid. So they quickly withdrew from the fight, and before leaving, threw two grenades at the position of the sniper closest to the top of the mountain, preventing him from quickly ascending the top of the mountain.

Cheng Ru understood the situation, looked up at the top of the mountain, then turned around and waved to Wen Meng and Wu Xueying behind him, and suddenly jumped out from behind the tree and ran towards the top of the mountain.

The three quickly climbed to the top of the and immediately threw themselves behind a few rocks at the top of the mountain. Cheng Ru knelt down on one knee with a gun and swept the top of the mountain, and then quickly ran towards the opposite mountain. From the footprints of the enemy left on the snow, he saw that the opponent ran down the hill from this direction. At this time, Wen Meng and Wu Xueying also quickly occupied the other side of the mountain with their guns, providing warning to the comrades who rushed up from the mountain.

Cheng Ru rushed to the opposite mountain, immediately crouched down behind a rock, raised his sniper rifle and looked down the mountain, then raised the muzzle to look into the distance. Sure enough, four fast-running figures immediately appeared in the sniper scope, and the distance was already two kilometers away.

Cheng Ru coldly stared at the figure of the fast-running enemy for a while, then turned his gun to look at the top of the mountain opposite the col. The black shadow of the wolf stripe that was running up the hillside just now has occupied the highest point of the top of the mountain.

Cheng Ru took a closer look through the scope, and the two shadows on the opposite side were Zhang Wa and Xiaoya, and the top of the mountain also climbed a few armed police soldiers one after another. He then turned the muzzle to scan the surroundings and saw that there was no enemy figure again, then put down the sniper rifle and turned around and walked towards the center of the top of the mountain.

As he walked towards the center of the mountaintop, he commanded into the microphone: "Captain Zheng, immediately send people to occupy the tops on both sides of the mountain to guard."

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